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Mass Auto-mobility | John Hatfield | TEDxYouth@TTMLIS

hello everybody today I’m miserable
every day and I’m gonna be talking
against harvests it’s just a fancy way
for cars I’m sorry the story
so when I was 16 I got my beginners
driver’s license
it was really exciting when you get to
drive on the first time it’s exciting
look at that thing when I was 17 I went
to the other side kid I was fixing
houses just doing some good work and
then he was wait man to travel around
then it had painted windows
it looked like I was gonna kills people
it was scary man I actually got into my
first accident when I was using this
band I hit a truck in a parking lot not
a big deal but it taught me that there’s
returning so since then I’ve been using
trains playing with automobiles to
travel all over the world and Explorer
it’s been a really good decision I don’t
regret it a second and it’s a big part
of my life now I think everybody wants
so today I’m talking about cars I’m not
so interested in expensive cars cooler
cars or how cars work instead of
interested how cars have changed it
impacted the world a woman gets most
importantly mass auto ability the desire
for Paris that started and this
continued today that people want to
drive and the freedom that cars give so
little history lesson we go back around
a hundred years to the turn of the
century at this time in the world radios
and other technologies are connecting
the whole world they’re using
electronics to connect the whole world
there’s a lot of really rich people
there’s a lot of the poor people and
those poor people and really using these
technologies all that much but the world
is developing then gave this car the
bounty for excluding our black a
reported meant to discover in 1908 how
we did this with because of the assembly
line the factory that was used to make
this car he made a factory that could
basically make cars this paper is very
cheap because you can make them very
quickly and efficiently so how does this
change the world well for one now
regular people to Paris
that’s big now lots people of Paris but
this did a lot more to change the world
to change jobs and reward when people
are making his cars paid five dollars a
day which is a lot of money back that
just for a factory working anybody can
do back to repair so other companies
started to compete with Boyer and had to
start paying people more money this made
it so that the rich people the poor
people and now kind of people in the
middle who who are great start there and
whether you can buy cars it changed our
environment roads started being built
everywhere now you got C’s
planned and designed so that roads fit
cars work pencils changed now houses
need to support cars out of place for
Carter supermarkets way we get food our
room changed and now is in a small
markets where you buy different booths
all food is transported to one big store
where we can go and drive there and get
her stuff fast food basket took the same
assembly line factory style that
everyone fitted and applied to food
so now who’s getting bastard
faster try the leaders you could drive
your cars we’ll watch a movie and a lot
of movies or characters even watched one
movie though cars further power Jayson
Entertainment the point of all this is
that if you change we’re in many ways
our jobs our environment our food our
entertainment and it gave people freedom
those teenagers up there
they got freedom but the importance is
mascot mobility it gave people the
personal freedom to travel and move to
give people power and this was very
important everybody wanted this they
still wanted today our culture is still
very strong today
one example is they’re set in Fast and
Furious movies but seriously Congress
are a big part of our culture they’re in
our movies because one they’re really
cool and two for these characters they
represent power freedom excitement
traveling when I was 16 and I started
driving for the first time I was excited
and I felt free and that’s the feeling
that our movies there’s my research
cars are crazy big business – there’s
many companies around the world that are
selling cars dozens they’re selling
millions of cars each year and it just
keeps getting bigger congressman is a
popular today the future the next step
that’s happening is that windows Bill
Gates did the same thing that Henry Ford
did Henry Ford made average people get
tires and Bill Gates the same thing with
computers he made it so that average
people can have a companion and when he
did that 30 years ago the world changed
again now there’s thousands of
satellites and space connecting us all
the way we get food is changed we get
another poem the way we shop we get our
own computers the one he changed again
because of this technology that’s
connecting us all it comes with problems
global warming is a big one global
warming it’s really hurting the planet
and cars are a big problem a big reason
for this they’re creating lots of
just like now pryzwarra responsibility
for me when I got into an accident
they’re also about bigger
the whole planets because it’s hurting
our planet it’s pretty good for the
future people are going to live here so
what can we do how do we continue to
move things but try to reduce the damage
we’re doing because we can’t get just
get rid of cars we can’t stop our whole
world is built using powers of this
transportation communication technology
it’s not gonna do first one we gotta
move spaces in different ways when ideas
online was mobile offices I don’t know
why it’s last I guess it looks cool but
it’s important to move our spaces we
already do a lot from our powers but
it’s not safe so it’s gonna be different
ways to do that and increase our
efficiency this may be self-management
for Tucson’s drug delivery self-driving
cars that’s gonna make things more
efficient and it’s going to reduce the
environmental impact because of
efficiency electric cars everything is
gonna have to go electric in the future
I know it’s good to be electric and my
kids are gonna ask me why did you guys
used to burn gasoline and create
pollution and we’re not gonna have a
good answer maybe because it was easier
we’re not gonna have a good answer
ride-sharing and car sharing so one
person one power
we got to start sharing if we want to
see improvements in problems like global
warming so in conclusion I encourage you
guys to take advantage of this
technology this autumn ability that
that’s afforded to you take advantage of
your ability to travel and go up there
for me when I started traveling the
world it changed me so much it gave me
so many learning opportunities it maybe
grow as a person
it taught me so many lessons and I’m
much better off because of it so you
need to do the same thing you need to go
out there you need to take advantage of
these technologies you need to travel
and discover whatever you need to
discover thank you very much
[Applause] [Music]
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