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Los miedos como brújula en la vida | José María Ramos Rodríguez Arana | TEDxUDLAP

we are all very happy to be
here as alumnus
I want to start with a confession ago
not much and a very insecure person
many fears
including complicated happened was
entrenched itself and comfort through
a series of emotional events
He decided to face my fears di
just get completely to my fears
recognize them with this talk them
sought leave with the idea that
the admit recognize those fears and them
enter full
Nobody likes to feel fear fear
It is a situation that makes us feel the
pain proximity to a situation
unexpected danger
This situation tells you hear deer
village and you will surely not happen no
He imagined being in a dark alley
for example one around walking
nochebuena a forest full of fog
before dawn without knowing that
Pending the side of the trees
That is where it is surely
in other room and I fear tazo and this
it is no coincidence we basically have no
I understand it
evolutionarily we have in the chip as
recognizes mine
If you have a sense of danger
vital or not and is not for nothing that give us
our ancestors used fear
pyrex run to lead search
You search for weapons testing seize fire
shelter from groups not to leave
these fears use their fears to
out of these dangers and so
survive this context it seems
a little bobo want to talk about what
I think we all have
chip implanted in our chip
evolutionary what I call the program
the reptile huevón
This is the huevón retirement living
within each one of us does
removal pump basically avoid
pain and suffering seeks
Pleasure is your role in life that’s
for what moves
Imagine now a thirty
thirtysomething with his peace to which we
Leko craved iron cook him
they pay you collect all all all
Here is the field call
fernandito and her mother in fields of
thirtysomething who is in this area
notably why would
fernandito out this situation as
not uncomfortable reptile reptiles is very
like when hueva padrísimo because
one of the great weaknesses of the
reptile reptile program is that it
It is not seeking pleasure and pain
short – term moves today
right now right now if my survival
It is secured
I will enjoy ready tomorrow morning and
we will see
I am today chido
that is invariably our reptilian
It leads to the dangerous dangerous
invariably their comfort zone
work to ensure that there
our survival and needs
to get out of the comfort zone
that is where you find a
push our our world our
Willpower is going to take up
a starting point if eventually
we will be more than that
to ginés pushing this heavy stone
uphill for more enthusiasm and
let him motivation to reach
a point where we say to hartemos
we play below and passing
back to the area where we feel
what is needed is not a Chinese push
is a pull what I mean with jale
It is with this idea that we wake up
in the morning and out of bed not
take the bed because we already have that
purpose is not that we are you
determined to do it already
auto leads is Jale
Look no further difference
effort involving a push JAL
all very nice but as rays reach
as usual to find that comfort
so so invaluable basically pull
in order to have the pull you need
get to knock down the emotional what the hell
It is the emotional threshold is the point
where bottoming bottoming and
you are living an emotional situation
unfavorable where you say enough is enough not
more and I will not tolerate more I will not live
well tolerated and no quality of life
under which I deserve this is the
quality of life than I deserve
– it is intolerable usually happens
We find the situation
a desperation for inspiration
that’s how we got to this point
remember that life does not have what
we want
get live experience what
melt tolerate huevón
good he does not live anything that does not tolerate and
Instead of comfort to be insured
because it will move move heaven and sea
to ensure that point many times
elderly people who say you have to be
woven abusive complaint
a couple who mistreats working on a
toxic environment you are living in a neighborhood
dangerous housing housing
depressing that does not earn what he wants
especially that justifies saying
things like here we lived better
so must we be’re poor
better known evil for good
to know
because we live because they live or because
so we live for one simple reason
because we tolerate what our
state and our way of life
We are where we are because
We tolerate but to talk of history
when I hit rock bottom I made a
years he is working for more oil
largest in the world in saudi arabia
Middle East
after a few years in refinery
I moved the plant to the corporate
He worked in the newest tower
White and his number on the 13th floor in
house with an office for me only
ocean view but the desert so
it was in the glory , earning him
you want a padrísima office
basic costume was not every day
It was my dream job but what
I was not happy and was not
I considered doing valuable work
and it was no longer adding value
I knew what I was getting up in the
Morning lost distressed
I was eager to put on
return to Mexico by a company
friends fear left that comfort zone
super super comfortable happened to the
the willingness few months pregnant
very happy but plans
five months after we lost salve
at this time I found shade
emotional one day I was alone
reflecting work time
When this happens I think I
I said already lost what he loves based on
life is gone
not going back now you want to put
a company want to take recognizes
you’re afraid but again and
You lost what he loves most in life
what are you afraid to create a
break the company may be another
but what are you afraid at that
when I dropped twenty and villa
here you can win or
amenities you will not have it
then when I decided and soon
while the company returns to resignation
Mexico found honey
I want them to stop briefly
things that have left me more
greater satisfaction and pride in my life
It has been those which identified
my fear center full
We must say that all called
to make an introspection and recognize
He fears their insecurities
we all recognize and make of
including a goal that put as
target were like when they do that they will
Extraordinary things happen and life
You will change completely as they say
there when you wear big shoes
It grows on the feet
Thank you
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