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Lessons From Death | Dan Schwartz | TEDxStevensonU

hi everybody before we begin I some let

everyone know that this talk catches on

touches on a sensitive topic and may

trigger certain emotions or feelings or

memories and if as a result need to take

a moment from the room please feel free

to do so Benjamin Franklin once said and

I’m paraphrasing here if in this world

nothing can be said for certain except

for death and taxes and as much as we

all might fear April 15th and EF filing

our taxes there are loopholes and

avoidances just ask President Trump

which really only leaves death as the

one true guarantee in life as a result

death is the ultimate change and one may

experience because either you passed or

someone else did the person being a

close relative a friend an acquaintance

or perhaps a stranger they heard about

on the news now this isn’t a talk about

what happens after you die the afterlife

or related topics like incarnation I’m

not here to discuss the cultural

meanings behind death to describe

different widget ceremonies surrounding

death I’m not a fan tala gist or person

who studies death they keep me way too

busy instant activities to have a hobby

like that

the term fate ology comes from the Greek

Santos who was the personification of

death in Greek mythology the interim

presentation of the Grim Reaper – the

scythe and with angel like wings but not

here discuss any of that this is a

different talk entirely I would instead

like to share what I’ve learned from

losing people during my life and talk

about how I’ve turned the most negative

tragedies in my life into positive

lessons my hope is that you leave this

talk not sad but rather able to

translate these lessons into positive

changes for your own life in order to

lay the foundation for these

life-changing lessons I think it’s

important that I share three significant

people that I’ve lost during my life

these three role models all passed

during different stages of my life and

as a result affected me in different

ways in ninth grade Peter Goldberg was

one of my best friends a fraternity

brother in college Phil littleengine Jew


and on December 1st 2009 poppy Dave all

men all represent various ideals to me

and I found that these their lessons and

our experience that we shared all bring

back to these four main life-changing

points one laughs and not just the big

things but at the small things too

laughter is a powerful tool some say it

heals all and it’s a perfect remedy

whether it was Pete’s outgoing and no

fear personality Phil’s jokes or Poppy’s

laughs my most vivid memories with these

three gentlemen are my times we laugh

together in my grandparents kitchen when

you open the refrigerator door it blocks

the doorway from the kitchen to the

dining room and every once in a while

when grandma was in the fridge fine

trying to find something papi would

stand in the doorway and as grandma

closed the refrigerator door to reveal

papi standing there he’d kind of jump

out and scare a little bit and grandma

would scream and say stop that and

they’d laugh together we all have busy

lives some of us are in school some of

us have busy home and personal lives

some of us were working 40 plus hours a

week and some of us trying to balance

all three of those things and then some

but I’m willing to bet that during a

stressful week if you’re able to laugh

or joke about something even the

smallest thing your day would become

infinitely better if you’ve had the good

fortune to come by the Student

Activities office during the academic


it is quite busy much like many of the

other offices on campus those always

students coming in and out of the office

especially on the weekends out on the

evenings planning their various events

getting ready for their different group

activities needs to say it’s very

stressful but we’re always laughing

about something finding the humor and

the smallest things and it creates a

very positive work environment plus the

student workers love and I mean love my

jokes they’re on the rise right now to

speak up say what’s on your mind reach

out to a friend in need

don’t wait until tomorrow to talk about

it we never know what life has in store

for us tomorrow we don’t know who and

who won’t be here later who will meet

tomorrow a week from now or what random

serious events will affect us down the

road based on this theory

I encourage you to communicate with the

people around you not just through your

mobile devices good queue on the ring

take your face out of the phone put away

the snapchats

stop doing the digital likes and have a

real conversation by a show of hands

whose text message from across their

suite to the roommate or in the

residence halls we wrap out across the

house to a family member asking the

simple question I had a college roommate

did that back when I aim was still big

and I never understood that by a show of

hands who talks to their parents once a

week at least once a week or goes home

to have dinner or something something

like that with them my fraternity

brother Phil committed suicide three

years after he graduated college he had

so much going for him is working for

ESPN and his dream job has a great

family a great group of friends and to

this day I’m not really sure why he did

that I bill was a great listener he was

the guy in the fraternity that younger

guys will go to with questions and

concerns we wanted to vent or complain

and he just knew what to say he had such

great wise words but having experienced

that I would encourage you to reach out

and talk to the people around you ask

them how their day is telling if you’re

mad if you’re happy if you’re sad if

you’re nervous and if it’s because of

them tell them and talk about it nothing

ever got done by going to bed angry

number three

dreamers if you live forever live as if

it died today

I believe this James Dean quote which

happens to be my favorite quote

perfectly sums up the importance of

experiencing life I don’t mean you have

to be a thrill seeker and jump out of an

airplane but get out of your comfort

zone try new things

perhaps ride a horse for the first time

it seems so simple but often we get so

racked up and what we’re doing what we

should be doing and our work that we

forget to ask what we can be doing the

idea is stopping the smell the roses

seem so trivial but I challenge you this

week to actually stop and smell a rose

or a flower or a view that you come upon

my friend Pete had no fear he was a

class clown whether it was breaking the

dance in the hallway or going rap to the

girl he had a crush on that week to ask


out he wasn’t afraid to experience life

and take chances he loved to cook and he

loved food from young age he wanted to

be a cook and open a restaurant and I

think in some way he understood that

when people break bread they share that

experience together and can build upon

it Plus how many ninth graders do you

know will invite their crush over in

middle school to cook for them it’s

crazy now it might be a little biased

and it might be a little arrogant when I

say this but I happen to believe my

fourth and final point also happens to

be the meaning behind life and it’s okay

if you don’t share in that opinion but I

ask if you take nothing else away from

this talk please remember this final

thought life isn’t as much about what

you do but rather who you share those

accomplishments with these are my

grandparents Dave and Jackie they’re

everything I aspire to be in life they

were not incredibly wealthy in the

traditional sense they did not own their

own airplane but they traveled the world

together they don’t own a mega mansion

by the coast but they can fill two of

them with the stories and memories of

their lives together of their four

children their nine grandchildren and

two great-grandchildren Bo’s but they

enjoyed each other the life they built

because when it’s all said and done or

you’re left with your memories thank you [Applause]

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