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the lights come in scenarios to
theater and dance music shows
won today trying to explain a case the
process will do this and what moves
to have that job that is a
work on in terms of we
so few times that the
family and iso many hours and I go
try to speak this torment have adapted and
behind today’s apology was not
very good to do that I think of three
keywords that accompany you from the
I do this I can have one
normal route letters delivery right
hence in law study there are about two
weeks andrew a 5
was thus at the time in 2001
I decided that I would leave that life
by my father’s influence then in
at port 2001 there was a
very large need for technicians to
first major technical lead
in portugal was in spain and
until 2000 and 2001 a gap in the meantime
opened the upper school of music and
show arts I ‘m there
over a course that does not end there is 45
and at the time I went to work a day of
are joão in the port and made the normal
the years project to mount it higher than the
theater plays and one of the most
advanced when he was capacity
to take care of the show they crossed
for the screenplay to make the
Only I’m a sucker.
very easily
I know it ‘s a very positive job.
because a play is on the scene sometimes
three months and all smooth alike and all
the days we do the same thing
then at that time
this job
except error 60 years and the one corner
forgotten with dates and these things and
out thinking it was not what I
I wanted to do and that as I had so much
design but the theme is joão is a
world – wide reference of the theater
guitar and designers, which is what I
I do more or less, I’m starting to
see the trunk having 200 pieces of
Late furniture exists and I love you and
doing what I would like is to
lighting for that part that
was doing
I worked there with a person who is the
We were colleagues who later
in 2007 and 2008 will open the day of the circus
here in braga and I came to constitute here
for lighting and then I have to
take my team
we do precisely is also a
host house that would be with
sure it’s easier to do things
different but what I tried to repeat the
my team and since we are here already
We ‘re going to try here from eight in the morning.
until three in the morning
Let’s do things that give us 1
present and ready and I worked in theatro
circus another six or seven years later
the strength also and decide to make a
lighting company scenario
video that the show is to help with
the wife’s support that the first
times have been my financial
very difficult because I was tired
and has not shown much and
so I made this flex that is company
lighting design and scenery
video productions
It’s what we do, it ‘s not for this.
was just to explain the course and one of the
words I have a reason cartridge
because as he quoted letter of the law
one of the words that always one of the
words that I would use until I made one myself
I’m a case of your last things.
analysis does not leave things to the
last one does a better job revealed
This is not a bad thing to say.
example but that’s how I work and
one of the words one of things always
present in my life was music
had a parking space with lots of people
but I every day with your music
every day walk when won a
son in the attempt that our music is
I think I could not live without hearing
music does not trust
This is one of the words that
talk and is one of the things shows
days of music and be able to do what I
I think I do that is a narrative
of the music being played
on schedule
let’s make it take the concept instead
of lighting gadgets make thousands
It’s a bad thing and I have to take care of it.
with technology has to have some
some knowledge but the
technology is just a tool
the concept that we try to put in
agenda with this is explained here
this is the scenario or part of some
parents had their last album after
You can even buy the cd that we
look I think they look at the cover of
Lenin in this case was the cd cover
the greatest inspiration in a language
I’ve been working with them for a long time.
when the analog and digital input
is what makes them size with songs
is a very large mixture and this is
part of the scenario and complements
Let’s see, I did not bring any photos.
none of my work and I hope that one
book and one finds in I am always
to make repairs and ready is the second
on the second thing that moved
mainly make a company in which
moves every day is to fail us to
do things and we can not be afraid
to fail and I in the things that I do
I usually try to do the most
difficult is one thing that there is a
chance of failing and for me
is what makes you go forward and how do you create
a language I believe it already has
a visual language that already begins to
be known at least in the sea
and that always in my head since
I started doing this was not having
many looks were afraid of failing
Let’s do what is what it is
We ‘re not comfortable leaving the site.
it is never the advice that I have a
extremely organized person that
military to work and I spend hours
there will be an alloy and not a time
understand this as a breakdown I have
a way of working that is this and has been
a closer connection of self with certainty
do two things in my name on this until
I can take you around.
one more time in the field but you
I thought it was good, I did not call
rules rules cartoon
do not exist from peter griffin
they can not go up and Eduardo can not
there is none and at least a greater
since what I think is that much
kloch what the problem of time
make musicians and Santos
the forms do not even try to make a
car and I still believe and
just being the stage is not a word
but I think it’s another equipment and this
may seem ridiculous doing my
I work doing a beautiful thing.
I can change the life of a person I
I can inspire her and I think any
one of you all has some
thing we’re doing and we’ve had it here
a very good example today during the day
all in the sentence but I remember the phrase
leave the fantasy
I ‘ve never been like that thing’s door
that you who create make do take away
photographs is not only a person can
want to be the pilot’s box there is not
not bad
as long as I do the mother and that’s what I
I have an already great team.
vacancies must have employees who
implies a job that helps
develop the projects and what I ask
and that ‘s what this do not do
believe in yourself and believe in this moment
We’re going to make a formed board.
by applying a visual narrative and
we can 1
This is what I want to do.
I do everything by chance but I stayed
dazzled the first few times that
I worked here, it was
no I have not even been for 15 years and
those with that I got to teach
lighting size and creating wanted
talk inside of this thing ever
close the door of the shot followed wanted
a lot of talk about it not already price
Those people who speak do not know much
as it is called site motivate
we live we all have some
special thing to give I live mine
life my wife knows that, my
son is very small and does not want to
pass this value and I think any
all people have something to
give others can
we have spent the last few years
last decades
already tried to be smart in this is
Let’s work a lot, I think.
I think music is a complete art
with regard to this because there are
concepts problems live the music
It starts when I think a person
that is not played by the music that
I think you have a serious problem because
whatever it is here
barriers the show to not enter
I think it’s a natural thing for a man to
music in the months happened many times
and yet he is not alone thus and
I taught myself if I had an experience.
especially with two students a god
work with me, not people today
work with me and another is now
scheduled in the work of the disease and
person is in progress and I do not know if
the barbarism received with a hug to
I said one thing one time one of those
days we started to head the
morning and only in the room tomorrow the other
We are still working , and is
difficult until
talk and I was not a lord I was
underneath was tired and did not say a
thing that until today I have it in the
head that is we have a better
world’s work and I firmly believe
that you have a better job at work
This is not a job, it’s mine.
work thank you
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