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Lying | Louise Turner | TEDxYouth@Harlow

raise your hand if you’ve ever told a
lie if your hand is up we all now know
you’re a liar if your hand isn’t up you
and I know you’re an even bigger liar hi
my name is Louise Turner I’m 12 years
old I’d like to talk to you about guess
lying honesty is the best policy but not
for some people lying is a very vague
subject but today we’re going to dig a
little deeper into this topic we’ve
relied in our lives whether it’s to get
out of trouble or to tell a friend to
her dress is lovely when actually want
to rip up a throwaway even if you think
you’re the most honest person on earth
you’re lying to yourself right there
there are quite a few very famous Liars
in history who members Rickson Richard
Nixon if you die he’s the 37th US
president they was also one of the
biggest Liars in history he died on a
record of a hundred and fifty four times
on a single day he lied about politics
his IQ and some of his employees all
Liars have experienced the Pinocchio
effect if you don’t know what it is it’s
a temperature increase around the inner
corner of your eye and there are four of
your nose all Liars have experienced it
on the 16th of June 2018
Rita researchers found that men like
twice as much as women an 83% claim that
they can tell if their partner is lying
they couldn’t
most people think Liars will avoid eye
contact but is the complete opposite
wise will use any way possible to
convince you to believe them they’ll
also have over exaggerated facial
expressions I decided to pick this topic
because I felt really hurt and one of my
friends lied to me fully right to my
face we were outside
she was congratulating me on something I
did really well but then a couple
minutes later she went straight to my
other best friend and told the complete
opposite I would like to leave you here
today with this the truth doesn’t cost
anything but one lie can cost you
well then how does that feel yes you
feel more confident yeah and your friend
do you think she will be watching this
no she’ll be out how much in YouTube
should be how much in YouTube maybe
should watch this on youtube a little
bit later and find out and so you’re now
an expert on lying so do you find that
now because you know that the facial
expressions and all that deep that you
can spot people lying better than they
were before but before but not I might
be able to tell them stay away you okay
dear teachers of a line yes and he said
that a man you lie more than women why
do you think that might be millions of
reasons there are so many reasons
American three why you haven’t got time okay
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