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Los negocios de la moda y la periferia del sistema | Anuar Layon | TEDxColegioHebreoTarbut

Well, I’m going to start with these circular
because it is to assemble the ior
this popular phrase of our culture
thanks to that first person they make fun
of me nier in a backstage of a
and how good now you use different
by the for one in a rhetorical way
ask yourself something that does not really
you are flat that I have an answer
what I did in my first connection that
present the most important way of
It is also extremely important that a
license of what we all recognize
and live in one way or another in which
brando of this and the resurgence and is
in the two stages of it now with all
the social skill
and the ease we have for
communicate and express something and
then use this clarity with the
eagerness to make fun of me and the
story behind the line that I eat
many know suddenly in less than two
weeks the name will sound thanks
to a checks and arrival of
search for fashion without a career
at least recognized and introduce myself
collecting to the art platform
moral then has been use and I’m going
to tell a little bit of my story
to be able to arrive until the moments not
for easy I have more than 13 years in the
processing industry
textile development to make fashion not
to make articles that I made with them
the story was complicated study in
which that days before
I basically went to college
just before I go study in Spain
musical evolution
always as related to the arts
discover from very young that the design
painting architecture calls me a lot
and before going to study literally
with discrimination I find the
polis and arts levels that basically was
how he fulfilled all the requirements for
power a university and this was to have
a little bit of all the careers of
design all disciplines of different
can come into existence because in the end
I knew I wanted this fashion always
I’m between music and fashion in
two faces that attracts my attention and
well, it became very interesting to
level to narrow the doors with which the
Director of CNG regarding Patricia in
that I remember with a lot of love
opened the door to two to retire with
the bag on the shoulder and a sigh
deep and means five minutes time
explain to me that a school
multidisciplinary the only school that
I had a study program in which
you can take the industrial and textile and
at the end specialize sometimes
so basically I develop
he convinced me to stay
the course of the load and many
things they knew in that take out
with whom he founded a company called
passion marketing solution to history
the company is obviously not easy either
we started with a school project
which we wanted to make fashion
and create in make and develop
distribution markets and so on
etcetera and today we met so that you
like fashion is not working the
country as we should like today
is starting to work and the reality
is that this because thank God has
succeeded by the permeability that
let’s have social networks today in
day for technology we no longer depend
of monopolies we do not depend on a
company that has a study is to be
to give us let’s say that the promotion that
they are looking at that moment
well I came across this breakdown of the
fashion industry the country’s name
fashion week ‘had been banned
used in the country had not the
fashion forms emerged there are two three
elements that is organized but all
have a purely social focus will be
a place where every six months the cream
and cream of society and more than anything
a purchase was a gateway
it withdraws mind was four months more
without doing anything of his life at least in
your closest stories
that I had with the people that with
us and two contemporary children of
of them
at that time and then it is broken and
sad after the first exposure
of tests where we do not show up
merely a collection
of our pieces within the frame
of the event
I think this is not the way I think
if we continue here you never go to the industry
and in the country you will never change the
perspective and we should look for the way
to do it differently, which is what it does
lack a fashion designer bar
infrastructure a place to bastardize and
your office designs is the staff
of the supply in Mexico for
Guerrero designers is extremely
complicated does not really exist
Most of the suppliers are
tempted to mass produce volume and
soon to approach you as a designer
to produce something especially with the
volumes that recent designers can
handle for the lenga capacity that
has and expansion and at that time
a lot of distribution points in
that time there were 34 fashion stores the
I’m in a company that is focused on
develop corporate uniforms in
advertising that they applaud during the
two years ago the last ten years of
my life that’s what they were
develop campaigns for different
brands from jerzy stuhr chains or car
per day motorola excendances of
Alice from the tree beach or for the
promoter of a marketing event or
west offline or what they study their
client lists until development
tailoring and honeycomb reports
inauguration of pierre chance to exceed
of revenge two brothers we went through
for many because of the kisses in the parents
we learned to develop temple of the
mainly with national materials
the processes are very artisanal and
because they are not brands
and those of the brand
this machinery had as a kind of
communication we really like to work
the conclusion of the type of brand that
it had to be and the kind of audience that
I had to experience it and in the end that
is the is the result of work for
God that we live with the process and see
more has helped me a lot
hardware face off
I would not like are axtel summarizing that
they work very hard to get more
but the reality is that we have done it and
we have committed to the muscle
you are committed to our partners
we have committed ourselves to
all the things that they sent us from
things that represent us very strongly
is that we have a level of commitment
as if they were for ourselves we
like to cater to the public we like
tolerate our customers directly
we like to be aware of our
and we have lived through all kinds of steps
to do it from a day until late
the seamstresses with all the people
who work with us and so on
etc. I would travel at dawn to
deliver the order because it was not
arriving on time and the truth is that it is
part of the evolution containing
and says this
