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Overcoming barriers to be successful in life! | Jasmine Xie | TEDxYouth@CISB

now this may sound like a mean our task
and you might think what does this have
to do with helping me be so light but
think about it this way if you can wake
up every morning at 6:00 a.m. then you
get a one hour head start from somebody
who wakes up at 7 a.m. put this into
perspective you have an extra three
hundred and sixty five hours to use in a
year than those who don’t wake up at
that time because of one good habit how
many of you think you have at least one
good baby habit okay a few something
plentiful in the room now notice how I
use key word good habit habits
according to Charles decade author of
the bestseller the power cabbage are the
decisions that we deliberately made at
some point stop thinking about but
continue doing nevertheless and often
every day and here’s the interesting
thing about habits the more positive
habit to build the easier it will get
Charles to take some lies that once you
build a good habit it will trickle into
your life this is also why if you
exercise often you’re more likely to eat
come here now don’t get me wrong I’m not
a psychologist in fact I am a millennial
entrepreneur I owned a creative talent
and production agency based here in
Beijing and in London we represent
creative talent such as fashion
photographers studio very action work
and be in the audience and we also
create commercials
experiences and events for brands now
entrepreneurs have to face a lot of
challenges day to day basis so it’s very
important for them to have a very
positive mindset now it’s important
positive mindset because you need to
know how to overcome the barriers that
are placed in front of you and so I have
built the habit of giving myself one
dose of personal inspiration every day
by reading one biography of a successful
individuals who I admire and from my
reading I realize a pattern that all the
successful individuals is books I have
read how about this one
good daily habit let me break it down
for you you Lamba Oh CEO space like that
had blood organized this is an entire
day and five-minute blog so you can
practices early morning yoga and
meditation everyday to help her feel
balanced throughout the day Mark
Zuckerberg CEO of Facebook wears the
same t-shirt hat and hoodie every day to
minimize the amount of day to day
decisions he needs to make in order to
make room for the more important ideas
how he does it I don’t know Richard
Branson founder of the Virgin Group
wakes up at 5:00 a.m. every morning to
swim kite surf or play tennis to get an
extra four hours of productivity from
regular exercise Warren Buffett CEO of
Berkshire Hathaway sent 80% of its day
reading and in fact he read around six
hundred to a thousand pages a day at the
start of investment career Phil Knight
founder Nike he would run a few miles
every day to give him some time to step
back reflect before moving ahead and
last but not least Steve Jobs co-founder
and former chairman of Apple would wake
up every morning make his bed shower
then look himself in the mirror and ask
if today was the last day of
would I be happy with what I’m about to
do that the answer was no too many days
in a row than who knew that something
needed to change I didn’t steal this
from you dr. sagitta I promise we all
like Google now establishing habits not
only creates other good habits but a
most importantly teaches self
accountability and perseverance to start
a habit you have to actively
initiate there and then persevere to
maintain it and this is the same
mentality that one needs to overcome
your challenges in order to reach a goal
now for example an habit that I have
built is to try to be never late to
meeting and this definitely doesn’t
always happen my business partners I
but my attempt at solidifying this habit
makes sure that you know even on the
days when I’m sad because my company’s
lost a bid to a major project maybe I
still make it to my meetings on time or
try to make it to my meetings on time
this not only leaves a good impression
on the other person
who by the way it might well be a future
client but it also makes sure that I am
constantly moving forward no matter what
challenges I have or happy now there’s a
Chinese idiom that keeps us across very
simply full stop
let’s change it could you stop change
that which means if you can’t even sweep
the snow away from your doorstep how do
you pave a road for yourself in the
similarily let’s be honest none of us
want to wake up early in the morning
because our beds are still warm and
comfortable while the real world is not
so much but if you can’t wake up early
in the morning I promise you you are
more likely to overcome your barriers
and succeed than those who do not even
if it’s by simply getting a head start
to your day there is a reason why some
of the most successful people in the
all have good it’s because the power of
a good habit no matter how small can go
a very long way just like Aristotle said
we are what we repeatedly do excellent then is not an act but I
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