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Living a World Without Randomness | Monique Morrow | TEDxAUK

so how many of you have smartphones with
you please raise your hand okay take
them out please can you imagine not
having them anymore this is what I often
hear can you imagine being untethered
for a few minutes so this is the the
point I want to talk to you with you
about is what happens to us when we’re
so tethered to or sets of technologies
that we forget about this notion of
randomness this notion of how we
accidentally meet people we have heard
from duncan about having sort of a
prescriptive view of how technology is
used but on the other hand i’m very very
interested as an observer and as a
accidental technologist on how
technology is used for example how many
of you have been in restaurants where
you see mom and dad or grandparents or
whatever having some kind of tablet in
front of them the children and they’re
not communicating with one another
they’re not even having a conversation
and so we have to think about for me
that is a notion of what is this
technology doing how is it affecting or
social form we think about smart cities
and we think about smart X and smart Y
and then we’ve talked about Sofia and
artificial intelligence and as an
observer as an accidental engineer I do
confess as an observer I have deep
concerns and so there are three
questions I want you to think about
during the course of my talk today
what is human what are the attributes of
being human then we have this notion of
virtual worlds and augmented cells and
augmented reality how many of you are
gamers how many you love games how many
of you sit on that
a video and just listen and play and and
have a competitive experience how many
of you love it and want to remain in
that world the second question is what
is your reality we see our realities
blending every single moment virtual
augmented so we have what is human as a
question what is your reality and
another observation I have is digital
personas how many of you have avatars
how many of you are avatars our digital
personas are now in many many ways
manifested and instantiated and so we
have digital identities and forms that
we leave on on the internet and social
media and do they reflect ourselves so
the third question to ask is what
defines you so what is human what world
and reality are you choosing to live in
and what defines you in the process this
photograph is a picture of my mother’s
last birthday she passed away on
September 17th 2013
and although this photograph is very
emotional for me because she was not
only my mother she was my best friend
standing next to her as my father and
standing behind her as my sister-in-law
the story here is how they met it was
completely unplanned it was completely
random now I should confess my mother my
mother comes from Lebanon and my father
is an American so you can kind of put
together what that will look like my
father was looking to go to a party and
he knocked on the wrong door he did
opens the door is my mother this
can you give me the address of blah blah
my mother dutifully gave him the address
and do you think my father went to that
party that night he didn’t he went home
he went back to his place of home and he
actually was thinking about this woman
whom he just accidentally met and my
mother didn’t think about him but that’s
another story and and so what happened
was he it took him three years to pursue
her and they got married they had five
beautiful children and she was the
matriarch of that of that family and
gosh by a random experience would I be
here speaking to you today that’s the
the story of my sister-in-law is an
interesting one to think about missing a
train or missing a plane in this case it
was a plane and she sits accidentally
not planned not programmed next to my
youngest brother my baby brother and
during the course of a five year journey
a flight to New York they talk and talk
and talk and they find that they had so
many things in common that by the end of
that journey
something was clicking and it wasn’t
programmed and two years later they got
married buuuut two beautiful children so
the notion here is what do you do with
the loss of this whole serendipity
these were serendipitous beautiful
moments and they weren’t programmed they
weren’t programmed and think about your
partner your husband your your wife and
how you met them think about that random
experience maybe we were talking earlier
about that and so it’s very very
poignant to me because technology is
coming more and more embedded into our
life now I’m gonna switch a little bit
because Duncan has talked about the
brain but we’re going to talk about the
brain a little more because we’re just
getting to know the topic of the brain
the brain has been a study an object of
study for so many years and its
continued to be a study and we’re
talking about interfaces brain
interfaces there’s a medicinal value of
the study
can you imagine looking at stimulating
neurons for people who are completely
paralyzed there’s also the notion of how
do I take the brain and now become part
of a closed system such that I used the
power of the brain to move objects and
maybe in a way that’s military so now we
start the potential what weaponization
if you will of the brain and so I have a
her name is dr. Mary Lou Jepsen and
she’s actually thinking about having a
portable MRI for the brain and now we’re
thinking about telepathic messaging I
can read your thoughts you can read my
thoughts and the sources of truth are no
longer secrets and that is happening
very much today
think about programmable what is human
and where do you want to be in all of
these sets of realities how many of you
are familiar of the Maltz the first
multimodal brain symphony this happened
in 2009 how many of your musicians in
the room musicians in the room so think
about this as the first when we get into
programmable notions of creativity this
symphony occurred in 2009 and at what it
was is what you had neurons you had this
sort of interface this head interface
that was attached to your skull and you
weren’t playing the violin as we would
play you weren’t playing the trumpet you
were actually using your brain without
