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Lessons of a Goat Boy | Robin Hutchinson | TEDxKingstonUponThames

right so people who’ve heard me speak

before says it’s a bit like when you

hire one of those little motor boats at

the seaside and you set off and for the

first 20 minutes you don’t seem to be

able to steer it doesn’t seem to go

anywhere and finally when you get

control of it you realize you are

actually five minutes left on your

higher and 20 minutes away from the

shore so as this goes through and you

begin to think what’s he talking about

don’t worry in the final minute it’ll

begin to make some sense possibly right

this is me on the right at the age of

roughly four or five the thing in the

middle is a Christmas tree this was

going to be the future of Christmas

trees apparently they were made by a

company that worked out that their

brooms if you stuck him together would

make a false Christmas tree they were

going to take over the world as your

faces suggest they never did on the left

hand side is my brother he’s 10 years

older than me one of the most beautiful

human beings you will have the pleasure

to meet which puts me in the position of

being the disappointment of the family

when we were six or when I was six

rather there were other people being six

but in relation to this when I was six

my family decided to move from alden

just outside of manchester down to

kingston I didn’t get a big vote in this

but I was told it was going to be

brilliant first experience of my family

lying to me when I went to my new

primary school it was awful and I’ll

tell you for why it was awful two things

first off I noticed my voice didn’t sit

with anybody else’s in the playground in

fact people kept coming up and saying

say that again it sounds funny so I

spent the first few days merely

repeating things while people laughed at

the other thing that happened on the

first day I taken in a Dalek because in

oldham you worked in the morning and in

the afternoon you’re allowed to play I

was six in the afternoon at school I

lifted up my darling onto the desk and

the teacher said and at this point I

normally say Hutchinson but its primary

school so I imagine they used Robin it

was probably more polite what are you

doing Robin so I said I’m going to which

she went why and I said because we play

in the afternoon said not here we don’t

and I had to put the Dalek off and the

punishment of work continued and inside

of me a little part died because

actually play is the great place of

discovery and one of the themes that

will come through this for me is how we

re event reimagine play for adults let

me move my life on a bit I regard myself

as a very lucky man I’m lucky because

I’ve never really have much control over

my life wonderful things seem to happen

I get great opportunities I’m surrounded

by brilliant friends I have a loving

family and a wonderful wife I’m lucky

I’ve worked in large organizations

whenever you say lucky there’s always

some macho guy goes you make your own

luck in this world you don’t I didn’t

choose to be born in the UK that was

luck that gave me such a head start you

can make fortune but you have to realize

the minute you talk as luck as something

that you’ve made and others somehow have

got it wrong is the start of the

separation between perceived success and

failure and it’s a very difficult thing

so I’m lucky I’m a manic-depressive in

the year 2000 it was identified at I’m a

manic-depressive actually I’m no longer

her manic depressive I’m bipolar I was

rebranded I am personally preferred

manic-depressive I don’t know it just

sounds more like you know oh yeah

biology I do anyway so

this is kind of influenced I believe a

lot of the way that I live my life I’ve

been in depression now for about six

months in the last five weeks I’ve

started having anxiety attacks I can’t

tell you how good it’s been this event

for me and sitting waiting over there

perfect absolutely perfect so let me

tell you a little bit about certain

where I live certain is a fascinating

place if you say to most people hey what

do you like about certain those I

brilliant 20 minutes to London 20

minutes to the countryside and one day

about six years ago it struck me fancy

living in a place where you describe it

through the speed you can leave it I

mean what an astonishing psyche that is

what’s great about where you look I get

away from it really quickly it actually

started to beg a question about the sort

of place it was it’s a dormitory place

by and large like a lot of the suburbs

it’s a place where people sleep they

shop they work in London potentially if

they’re going to have a good time

they’re going to stay in London and you

end up with people who ghost walk

through their lives where they live and

all the animation happens elsewhere we

are the shorthand for suburbia suburban

is a classic expression we’ve been

helped in marketing terms like things

like the good life which have said there

are more Margot’s & jerry’s in surbiton

than there are Tom and Barbara’s my

experiences actually we’re populated by

Tom and Barbara’s and the perception of

certain is entirely wrong and actually

the suburbs are no longer what they used

to be they are full of dynamic brilliant

people who generally speaking a time

poor and the old fashioned route of

involvement and engagement rotary round

table political party in actually has

fallen by the wayside because very few

people are now prepared to commit

themselves to that regularity nor do you

see people rushing up the street going

can I be the treasurer so what is the

new form of engagement volunteering

we were looking at a place where a lot

of people described it as solace that

they didn’t know how to fit they were

passing through it ghosts in their lives

and we did the one thing I suspect

everybody would do at that point we

