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My dream of bringing another Nobel Prize to Pakistan | Shaheer Niazi | TEDxPunjabUniversity

Sam alaykum good afternoon
so great to see you all so I’ll tell you
a bit about how this all started it
started as a dream a dream of my mother
she came to me one day and she said
chahee there’s this competition called
the International young faces tournament
she said that Pakistan is not a
participant in it she said I want you to
introduce Pakistan to it I want you to
participate in it to open the doors of
physics the open to open the doors of
this physics World Cup into Pakistan so
I said okay seems pretty interesting so
why not give it a try I gathered a team
of five students I got some sponsors
from some University and I contacted the
organising committee of the competition
and I was like we’re participating we
have not never participated before team
Pakistan so tell us how should we
proceed so they were like you cannot
participate this year you need someone
who has been here before you need
someone who has visited the competition
and been there and seen all the the
Proceedings of fit in the rules and
regulations and all that so he was like
you cannot find spirit this year and I
was pretty disappointed that why are
they creating this barrier for us
because I wanted to participate that
very year so I became annoying I became
really pushy I would send them many
emails I would bug them on Twitter and I
have made quite a ruckus about it and in
the end they were like okay okay calm
down we will do it you can come this
year just we’ll send you an endorser
ourselves a person who has already been
to the competition you’ve come and
participate this year so we were like
okay good we have done it and we went to
the competition the compel you about the
competition it’s the International young
physicist tournament so we have 17
problems they are all unsolved problems
of physics and the team individually
each member has to do two
problems and create a type of thesis
presentation usually it’s the research
happens over a period of a year we had
six months but we still managed to do
two problems each and we went to the
competition we introduced Pakistan we
lost but that was not a problem because
our main goal which was to introduce
Pakistan to it had been complete then
when we came back again a dream leads on
to a dream as we said so my mother again
came to me and she was like okay she you
have a research now I do not want this
research to die away to fade out or to
get corrupt in some computer file she
said I want you to publish a research
paper before you start your a levels and
I was like ok sounds interesting and
normally one expects that these cyber
briefs you publish a paper and when
you’re in your doctorates and your ph
d–‘s whether they okay let’s give it a
shot trying is the key you if you try
something you might surprise yourself so
I gave it a shot I wrote a paper over a
year I’m an experimentalist and to tell
you more about that I get this a lot
that I noticed things a lot about people
when you do experiments you have this
thing that you look at all the
parameters of everything so sometimes I
tell my friends something about them and
they’re like how do you notice that why
are you like this and I’m like I then
make this quote up that if you want to
be successful observe everything and
yeah so I say this to them and then
they’re like okay you’re will think
about it
another thing about experimentalism is
that when I was doing my further
research on the after the competition
I’d used to do it at home so I used to
be in the room and I have a twin sister
who also came to with us to the
competition but she was sitting like in
the room when I was doing my experiment
on one side and I had created my own
environment and she
was a part of that environment so I had
turned off the lights I turned off the
air conditioning
I had this loud arcing happening from
the high voltage and there was own being
produced oh three it’s quite pungent
smelling gas and she was like before
that she was enjoying some coriander
amma on her laptop and when she noticed
that thing that changing around her she
was like bickering and screaming at me
and telling me to get out and my mom she
just came in and she saw me in an
awkward position doing some experiment
on the side and there’s like thought-out
off flashing and stuff happening and my
sister screaming in one side and she
just just said nope and she just went
out and she left it to us to resolve it
ourselves so I ignored my sister and I’d
say that I’m quite happy that I ignored
her because the reason my favor got
published was because of that experiment
I did in that room that day so it no
your siblings do not listen to them
create do not care about that comfort
zone you create your own comfort zone
yeah there’s a quote by Newton a very
famous quote and a very one which I
believe in even that if for if I have
seen further it is by standing on the
shoulder of the Giants and I believe
this is really true we normally believe
we blame the system we say that okay
we’ve not done this we could not do this
because the system is like this and this
and it does not allow us to do this
stuff but if we look at all the pioneers
and the people who did great things who
big things who pioneered we see that all
of them had one thing in common they
never relied on the system they always
went outside it and did it and I can say
myself even that I never relied on the
system so we should not keep the system
as an excuse for ourselves we should not
blame it for something we cannot do
another thing which is age age is never
a barrier if we start saying or start
making age an excuse for something we
cannot do then I say that we have failed
at that point I’ll be pretty blunt about
we should never blame age for something
we cannot do
in my research when I did it so there
was it tell you about my research the
electric honeycomb it’s basically where
you have a lie high voltage on a layer
of oil and you create these patterns
some patterns form on it now another
thing our youth also does that they do
not try new things they think that okay
this is something which has not been
done before and it’s pretty difficult
and I’ll probably try it and I’ll
probably fail and they like calculate
everything at once all the future the
planet and the mind and they say ok
we’re not doing it so we should not do
that as well once you try it I believe
you surprised yourself and I surprised
myself even when I got it published I
did not know it will get published and I
did not know all the media and all this
stuff which happened after that it was
pretty like a surprise for me now
there’s this thing in science called
biomimicry it’s where you observe nature
and you apply it to your your technology
and to your human life and when that
happens we see that things happen much
better it’s in technology so we see that
the universe is multi-dimensional
we live in a multi-dimensional universe
so why should we as an individual be
uni-dimensional there’s this thing that
you have this certain objective and you
go towards it but you choose only one
paths the shortest one or the easiest
one or whatever path you like to take
but why can’t we do like this that we
take half the paths then we jump on to
another one
take that for as long as we like it then
go to another path take that and till
the end so we should be
multi-dimensional about things
multidisciplinary Sciences these days
are the new fields one does not only
study physics one does not only study
chemistry we study everything I myself I
can call myself a multi-dimensional
person cause normally when people
approach me they’re like okay you’re a
you only know physics you’ve stuck in
books and like no I do many other things
arts piano different things so we do not
restrict ourselves to one thing many if
we look at history even again coming to
standing on the shoulders of giants if
we look at the past we see many people
there is this scientist Bose from India
he was a physicist he was a botanist and
he also made pioneered the radio he was
many things at once and being many
things at once is what makes us
successful so I would like to also like
myself as a as a Pakistani there’s a lot
of this thing this idea that you go
outside Pakistan and then the brain
drain happens I would like to say that
wherever we are wherever we go whatever
we do we are still Pakistani from the
place where we were born
I am proud that I did something and I
did it in Pakistan I didn’t do it some
people thought that I went outside to do
it and to Russia but that was just the
competition so I am proud to say that I
did it in Pakistan and I and the
resources here are good enough but we
should also be more permeable to the
idea of going outside this world is our
place this world was created for us we
cannot borders are just some figment of
human creation so we should not restrict
ourselves to a certain country and this
stay there because we’re very patriotic
about it we should explore everything
because wherever we born be from that
country and we represent that country
wherever we go
and just like this I would like to add
that I would it’s another dream after
this after the dream leads to a dream to
another dream I have a dream for a very
long time it’s also my mother’s dream
my mother is basically me if you go to
my facebook id you’ll see that I might
have my own name but if you look up in
the URL you’ll see that I have a
mother’s name over there so I keep a
part of my mother in my identity which
is really dear to me because everything
I am is because of her behind every
person there is a woman and
woman is my mother so she also in
calculated this dream in me and I also
had it since a very young age that I
will win the Nobel Prize for Pakistan
inshallah in a few years in as many
years as it takes so yeah I would like
to end my speech here thank you it was
really great to talk to you
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