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Olho do tempo: tecendo vidas e sonhos | Mestra Doci | TEDxJoaoPessoa

It’s good afternoon for afternoon and evening.
blessing to those who have a blessing and I
I’m a Bahian person born there
by chance, because I am from the time of
stork and the stork said he should
should stay there because the law is to
Mass and when I grow up if I
sought a good place to live and
Today I picked a person and here I am.
and I’m the daughter of Mrs. Jacira with your
a family who lived in
I do not know if you know they are alleged
houses on the water and people
walk on the bridges and it was there that
I learned to walk and I studied in my
mother had this concern and that
poor has to dream
The poor man has to study and I studied
but one day I ‘m the first one
of eight children
one day my mother in the moment of gas
that every mother who values ​​herself has
told me that I liked to read
too much and poor can not dream
poor has needs
she was right only that I impact
because she said that she had to study
to be a person of life and the same
time I could not read my books I went
look for my father and he advised me that
I should but first I should think
better about my mother’s speech, I
I sat and wrote
I made a plan of life that I did not know
It was a time when I was
during which time the child does not complain
mother or father listens to curl
closed the subject
I wrote and put this information
and entered within that book that I
I was reading and I’ve been trying to get out of
my solution
My father helped me and I went
solve the problem of my
mother who was a financial problem and
I continued my life I studied and studied
I studied and cut my father’s hair
barber at the time and I learned the art
to cut hair and went with that money
that I stayed, I kept my dream of
My mother and my brothers
one day I was given a role at school where
I studied and taught in this role
a lot of money
It’s the traditional one about the check and I
I sat down on the big field that
It’s a place I really liked .
reflect and decide that with that
money I was going to transform my life
went to the bus station
I found a young man sitting there is a
dispatcher and I asked him what
the calmer place of the northeast he said
what was joão pessoa
here it was so quiet that it only had two
Bus and leave Brazil and tell them there.
that I go
I bought my ticket and went home.
to tell my mother that
It was easier for my father, but I
I was raised by my grandmother was my
grandmother who gave me the great teachings
of my life when I thought of myself as
a moment of what my mother says
Good reading for God’s love, my grandmother.
said calm down
the human being does not choose where I was born
This is a god thing, it is not disputed.
but the human being chooses where he is going to die
This is the man’s and the woman ‘s
With that phrase I earned my life.
ig the lives of many people
I came to João Pessoa and took care of the
I was the owner of the crown pinch of a
Day I read by opening my
books and I found the phrase while I
I think I wrote at age 13
poor can dream yes and with that role
in hand
I reminded my mother helen of my return.
whole in front of me
she always led with words
beautiful a great wise and I got
this role said now is the time of and in
search for my dream because I know how to deal
with child this is my best
and the bigger is where I realize myself and there the
that I had I had some with the
my goods I joined that I am not
a person spent on the edge of a person
stop then who is not stopped spend
not only does it spend whoever walks
go and take this is that paper
and rewrote my life
I consulted some close friends.
and decided that I would sell everything I put together
until then because he did not belong to me
that was the result of a challenge one
good challenge plus a challenge
was going to build a place where kids
that of my age group of my
of my economic part could dream
and might also have needs
because the dream when it is allied
with need is one of the most
beautiful things that exist in life because
big tree tips its leaves to
your feet and sometimes in levo is of the
other right it turns on its
nutrient and so I did it all
I consulted my most serious friends
but it is a decision made
I searched for this place called Gramme
I did not know many of you did not
knows and there I found a space where
build a beautiful space to dream about
It’s good, I was and I am often
on those straw-filled mattresses
It’s not but it’s good to dream that
hot dog lets the good thing e
I wrist with these people these my
friends build in this space where today
inhabits 120 children who do not have
in the criteria to enter the truth
the entire school process was
built from them
who arrived first that the girl is good
therefore – he came to spy and asks the
What is this because this
Boy is not ashamed that he has
shame we are adults we think
but we do not talk and we think and do not
we talk and we get our heads
chez and the body full of things not
good right
but that does not have it and was entering the
the 1st in the second the 3rd
and together we build the
live eye school of time which is what the
people do since
he’s back today do
some things just improved the
every year
I think it perfects but the objective
of this space
It’s nothing more than making people
to dream
sometimes people ask me ‘you
I’m taking the kid out of drugs, not me.
No, I can not. I do not have this.
to take anyone away from the
I have the competence to show
they that he is a handsome human being
powerful and that he can leave if he
the history of humanity there to prove
no one takes anything from anyone
transformation as my grandmother would say
always she is here inside of me
my grandmother told me in my moments of
despair when I had eight children
will answer
she said transformation is inside
you cry is good is good but does not serve
that serves smile at the diversity
We need to smile your smile that does not
allows us to take a step ahead of
tears in pacca because they turbo
our eyes and so continue with took
my walk while sealing my
whole life and today we have this space
of dreaming
of dreaming through the music of dreaming
through the percussion of dreaming
through the dance of dreaming through
A Good Dream Farm Book Using
those machines of the technologies and thus
if the learning is forgiven the
learning life as a teacher only
I graduated in letters I did mine.
which was my letter of
I had to tell my
Mom and I are you, my daughter .
time that the woman leaves the indicated for
to marry or to study them, my mother
I was going to study
studied have Masters here john
person and I sent my mom my the
my certificate so she can
would calm
it’s not because a mother likes to cry
much when the child goes there or goes
Mother, do not you think this gift?
even having eight children is missing
damn right
along my walk I learned
importance of the hug to the importance
of being together another one the importance
power does not need and does not need
To know the name of this girl, she is so
human as me and you only get
near her to talk
we proved the day always todinho
to know that I am called the dossier
she’s called sniper name book no
need the important thing is the warmth
that we are losing because this
machine today that we use with everyone
the days all hours
So we’re splitting up there at school.
the boys already know that they go to school
and the machine in the box is a place
machine all morning all afternoon
whole is for us to join
to play
What kind of kid’s play is it?
joking that we learn by joking
that we learn to be working
our sorrows our sorrows
life is joking
It’s no use talking serious with a child.
what child does not listen child listens
the joke
and that throughout my life I’ve learned
that’s how my brothers educated
joking has a lot of diversity
Let’s play hard with her because
to live is to play
according to my grandmother there is no food
Let’s play because the food looks and
she seems like a joke but she
seems to be a question only of how the
people of our hearts and
especially our mind because it
which lies all our girth for
That’s why we do not use our
that if we used our
The Bible Our life would be better because
our mind is treacherous as it was said
My grandmother, my grandmother, thinks with
head for a long time and not
understand what it is to think with your head and
She told me exactly how she betrayed.
so if you hear something from someone
think first what you are
doing with your life so that the other
pinched or because you are
standing there in that place received a
pinch then before you fight back
a pinch thinks she thinks she thinks
was right throughout my life the
My friends say that I have
a cold blood but does not have a blood
I have hot blood I only think I
I only use this brand that has here
head and arms to hug and
embrace the world, yes, because the world is
A person
The world is a person today. I’m full.
but the world is just one person each
The child that comes near me is the
world and this world is about this world
and we need to bow that people
It curves a little, we give a lot of
luck to the children many orders and
We need people to talk to our people.
children to wake up within
the child that exists within us
drink and walk with his head on the ground and
feet in the sky
But the cat on this earth is the mother of God.
putting an end to hope
was also the paper lifts are each
It is with the calculation until here waiting
in access to say small like that
I am
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