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Life lessons from my horse | Stephanie Scheller | TEDxSanAntonio

thank you guys you know it took me in an

ordinate ly a long period of time to

figure out that the world reflects back

to us what we put out I have been

working with horses for almost two

decades now and it was horses who helped

me understand the world around me and

why I get what I get and how to get more

of what I want if I’m just aware of what

I’m putting out I didn’t get my first

horse thunder until I was already 11

years old and thunder was actually older

than I was which in horse years is like

ancient but thunder taught me probably

one of the most important lessons I

could have ever learned the importance

of bringing confidence and leadership

into every situation when I got thunder

he had been a lesson horse his entire

life and I am equally convinced that he

was part of the team that coined the

phrase stubborn as an ass there was one

day in particular that perfectly

exemplified this I was getting ready to

lunge Thunder and for those of you who

haven’t spent a ton of time around


lunging this thing will do when we need

to exercise the horse but we don’t have

a ton of time so we’ll take them into a

big round pen kind of like this dot and

we’ll stand in the middle and we make

the horse run around the outer edge

prior to this moment in time everyone

warned me Stephanie thunder does not

lunge but I in my infinite

eleven-year-old wisdom knew better than

them so we get into the round pen and we

have a standoff and so I’m standing

there and I’m trying to I’m trying to

encourage him convince him hey I want

you to move buddy so I take the whip and

I very gingerly because I didn’t want to

hurt him so I just I just just flick it

at his ankles and I stood there

completely transfixed as my tiny little

lesson horse reared up all I could see

in that moment was a very dark belly and

very sharp hooves right overhead and I

remember thinking to myself oh my god I

wonder if I could get him to do this


I didn’t understand why everyone else

was freaking out until the rancher had

sold thunder to his came over and

explained Stephanie horses are herd

animals and then every herd there’s an

alpha and the alphas whole job is to

keep the herd safe to tell the herd

where to go when to go what to go so

that they stay safe and stay alive and

if there’s another horse who feels like

the Alpha isn’t doing a good job or he

feels like the alphas weak he’ll

challenge the alpha to a fight for that

position by rearing at him as you can

imagine in the position where you have a

thousand-pound animal and an 11 year old

girl it’s really important that the girl

is the alpha in that situation that

doesn’t make sense does it think about

that this giant animal is gonna do what

we tell them to do when we tell him to

do it as everyone likes to remind me

Stephanie don’t they know they can’t

squish you yes but that’s the cool thing

about working with horses see if I walk

into that situation confident in my

ability to lead he’s gonna reflect that

confidence and that respect back to me

Thunder taught me a ton of lessons but

we had to sell him shortly before my

youngest sister arrived and it was

several years before I really got to

feel like I owned a horse again I’d been

taking riding lessons at a local stable

and I always wanted these horses to

trust me like the girls in my books they

always had these amazing bonds with

their horses but I never really managed

to click until I met Monty I I came in

one day for my riding lesson I was told

hey Stephanie go get that big Appaloosa

out of the back let me clarify something

thunder was short for a horse he was

barely tall enough to avoid the pony

category Monty not so much and on top of

that he was half blind I was more scared

about climbing on top of this horse than

I had ever been about anything in my

life up until that point but I thought

back to what thunder taught me gritted

my teeth and I climbed on top of this


the confidence that I did not really

feel deep down and I don’t know if it

was the fact that I’d been riding for a

while so I was finally starting to get

to know what I was doing a little bit or

if Monty was just crazy trusting or if

maybe it was that fake confidence but

whatever it was the moment I asked this

1500 pound mammoth to step out

I knew something was different see what

most people don’t understand is when you

ride a well-trained horse that horse is

listening to every single cue you give

them everything from how you turn your

head or your shoulders something

seriously as subtle is dropping your hip

into the saddle can change that horse’s

direction around the arena when you

train when you ride a a well-trained

horse literally every movement tells

that horse where to go

prior to this the lesson horses I’ve

been riding either they were too numb or

I was way too green to really understand

the importance of those movements but

when I got on Monty everything changed

when you ride it’s a partnership you are

trusting the horse you’re riding to

watch the ground in front of him to

avoid tripping and falling and breaking

both of your necks and he in turn is

trusting you not to steer him into a

wall or off a cliff

since Monty couldn’t see very well he

trusted me to do both because of that he

listened very very closely very intently

for every cue that might tell him how to

stay safe and I found out that same day

there’s a flipside to that trust see

after our riding lessons me and the

other girls would go out and we’d let

them you know walk around the track

while we rode and this was don’t tell my

riding instructor our chance to kind of

goof off so we would drop the reins we

we goof around a little bit and I

realized as we get out to the track I

could not do that because all of a

sudden I realized that if every single

time I moved on this horses back he was

taking it as some kind of cue on how to

move in a

his body to stay safe I could never give

him any kind of reason to regret giving

me exactly what I was asking him for

that mutual respect that mutual trust

build this magical undescribable

relationship between Monty and I every

single timely Road but I never owned

Monty so he was sold rather suddenly and

we’d had such a deep connection it left

me raw to lose him overnight I mean how

do you tell a 14-year old girl that her

best friend in the world was just sold I

was completely heartbroken and I didn’t

even know if I wanted another horse it

was gonna take an equal broken up messed

up horse to put me back together but it

was sham who taught me to piece together

the lessons I’ve learned from these

other horses that everything comes down

to what we put into the mirror and

sometimes we don’t even know what we’re

asking for when we first got Jam he was

actually named star and we renamed him

Shazam because he had a very special

talent he could we renamed him Shazam

like the superhero cuz he could

transport himself and his rider ten feet

away in the blink of an eye if he saw

anything that might eat him like a piece

of paper stuck in the fence but for the

most part shame and I got along great I

mean seriously we tore up those

fairgrounds we raced through the

paddocks around the tracks there was one

day I remember we literally were chasing

the shadows of the clouds as they raced

across the grass we had fun but there

was a flipside to this and there was

another day I remember flinging myself

off of him at the end of our riding

lesson absolutely furious because even

after owning this horse for two years it

wasn’t really trust during our lessons

he was so busy trying to figure out

where he wanted to go and what he wanted

to do and how he was going to get there

that he never bothered listening so I

flung myself off of this horse and I can


my instructor that this horse just won’t

do what I tend to do and calm down just

like that and she explained to me Steph

he’s just giving you what you’ve asked

him for see after so many lesson horses

who were numb to the requests to go

faster I love the fact I never had to

ask twice for Shyam to fly but by

choosing to leave him as that wild horse

90% of the time I was trading that for

the horse who do everything I wanted in

the arena I realized that day you can

ask your horse for two different things

and he’s always going to give you the

one that you asked for with more

conviction regardless of whether you

understand the consequences Monty shamon

Thunder taught me a lot but most of all

they’ve taught me that the world is a

mirror and just like a mirror reflects

back both the acne and the dimples the

bulges and the beauty so does the world

around us so I’m constantly asking

myself what part of my life am i

frustrated with well part of my life my

unhappy about am i asking to be a leader

but then I’m putting myself in a

position to be taken advantage of and

and challenged and then wondering why no

one wants to follow me or am I asking

for trust without first proving to

myself and my partner that I’m worth

that trust but are yet

am I asking for peace and calm verbally

and in every other area of my life

reacting wildly see what I’ve learned is

that I can’t blame the mirror for what I

see there it’s what I choose to put into

that mirror that influence is what I get

back and I have complete control over

what I put into that mirror so if the

world reflecting back to me and to you

exactly what we put out I’ll leave you

guys with one question to ponder what do

you see in your mirror thank you [Applause]

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