created the legend of a little goat boy

it’s the classic response in these

situations as men I’ll tell you a little

bit about the legend of laughy laughy

arrives in a place called Mount seething

seething we use seething rather than

served him because I was extraordinarily

nervous at the start of all of this that

if we use the term surbiton we would

find hostility from some quarters are

you here you come here giving us all

this about served and when we love it

too much so seething was this kind of

fantasy place weirdly enough it’s

actually real its geographic

geographically there but it just fallen

out of the local parlance so in seething

you have a village that is terrorized by

a giant that lives at the top of Mount

seething call Thomas Deaton but like all

Giants he’s only there once every four

years I don’t need to tell you that

you’re all experts in giant transitory

movement so you’re okay why are you

wasting your time on that Robin we

understand the basics of giants um and

when the giant goes away one time a

little baby goat boy is found at the

bottom of this mountain now because he

is different the adults who’ve grown up

in fear want to forget that it’s there

but the children who don’t have that

fear tend and care for the little goat

boy and the little goat boy grows at a

rate a goat boy he will grow so within

three years and the Giants coming back

that’s a reasonable size goat boys go

boys go don’t use the dating app when

the giant comes back levy effectively

tricks him the giant has to honor his

word and leave but in doing so smashes

down the mountain and in doing that

lettuce appears and we published a

little book which if you don’t mind I’ll

just read a tiny extract from while

shaking badly so if it actually looks

so you got it picture the scene the

villages are all standing round they’ve

realized that lefty has gone but not

only did they realize left he has gone

they realized the adults that they

treated him terribly they’d rejected him

they spurned him and despite all of that

he had helped them and so this is the

little caption bit the leader of the

village spoke villages of seedings she

said we must learn from today and never

behave again like this seething must

become a village that is open to all it

shouldn’t matter what you look like

where you come from or who you are

you’ll be welcome here and Levy as shown

as the way and that’s sort of the

underpinning principle of the state of

seething a non geographical space in

which everybody is welcome if they come

with their hearts believing the world

can be beautiful if we give the space to

make it beautiful and if we support

other people they can realize their

ambitions and if they fall we’re there

to pick them up and not to ridicule them

so on I think it was 2009 we decided in

honor of the book and where it’s

mentioned we’d have a procession in

honor of the little goat boy in my head

this procession was going to be

absolutely wonderful it was due to set

off at three o’clock we’d invited people

to wear fancy dress do whatever they

want and we were going to parade around

the state streets and people would stop

in or and go goodness is this what

happening now that’s a sentence but in

the wrong order so

at quarter to three five of us at about

10 to 37 and I’m beginning to think I

may be the only person who thinks this

is worth doing and at three o’clock

suddenly we have between 250 and 300

people who turned up and walk round the

streets and when people were stopping

and saying what’s this about they’re

going about the goat boy it’s about

taking this land back and the police in

fairness were even better than that the

police were going I’ve no bloody idea

but it’s fun so why do we process what’s

it about it’s actually about story it’s

about giving people their space back

space in place it’s really interesting

the concept architects talk of spaces

places are the plate bits people inhabit

it’s when it changes we realized part of

our issue was nobody had a narrative for

certain you either got the suburban or

you got the good life how do you counter

that by actually say no it’s full of

dynamism it’s full of fun it’s full of

spirit will you create absurdity the

other thing absurdity does is it draws

out creatives if you look at the

regeneration certainly of Europe in

particular what you get is very rundown

areas the rent is cheap the artists go

there because quite honestly that’s the

only place they can afford they start

their activity it creates a bars of the

bars start to fill we are energy

vampires where’s the energy it’s over

there oh and then a developer goes oh

look we could knock all that down and

build something spectacular in the

artists who are now by used to it go

okay we’re going to find somewhere else

cheap to live for a while and we’ll do

it again actually certain is full of

creators and they want to play there’s a

really interesting was playing upstairs

sir ken robinson with his talk on

creativity his great sentence we educate

creativity out of children it is our

belief we then d skill adults at work

but actually the real danger of our life

is not that we haven’t got the resource

we don’t have the talent it’s the fact

we manage

out of people and they become they be

gray and they become dull what these

things do is to fold it makes people

smile and laugh and it makes people

think anything might be possible we take

the boundaries away and we witness

change we see people’s patterns changing

they begin to make decisions I don’t

know what the next like oh this is jay

yet just people making food but how

lovely coming together to share food

making a celebration together why is

this important because actually without

these stories we’ve got nothing to say I

don’t like when people come together and

talk about programs they’ve seen that’s

very passive to me I like the animation