your body to instrument
you were actually creating notes and so
now you’re no longer swaying with the
music and they actually position this
phenomenon as brain concert without the
body so now does our are we becoming
software are we becoming some notion of
a new entity such that we no longer need
our body anymore what about when we have
behavioral challenges with children
maybe they’re they have some kind of
short circuit in their brain now there’s
a medicinal value if you will to
addressing that
but do we become so so very prescriptive
that we program somebody to become
different that that individual does know
no longer has the aha moment in the
classroom no longer is able to choose
his or her friends there’s one side that
we we address but there’s the other side
that we have the potential if you will
of over-rotating and so I watch further
and further as an observer when we look
at these sets of technologies and I
wonder about the ethics that are
embedded the questions that we should be
asked when we create technology sets for
what purpose it’s a very fine balancing
act in our society I should also say
that there is the notion of taking your
own DNA swab for children who are
misbehaving and spitting on bus drivers
which has occurred in Birmingham England
by the way it was given to the police
department without the knowledge of the
parents and these children were put in a
database as future troublemakers this is
the thing to ask ourselves the question
should there be a red line and if there
is a red line what would that look like
I’m in the second life what about the
first life you know I’ve been involved
in these avatar discussions than these
avatar comp conferences and they’re
really unique but I don’t see the faces
because I’m hidden behind some kind of
figure it is so fascinating to look at
what that means to us its first life its
second life and we choose not to really
show ourselves anymore and yet you are
now in my world my world isn’t even more
programmable imagine when I asked the
question about gaming and what gaming is
to you imagine being treated with the
Augmented realities for post stress
traumatic death syndrome
imagine all of that that I’m so immune
and imagine this and this is a
theoretical or hypothetical that we’re
all in this augment that world and by
the way this is a used case and I take
your avatar and I disguise I actually
co-opted your avatar and I actually use
you to kill you now what is death would
you be reporting it and it’s a photo
realistically self that I’ve just
defined and how do we define death and
how would the laws and legal entities
change as a result of that these are
very very poignant questions to ask
because people now we’re not talking
about cyber bullying anymore ladies and
gentlemen we’re not even talking about
cyber stalking we’re talking about an
immersive world which is reflective of
the world we see and some of which we
choose to remain in oh but I can tell
you do you know if these glasses are the
glasses that I should be using them for
or are they something else I am living
my entire life in an augmented world
that I want
to live in it is my virtual reality and
I choose not to take out of myself I
choose not to extricate myself from that
reality Oh should I have a serendipity
button on or should I have a serendipity
button off and what I think is very
interesting is that there are glasses
that are being made they’ll be available
to you they’re not going to be the ones
where you have sort of this funny object
thing they’ll be the ones that it will
would look normal and when you look down
you will be programmed because you’ll
have a text message down means
here’s your augmented world here’s your
programmable messages
here’s your programmable overlay of
another sets of reality and oh by the
way we have even more interesting space
here in the automobile industry where
you will never get lost again not just
because of GPS but because what we’ll
have on the window is actually a view go
left go right go straight ahead
you can see it you can see it in an
Augmented way you will never get lost
but do you want to be lost maybe that’s
how you meet your partner someday we
don’t know and you know we’re even
defining a new species so the person on
the left is Neil Harvester Harbinson and
the person on the right is dr. Stephen
Brown man Neil has a very very severe
condition and he has a condition called
he has very severely completely
colorblind and what he’s done he’s
created this antenna where he’s actually
sees color by listening by music by
music tones this antenna is embedded
into his skull he’s an artist he’s a
musician and he’s defined this new
species right it’s a cyborg and dr.
Steven man has talked about this whole
notion of sousveillance versus
surveillance and these people have
stated that those devices that you see
are part of their organs and they have
convinced legal authorities that is is
the case and that we have a not a very
interesting opportunity to actually
start to evolve ourselves what is human
and interestingly enough that this whole
notion of trans human or trance PCs is
coming up more and more it’s not about
the medicinal value that you have in
terms of embedded what is embedded and
what it all meant cyou the species you
know it’s not that at all but now we
have a responsibility according to Neil
to start transforming ourselves so I
think it becomes extraordinarily
interesting to see that space what about
these people how did they meet where
they program to meet was it an ultimate
what is was it maybe they met because
they missed the train they missed a
plane maybe they met for some other
reason but they were not programmed to
do so it is the serendipitous moments
ladies and gentlemen I believe that
counts in our lives and we need to be in
my opinion so cognizant of that but I
don’t know about you you know when we
think about the questions the three
questions I asked about what is human
and what world you wish to live in and
the realities that you are defining for
yourselves and what most importantly
defines you what most importantly
defines you what I think it is a perfect
and wonderful opportunity to start embracing chaos
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