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Millennials in the Workforce | Scott Piltch | TEDxSalveReginaU


what’s up guys thank you for being here

means a lot this is uh this is an

important event and this is an important

talk it’s one um that I’ve been doing

some research into for about a year and

about a year ago I was in Honolulu

Hawaii doing doing pretty well I was

happy with where things were at and I

looked around and saw a lot of my

friends just starting their careers you

know real people Millennials and you

know they weren’t they weren’t so happy

with where they were at the trajectory

that they were on so that’s where this

is coming from and happy to be sharing

it with you all today

so um apparently Millennials are unhappy

at work it’s what I came to found out

find out and that’s problematic sure but

throughout my research what I found is

that it’s a much deeper seeded and

deeper rooted issue than Millennials

being unhappy and it’s problematic that

we’re not addressing it right now

because if we don’t it’s going to be an

issue that’s a lot worse than

Millennials just being unhappy in their

work the issue that I’m talking about is

the generational divide that we’re

dealing with right now between boomers

Gen X Millennials there’s a lot of

antagonism going on a lot of

the unfortunate truth is that if this

continues we’re going to not be properly

equipping the future leaders of our

nation of our world I mean this is like

a real real thing because here’s here’s

what’s happening right now here’s I’m

going to kind of give a State of the

Union with the generations okay so you

have Millennials and Millennials are now

looking at boomers they’re looking at

Gen Xers these people are their managers

and they see what they’re doing is

outdated you know it’s just outdated and

hey some okay in fairness sometimes what

you guys doing are doing is outdated

right when there’s innovation you guys

but more often than not and I’m getting

real with my generation here right more

often than not Millennials it’s coming

from a place of ego and it’s coming from

a self-defense mechanism kind of place

right because what’s happening is

Millennials you know they’ve been being

called narcissists and and entitled and

you know there was the book generation

me by the way like I love gene twins

great great author but the title and how

the how the press and how the media

intern use that and leverage that and

manipulated that to make Millennials out

like this this awful generation I mean

that is not cool and so Millennials are

coming from that place they’ve been hey

like this is who you are right you’re a

bunch of narcissistic entitled brats and

hey guys if you’re going to call us a

narcissistic entitled brats you’re the

ones who raised us so I mean like let’s

just get real thing right so we have

that going on and and in fairness

Millennials need to take accountability

and just realize like hey regardless of

that like we’re adults at this point and

we need to act like adults and okay if

we are being labeled that and just prove

them wrong you know just just do what is

necessary in order to succeed in order

to put yourself

in a good position to be a leader in the

future in order to put the people around

you in a good place right just do that

you know go in you have a lot to learn I

have a lot to learn heck I need to learn

about the stock market I need to learn

about market trends I want to be an

entrepreneur I want to be a great

entrepreneur that’s what I want and then

and I’m so far away from that right now

I have a lot of learning to do in order

to get to that place

I need Mentors I need boomer and Gen X

Mentors and you know even people who are

older than that who have been there and

who have done it and who can give me

perspective in context and our

generation needs that and we need to

realize that and we need to come with

humility and say hey I have a lot to

learn teach me come and teach me please

teach me I’ll put in the work I’ll

produce results for you teach me because

I need to because I’m a future leader

I’m one of the people who is going to

take initiative that’s what we need we

need those people right now and on the

other side of the coin Gen X and boomers

it’s it’s it’s time and look like I’m

thrown out like Gen X and boomers these

are like big terms like there are a lot

of nuances within generations and that’s

the thing I’m it’s just like I only have

ten minutes here so I have to be like

super concise with it so um Gen X and

boomers super generic it’s not everyone

um like stop doing the whole

narcissistic entitled stuff I would have

used another word but I’m not going to

um because it’s not being productive

what it’s doing is alienating the

largest generation in US history far and

away not even close and like it or not

these are the people that are going to

be running our country politically

socially economically every which way

when you’re retired

when your body’s starting to deteriorate

because it happens to all of us it’s

when you’re playing golf and you’re

having a good time these are these are

the people who are going to be running

everything and it’s in your best

interest as well to look out for us for

our future because that’s your future

we’re living in the most competitive

global landscape in the history of the


not even close I mean the ease of access

to information at this point and

transportation and everything we need to

get things right here right and and and

generations are I think that the

foundation for America to be great and I

didn’t vote for Donald Trump that’s not

and I’m not going to get political but

I’m not going there I just want to be

clear that um is and and I think that

President Trump can be a can do a great

job as well I don’t want to alienate I

go I’m open-minded the bottom line is

this if we want to make our country


we need be united man we need to be on

the same page we need to be going

towards an inspired common vision and

and that’s tough when you have so much

divided I mean we have racial tension we

have this whole thing going on with the

generations we have yet you know

socio-economic disparities and clashing

political beliefs or political parties I

mean how polarize it like what how do we

get to a common place like what the heck

this is crazy

well here’s how it’s super simple it’s

I think that each American can get

behind the idea that we want to make

America as great as it can be and what

exactly that looks like I don’t know but

we can start there and then we can start

an open dialogue and conversation about

what that might look like and and not

one where you’re saying oh I’m right

you’re wrong get out of here it’s one

where you’re saying hey this is this is

what what seems to make sense and it yet

you know and hey step what do you think

and trying to find someone else not know

– hey Mike what do you think you know

and and and being open to those

different perspectives and not having

such a huge ego that you have to be

right every single because generations

individuals no one is ever right all the

time I’m wrong every single day like 20

times I’m not even going to get into

like what happened how am i God

yesterday like that was made some made

some mistakes but and and if you do make

mistakes and just make them right

you know and I think that it’s time that

we start to go in that direction and

it’s time for us to get on the same page

as generations and you know boomers Gen

Xers mentor me mentor us mentor our

generation because we need you and

Millennials be open minded to that and

if we can do that man there’s nothing


[Applause] [Music]

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