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May i have your attention | Savvas Trichas | TEDxAUAthens

thank you thank you
so as in this big Leadership Conference
the other day I was waiting for a
colleague of my to deliver a speech
the man said genius he’s a top
researcher excellent knock
he’s like a superstar in academia so we
were all excited to see him talk he gets
on stage starts talking and he was awful
it was a painful experience you know he
was trying his best we were trying our
best to stay with him but it just didn’t
stick and we all been there right in
that business presentation in that
university presentation in that
communication where the speaker was
trying and you were trying and nothing
stick and we ended up losing our
attention so bad that we ended up not
remembering entire parts of the
communication so we’re gonna spend the
next 15 minutes or so to answer a single
question may I have your attention but
before doing so we’ll have to go through
some basic psychology regarding
attention so I have been standing in
front of you for about a minute or so
now has any of you noticed if I’m
wearing anything of my hands anything
bracelet wedding ring watch what color
which hand take a couple of seconds to
think about that and voila I’m wearing a
silver watch on my right hand but not
many of you notice that let me explain
to you exactly how yet how your
attention worked so your attention
worked as a spotlight like a flashlight
yeah you focused all of your resources
most of your resources on my facial
region because it’s the primary source
of communication well other aspects of
my communication remain at the dark and
that’s the exact definition of attention
it is the allocation of resources and
processing towards one aspect of the
environment which means that withdrawn
from other aspects of the environment
but in order to completely understand
attention we’ll have to play a game are
you up for it okay it’s actually a
psychological experiment but it’s really
fun and fairly easy all you have to do
its count
can you come yeah okay I’ll show you a
picture of an open fridge and all you
have to do is count the items that are
packed on the two doors not every item
only I had only the items that are
packed on the two doors of that fridge
okay but you have to do that in only 15
seconds I’ll do the counting okay go 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 stop by a
show of hands how many of you got above
30 items well did not see that coming
and how many of you got exactly 33 items
okay how many of you are in a position
to tell me the exact number of bottles
on that fridge interesting right I mean
you had your flashlight on yeah you had
it on your light they you were counting
items but you weren’t absorbing all the
information from this environment right
why because I dictated that aspect of
your attention so it’s not what it’s out
there you perceive you perceive what you
pay attention to and I have another
question for you has anything changed on
my appearance yes
their watch no I’m not imagine their
watch flew all the way from here to here
in front of your eyes while you are
doing something else right and how many
of you listened to me skipping numbers
while counting okay not everyone but but
most of you people were selectively
blind and selectively deaf to my aspects
of communication because you were doing
something else okay so if you imagine
that this is my content and this is
other people’s brain this is what
happens when you don’t get attention
nothing will stick attention is the glue
that will stick your content into other
people people’s brain so if you can’t
control other people’s attention
strategically control other people’s
attention every communication event
every interaction you can make it useful
but within organizational setting we see
within work environments you can make it
valuable attention is a super tool when
it comes to communication so today I’m
going to share with you my six basic
principles that can use to make anyone
to attract anyone’s attention okay
principle number one minimize
distraction many times do that mistake
we are so eager in communicating our
ideas that will forget one thing we
forget one thing if they don’t pay
attention they won’t listen right so I
was in him I was trying to teach
physical education to first grade
there’s a couple of years ago so we’re
all like okay here get stick your feet
on the ground take your ball and throw
it up in there and then get it back I’m
talking to six-year-olds okay take it up
in the air and forget back when suddenly
a white pigeon coming lands in the
middle of the field you know what
oh my god mister what a beautiful Pedro
oh that’s what nobody was watching me
they were all about that pitch I could
change my words I could dress up as a
they wouldn’t even notice that no one
will notice that like you guys when you
were counting items I didn’t see flying
watches you know they wouldn’t pay
attention and we many times do that
mistake we want to finish that sentence
but they’re not listening we need to
scare away the pigeon first and the
pigeon is an analogy of every
distraction we ever had into our
communication environment
keep it simple our brains love
simplicity we know that from research
but we many times to another mistake we
inner sin our attempt to sound
sophisticated well educated smart we use
all these fancy words and complicated
meanings we shouldn’t really be doing
that I will give you two examples two
sentences when you would choose which
one do you prefer best okay sentence
number one same meaning we need to
balance between theory and practice
sentence number two the practical
technocrat and the thorough bomb on dark
intellectual comprised forms that are