after these 10 years work with
with my partner and having had passion
arquette and solution to peace
developed wilde to my cousin back
night so we decided
separate us and the truth is that always in
a little pressure I realized that no
it was easy after having had a
life together and having grown up I have not
experienced thousands of ways with with
a person specialized in this is
but what you were sure of and you see
than 2/3 talks with my people more
nearby helped me to confirm is that
I did not want to entrust anything that
we had done I was left with all the
knowledge that remains throughout the
evolution that we have had and with everything
that I could do with what I had
developed the work I had lived
throughout those years
and this happened in 2016
over there for the month of August and for
you have more important
and with more relation
and we ask him is that he separates us and start
from scratch that we make you another of the things
important why is this
conference is called the system are that
We developed this name a few days
after having met this person
that is now my partner and that literally
I pulled a creative and mental slump
Italy because I said I keep dedicating myself
to this
as a designer if there is someone here who
study the dream after presenting
a collection is like the top
Everytime that
it was the right way to know that the
fashion was not just to show up at the
catwalk there are business children and
so you’re super happy
you can do a day between music and
fashion was something that I could have
I went crazy and it changed my life
represent america dorama your company
that today together with the ico I direct and
and more in the creative part
but with
change the perspective of what gives the
life theories 92 concerts and return to
the bands independent of what
they were investing to give us
happiness to call in some way
it was a circuit in which more is named
the music the success bought to leave
official kept waiting informed that
is they want to prepare or producing
music before what it is to listen not
So, I think it’s a super project
nice and as I told you in relation to
music the fashion of making an alliance
between the two is one of the things that
more has marked my life
today in the market the mind
we continue doing I hope to have it because
you work with international clicks and
collaborate with the most important bands
of the world I wanted and good in the wake of
our first trip to the angels for
touch doors with some clips to the
feet we have distributed the product but
that you did not have an approach
formal to cost them all our
Design and production capabilities
I find myself because in the passion that
they had all these clips to work
with people mexico was huge and
regularly these you have work
with Chinese suppliers and then those who have
worked with Chinese suppliers will know
that the communication the schedule change
distance are always a problem
then beyond just that I the
proximity to Mexico and the language and
the times to deliver products
we were very excited to see as always
there was a Mexican involved in the
creative processes in design in the
industries that today -for being part of
of popular culture and that also forms
part of our life that we dedicate ourselves
to talk about music and Alice and homework
very inspired Alberto from all the street
You dedicate seriously because in addition
we literally carry two pesos in
the bag our suitcases full of
samples and many illusions in one in a
weekend that we had
approximately two joints maybe three
tips we have the same as 10 and
we do with insured projects
among them vodafone and back designed
this is what put me where I am
I want to make a report that we
represent for all collaborators
of mind adore bright open the
story after I have photos disputes
countable but in reality we should
involve graphic illustrators
nationals to be able to fail to give a
little bit of piracy and maybe
have the same product as us and
all of these illustrated represent us
international level is important for
me to have a uniform that talked about
mexico and that I speak to them in a language in
which the world learns of piety that
it’s about principles of is a phrase
highly debatable and we knew that he was going
to have a lot of people angry with this
decade because in English not because 17
because in that context because he has a
negative connotation regarding the
word no and the reality is that after
we do not design it with the desire to please you
to the national public of the internal uniform
but what happened we have many
projects to be able to speak well of her
for the world that we are innovators
and we do things well that the
we need to unite we are ones with
we have the ability to raise a country
after an earthquake in a way
taking extreme thanks to mexico and
today we are governor plus me as no
rayon and where is it around us
have had the opportunity to approach us
to the public and all this with the desire to
to grow industries but age at
generations that come a little bit more
of facility so we can grow and
so that we can really have
an industry at an international level
positioned and that the country represents us
in a different way
recently this latest collection
mercedes fashion week and wanted
to show it to him is because in the end this
part of work and communication are
in my mind and in my life and this is a
of the collections with more
work that we have had and where also
we involve a stream there are people who
is creative that has developed now
who is the exact lover doing that
adds to projects of this type and we know
a series of incredible visuals and
besides that the opportunity for the first
instead of collaborating with a brand
in haiti where they develop a chelsea
that also but guys a jet talk about
why not only the effort of the
company is that you are going to sell in them
because it’s the first collaborations in
mexico that develops in mexico but
who is driving in the country
they have important to keep pushing
the textile crises then what
good is that part of keep working
to continue to collaborate continue to present
important people and finally it will be
nothing conclusive today I would like to close
These are you talking a little bit about me
experience of what they are
and it costs here in my partner I would love
thank you personally
It is better that he grow us thanks
this old forgiveness
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