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Never Trust Good Advice | Ergin Özdemir | TEDxHarveyStreet

only a couple of months ago I have
finished and published these two books
my first two books in that process and I
look back to my life I’ve discovered
among so many other things my own
superpower it struck me that many of the
decisions I made the choices I made in
my life they were not several grounded
they were taken in the moment and some
of them were strange at best the
decisional choices meant moving to new
places to new cities and new countries
where I at least start my life over
again and again yes again in those
places I met people most of them just
can buy some I crushed into leaving
dance and imperfections some became
amazing friends and connections our
personalities are the sum of all the
connections you and I made from the days
we were born until this moment we are
sharing here now your personality is the
sum of all the connections you made from
the day you were born until today this
moment here and now I turn to my
connections when I did their guidance
their predictions and advices I never
committed to listen to me I never do
their best to protect the best outcome
for me I know they would give me their
most valuable advice so how does the
journey start in a small remote town in
northeastern Turkey and lead me to
Hudsonville Michigan when I was 11 years
old my family decided to move from this
small town to Istanbul Turkey’s and won
our third largest cities a few years
later I
graduated as a petroleum engineer deeper
military service as an officer of the
Turkish army for two years as a
translator and I came back my father
said son you and I you’re gonna have a
talk and I’m giving you my best advice
he said sit down son
and I did he said then it’s time for you
to get a job a real job
it’s time for you to start a family it’s
time for some grandchildren for us it’s
time for you to be an adult and he said
he had a connection one of his friends
who could help me to get a job as an
engineer he said I made an appointment
for you I said thank you a few days
later I put my nicest clothes on I got
shade now looking sharp and looking good
I went to this appointment and went to
the reception I got my visitor’s badge
waited in reception for a while there
and then things didn’t feel right I
decided to ignore my father’s advice
I left my badge at the reception without
saying anything and just left out left
the building
now I could breathe but I couldn’t go
back home my father would probably kill
me a man not literally but almost so I
went to the neighbor park near nearby
park and sat down on a bench and tried
to figure out what my next move was I
didn’t know but then I realized I had
one of my own connections a schoolmate
who’s running a hotel in southwest
Turkey I gave him a call I said listen
can I stay with you for a few days until
my father you know if he comes down he
says sure you’re welcome my theater was
much longer than I thought only a couple
of weeks later he IV decided to start a
travel agency business I worked as a
tour guide for a few years and as an
Operations Manager for many years
we were rollin river in our mid-twenties
we knew how the world write it against
all odds we did really really well
during this time I met this beautiful
strong European girl whom I fell in love
it she was brave
maybe stupid enough to say yes to my
proposal we got married and I moved to
her country in my new country I started
applying for jobs immediately I
discovered very quickly that is a
petroleum engineer I basically had zero
chance to get a job so I went to the
unemployment office and tell them listen
I need a job
they told me and I’m quoting people like
you haven’t don’t have a chance here you
should just go back where you come from
frustrated or disappointed as I was
living the unemployment office I got
this paper where they have the job on a
sponsor this is 1994 there is the
internet yet everything is posted on
this you know paper I got back home my
wife asked how is it how was it though
it was awful
I need it desperately a job to pay the
mortgage to put some decent food on the
table I needed money to buy diapers for
our newly born daughter as I was
checking the papers I saw this ad it’s a
system programming I asked mark can you
translate this she said it’s an
education to be a system programmer I
said yes where is it yeah it’s gonna
take you some time said she said you’re
gonna take in need to take the bus did a
train on the bus which I did towards
later I was in the school straight to
the principal’s office and asked them
can I start this course and they in the
office they say the course started two
weeks ago said no problem I’ll catch up
and then you need to make sure that your
tuition fee is paid by your county of
residence okay and then they said this
is going to probably take a few weeks
for you I decided ignore that prediction
said that listen I’ll be back soon
wait for me what I did was take the bus
the trend of us back today back to where
I live I went to the county hall found
this clerk and told her listen I can
start this course tomorrow right away
and she says you know what this is not
the things work out here you send your
papers they look at it and if you think
it’s okay you’re gonna have an answer
maybe in three to four weeks I was
frustrated but I had the conscious
enough to also ignore this advice so I
sat down the author office and told her
listen I’m gonna sit here outside office
until I get that paper from you I said
for half an hour nothing was happening