of people explaining the absurdity of

something they’ve been engaged with a

few years ago and I won’t go into too

much detail we were covered in the

evening standard and they put something

like if you want to go and see real

community go down to seething and

experience it was very kind we got an

email from somebody saying I’d like to

join your club and I think she the

person said I’m 55 years old or whatever

it was and I turned to my wife I know

and yeah goodness look says it’s a club

and look at the age and my life so did

you actually read the article said no

I’m quite shallow like that headliner

that’s about it for me said well they

described as a clock I’ll forgive of

that look think of the Asian beats your

agent yep okay that’s great anyway so

this person then turns up and gets

involved now the business of brilliance

and the danger of torque strut and Ted’s

is actually you’ve got people who have

gone right up there and the world seems

very unachievable for most of us

actually being brilliant is only being

the best you can be and this person came

along actually with an ambition to put

on a yellow marshalls jacket and walk

alongside what we did that was it what

was interesting a few months later after

this person who got more and more

engaged some people came from work she

invited these people down and one of

them came up to me afterward and said

you’ve no idea what you’ve done

I normally take that as a threat to be

honest with ya at normally when Sundy

clouts me but on this occasion just said

that up till very recently on a Monday

all this person could talk about work

was the difficulty of the weekend and

now they came in infused and passionate

with stories that said actually we’ve

got importance now the issue haven’t

gone away but the balance had been

struck there was something there gosh is

at the time right these are some water

works I thought you’d be interested

guinea pigs lovely let’s get guinea pigs

so we recently won the Britain has

spirit award it came with it with a

twenty-five thousand pound check for our

work which is just unbelievable the

reason that says not to go woohoo it was

actually thousands upon thousands of

people voted and they all then said when

they came up we won didn’t we we’ve won

haven’t we and that’s the greatest shift

from you over there I to we the world is

full of people tell you what you should

do do you know what you should do you

shouldn’t hold on the moment what should

we do we now get people coming up to and

same do you know what I’ve always wanted

to do and you genuinely have to go no

and then they’ll say this and you go you

should do it and they go oh thank you

and there is something weird about our

lives and we now call it permission to

be brilliant actually people need that

support tonight take the first step

you’ll get this but basically what this

says is people who participate get

happier that they feel they’ve got more

influence on their lives they feel that

they can influence where they live the

correspondence for this is actually

those people who filled in our survey we

do an annual survey who don’t

participate higher fear of crime higher

sense that actually they can’t influence

anything it really is there here are

some comments imagined I’d time this

the reason this the reason this one’s up

is because people go you’re really lucky

there where you live because all these

people want to do it this is as down in

swanage in Dorset where we actually said

wouldn’t it be great if there was a fish

festival here and just said does anybody

fancy organizing the fish festival and

as their business said we’ve never had

so many businesses in one room this was

last year’s fish festival absolutely

going strong brilliant it’s not about

where you live it’s about the attitude

to where you live we recently opened the

Museum futures this is a place where

people can curate their lives we’ve

created a space where people Kaname and

realize their imagination their dreams

their ambitions it’s being used

extensively already it’s your playground

that’s we’ve opened a community kitchen

in there so that people can scale their

businesses nesta recent report this week

people helping people why on earth we

have to go in commission loads of

reports to tell us that actually the

world is a better place when we stay

together this is the final bit you’ll be

pleased to hear relieved actually

probably tamest eaten the giant I told

this story at one of our events and a

kid of about this age has came up and

said to me why a giant’s always bad and

it really rocked me back actually

because we try desperately I hope to

live without prejudice to live without

fear and yet it’s implicit within us

that there are certain ogres certain

ghosts certain things and as a result of

that we’ve written the story before levy

now that actually explains that his

anger his hate his destruction was based

around a simple word fear and actually

if there’s one thread that’s gone

through the whole of this it’s how we

dispense with fear because this little

circle here that we stand on is our live

Shirley Valentine why do we lead such

little lives and actually all you have

to do is that and the world changes a

little bit you’ve broadened the circle

in which you operate we educate

creativity out of children we descale

adults at work

I want to create playgrounds where an

adult can imagine putting their coat on

their head and running fast and

believing they could fly because the

reality is with the right people around

you you can you can do all those things

that you wanted to do and it might be

creating a new empire it might be choked

it might be wearing a yellow fluorescent

jacket it doesn’t matter just be the

best you you can be and we’ll all have a

much better world thank you [Applause]

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