outdated at the same level that do not
only not facilitate but actually inhibit
the birth of a new humanitarian type of
human right keep it simple
our brains love that unlock your body by
a show of hands how many of you have you
ever been in a family dinner lately or
coffee with friends partying yeah
exactly a lot of partying here
so if you could see yourself if you
could see yourself being more natural
and trying the three-dimensional and
communicate did you know oh my god she
was wearing her high heels holding two
glasses and she tripped and all it was
all over here and you were natural
energetic confident you’re being you and
then the other day you go to have your
business presentation or university
present and you go hello my name is
service tree husk and today I’m going to
review 568 pages about communication may
I have your attention
no you may not have our attention
because your fear of public speaking has
sucked away any natural ability you ever
have let your body do the speaking right
don’t border brains out another thing we
know from research from brain studies we
only have eight to ten minute window
spans of attention in other words we got
lazy brains okay so if I’m talking to
you now if I’m lecturing if I’m
monologuing you are hard-wired to lose
your attention in eight to ten minutes
but we have a solution about that just
change the format of information add
some humor add some visuals video say a
story make an activity keep them on
their toes
don’t pour their brains out but I did
mention stories didn’t I stories are an
excellent tool for engaging attention
stories can make us see stories can make
us feel stories can make us your user
inner senses there is actual data that
demonstrates that when we are exposed to
successful storytelling there is this
neuro chemical called oxytocin oxido
Guinea which is released in our blood
in other words oxytocin sorry is
responsible for feelings of kindness and
cooperation okay in other words when he
hear a good story we lean forward
and we are more acceptable to the
message we receive my son won’t even eat
his dinner if I don’t tell him a story
we love stories we love stud but what’s
the point of telling about the
effectiveness of storytelling if I don’t
stay a story myself right I’m going to
demonstrate my sixth and final point
using a story be aware of attention
alarm so I was with my son crystals the
other day and we were about to do our
speech therapy exercises now we have we
have some trouble pronouncing the letter
R so we’re going to speech therapy to
fix that so okay I was with my son and
we were like okay crystal I have to see
your tongue very perfect until the third
minute Christus I saw him he was
reaching his tiny poking and he was
holding something
and I thought Christo’s what you got
there son he took it and it was his tiny
irritating yellow Pokemon stuff you know
and I said Christos we were only here
for three minutes we have so many
exercise to do what are you doing son
and I was offended I was offended really
we got three minutes
that’s all I get after two days I kid I
go yeah I got this this time will be
Christos Lane Lane let me see rain I
didn’t change anything my strategy can
you guess what happened in 30 minute
three minutes time crystals Donnelly did
he took a Pokemon action figure he had
his body now and he was battling all
along and I was alike don’t hear I was
frustrated again but then it hit me
because Christos was giving me a lesson
at that time he was letting me know the
exact time I lost his attention because
Christos is only five years old
I was a grown-up I was in charge of
their pension handling and I didn’t do
anything to gain it and then I thought
man I took to people all the time
large groups small groups even
one-on-one would it be great if any
group I ever had
hope it was holding the tiny Pokemon in
his pocket and whenever I lose attention
they would go like this please don’t go
like this in my presentation I would get
very offended but imagine that now 50
pokemons really sorry you guys that was
my fault
and then go back and regroup and come
back to get your attention
otherwise I’m talking to blind and deaf
people right selectively blind and
selected with their people and then I
thought I took it a step further are
there any such mechanisms I mean I know
you don’t have any pokemons on you I
hope you don’t have any problems but are
there any such mechanisms that can help
me do that get that kind of feedback yes
they are it’s all these times when you
will reach your smartphone and stop
scrolling Facebook while I am talking
it’s all these times when you were
looking at your watch and trying to help
yawn and my personal favorite you know
they I call it the empty look or the
zombie look it’s not look when you go
like you’re watching at the speaker but
you’re like and your laser beaming
through him and you’re traveling through
your supermarket least or which high
heels should I much with what rest you
know anywhere else beside that room with
me and what do i do what do I do when I
detect this alarm I go back to my six
steps do I have anything distracting in
my speech can I scare away a patient
first and then regroup and the patron is
an analogy we said that am I being too
complicated am i boring your brains out
can I insert this story some humor an
activity something to keep you on your
remember the original equation we had a
brain I told you about the glue so the
next time you will find yourself
yourself in any situation that you will
have to communicate your ideas with
someone remember the magic ingredients
that would help that will make your
content stick to other people’s brains
attention thank you very much [Applause]
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