an hour two hours nothing was happening
but suddenly she comes out with the
paper it’s done I checked my clock I
still have time what do I do
take the bus in the train the bus back
to the school it’s almost closing time I
found the principal I said listen can I
start this course not they say yes I had
one last question can I take this
courses and exams in English they said
no it should be in the native language
and when you think of it is really smart
and wise advice but I said no ignoring
also that’s good advice
I’ll manage it the day after at 8
o’clock in the morning I was in my class
meeting my new classmates and my
teachers and I understood nothing in
less than a year I learned the language
and got my graduation and I was ready
for the Swedish labor market I started
applying for jobs again in less than six
months I applied for 600 jobs if you
think of it it’s like hundred jobs per
month 25 per week five jobs qualify jobs
per day for every day for six months and
nothing was happening again but one day
one week I was invited to three
you know what I was offered of this tree
one through three and three yes I was
offered all three jobs luckily for me I
have chosen to work for the telco
companies a technician
I was hired as a temp first and if I did
a good job of it be permanent six weeks
into my assignment my managers cause as
I listen I need to see you right away
I thought I was doing a good job so I
was kind of worried that he was going to
see me after only six weeks I was like
oh my god that was gonna so he comes in
in the donee says listen let’s go sit in
the meeting room this is serious I said
okay there you go
I blew it he says your team leader is
going for a vacation to Paulie for three
weeks I was like wow cool I said but
thinking what is do anything with me he
says somebody needs to step in somebody
needs to take charge when he well he’s
away still I mean I’m the latest
addition to the team I’m still attempt I
know nothing about the working culture
of this new new country I just worked
for six six weeks and he says you are
the most qualified person for this job I
have decided to ignore my own advice and
said thank you for your confidence I
will do my best
I guess I must have done a good job
because in less than six months I was
offered to be the team leader in less
than a year I was the Service Desk
manager in less than two years I was the
regional manager for the whole company
a few years and management positions
later I was offered to join a company as
a senior partner it was my time to be an
entrepreneur again that was my chance
yes it felt good so it’s my resignation
right away I get three months notice
only a month later I got a phone call
from my wife she says the tests are
positive yes
it’s breast cancer I was in shock
but I remember telling her you know what
you’re gonna make it you know what we’re
gonna make it am i driving home in the
evening the only thing I was thinking of
what I was gonna tell to our kids
how did breakin is like that the day
after a madman I met my manager a voice
strong leader and she says you know what
again you need some safety and security
in your life if that’s okay with you
I can you can withdraw your resignation
you can stay Wow I was and I still am
thankful literally thankful for that
offer which are also inside the ignore I
said thank you for the offer but I think
I’ll just go ahead with my decision and
I did the coming years was really hard
I’ve worked as a full-time IT management
consultant and as a CEO for this new
company we were growing according your
business plans
my wife was declared in full health
after six years of treatment and
today at 52 years two years of age and I
look back to my life I am thankful and
grateful for all my connections or all
their valuable advices but I’m most
grateful to fund my own superpower which
is to ignore the advice and the
predictions when it didn’t really feel
right for me and to trust that with
determination with discipline with
courage I could overcome anything life
threw at me let me share with you a few
other predictions from human history
everything that can be invented has been
invented says charge h2o
it was the Commissioner for the years of
his patents in 1899 luckily for us we
didn’t listen to that I think there is a
world market for maybe five computers at
Thomas Watson president of IBM I have
more than five companies in my home I
don’t know how many you have this is
1943 with over 50 foreign cars already
in the state heard the Japanese auto
industry isn’t like to record any big
slots of the US markets a Business Week
this is the second of August 1968 how
about that
and I love this one Apple is already
dead 1997 the city of Microsoft Natan
so what do you think what does it take
when someone you love that someone you
care then experts in the industry and
world of geniuses and they give you an
advice maybe you are just better off
ignore it and advice and the trust that
you have everything within you to manage
so what I’m going to ask you is take
your time to let look back to your life
to find your own superpower it’s not a
question of whether or do you have will
possess the superpower I know you do you
know you do I’m asking you are you brave
enough are you courageous enough to take
the leap into your wilderness and
acknowledge the superpower if any of you
or someone in the future is is asking my
advice for anything I think you should
listen to it I think you should even
consider it at the end ignore it
thank you [Applause]
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