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good afternoon
as you know we are living in
our country important moments
convulsive moments and I would like that in
these 15 18 minutes that have lent me
I hope we can think a little outside
the box we can reflect on the
present and about the future
and that we are aware of what
what we think will happen is
happening today
it is likely that some of the plates already
know them but I think it’s worth it
if you allow me as you know and
surely many of you already
and amazon
if it’s true and you can tell me hey
I do not already have stores if I buy world food
in the USA and start to put some
physical stores but amazon like you
you know is the biggest seller of products
to consumption
and until a few years ago practically
I did not have a single physical store
as interesting data amazon its value of
capitalization its value in the market is
of 750 thousand dollars while the value
of walmart is only 250 thousand
million dollars
as you know netflix offers
movies and they know how many movie theaters
they have netflix
huber surely also already know it is
the oldest
and innovative in transportation issues and
taxis and does not have in their assets
only taxi spotify
spotify I see very young people this afternoon
spotify does not have a disk in its
inventory and is the tool that today
plus the platform that is most used the
today to listen to live music
is the hotel that sells more rooms in the
world and does not have a single inventory of
fourth in your assets that is the reality
that we are living not tomorrow
good day of five years that is today the
disruptive issue that we are seeing and I
would like that from this idea I wish
we can think like students like
entrepreneurs in terms of capacity
to these people
we lost the thread a bit but as you can see
which do you think are the countries that
they observe less development in our
country unfortunately the countries of the
southeast warrior oaxaca chiapas and so
as much as they see towards the north
starting with the center and in particular
querétaro have higher level of
development that has to do among other
things with connectivity
of course the subject of the
interconnection always the discussion
if social networks are going to bring us closer
or they will take us away
and there is
it ‘s a subject that has always
interested and I have tried to study
social networks brings us closer because we
It is possible to meet people from all
the world have information in time
real but a very serious phenomenon has happened
with the theme of social networks we have
Banking information capacity
is to say today the people who get into
social networks it’s likely that
look for what you are interested in
those topics that are of interest to you and
they have not necessarily generated the
the best tools of
communication between people
one thing that I think is worth
to mention in this context is
we are in an electoral moment in
our country and the politicians the army
the power factors think they are
the true owners of current power and
you know who the real ones are
owners of power
that I think are the owners of the
social networks
social networks have the ability
to know and we’ll talk a little more
ahead of it has the ability to
Know your consumption habits
has the ability to know
that make them like that they dislike
who buy at what time they consult and
today these social networking platforms
are those who have accumulated a large stock
of knowledge and information and
you know that the information that is
the big ones
today will be social networks I do not know if
you know but a few weeks ago
Mr. Zuckerberg from Facebook had to
go to the congress of the us to explain
why he gave information of 50 million
of Facebook users facing the
he testified he accused himself but he made two
days on facebook reported utilities by
5 billion dollars and its action
that day 9% went up whether we like it or not
like the trend of social networks
and the technology came and went for
stay and there is no way to stop it
of course also in the networks
social through their different
components will not be a toral element
in the way that you are
they communicate in the way that you
interact with others and this
It will always be known by different
information engines such as can be
facebook twitter linkedin and all
those engines that you know in
information terms
What is the risk that will generate this
technological revolution
and I mention them because we have already
started to see and in this case then I
I feel particularly alluded
this digital era
we are sure that it will bring a
very important consequence for
societies and there will have to be policies
public that solve this problem
I commented quickly a couple of data
someone has gone to talk about watson
that ibm platform that can
practically read and that has
artificial intelligence
ibm watson already has capabilities for
through the iris
and be able to identify and analyze
clinics to identify what are the
pathologies that each have
you then one of the things that is
very likely to happen is that
doctors about mostly doctors
internists who test in the
Near future, other unemployed are left
that will be unemployed will be people
as your server where
today there are robots algorithms that do
investments in millimeter time and
they do asset allocation every second
based on market trends
that is , there is no human team
enough to replace one
machine that makes the location of assets
this is what it will bring among many
other areas is a level of unemployment that
can be compared to what we live in the
crisis of 39 in the great depression
think what this means for the
you think we are not today
aware of the level of unemployment that
robotics digital era
will generate and this will have a very
important for the countries and I think that
we will see again in a few years what
that happened in the USA at the time of the
depression of the great depression
unfortunately the branches
banking us today we continue
querétaro very grateful opening
branches these will be the new banks
from the future
and whoever does not see that clearly I think
that is not understanding what is
happening in the world of course he
fintech I need to know what sphincter
but they are all those developments that
try to be out of the system
regulated financial in usa silicon
valley last year received more than 20
billion investment
venture capital funds to make
bets in terms of fintech for
companies that happen that what’s going to
be the financial system
as a curious fact for you to know
in the USA in the 50 states or 51 if
they want to count puerto rico on 29
percent of the population is engaged in
drive a taxi
imagine yourself when google
Mr. mos his location fly when
it is the or google
I understand yes I know that recently
tesla car fault but not eye
cars without driver are going to be in
operation in the coming years not
Make a mistake in the USA
29 states of the 50 entities in the
usa are taxi drivers imagine your level
economic level of education what is going to
spend with them in terms of unemployment
and maybe to make some of marquez
end there are two great slopes
facebook zuckerberg who thinks that the
artificial intelligence is the future today
the robot keep me in the box that I do not
I want to do this this ace please in
the accounting entry the charge and the subscription
and there are others like
the being you who think that robotics
is going to make the superman
and the superman will be the destruction
of the human being as has happened in other
civilizations and web
the question is is there the ability to
create robotics with feelings that
may be above only the
instructions of the human being and to become
in a self destructive topic
This child that I was when I was little is not
true this child
he makes that surprise face
that biogenetics genetics the
of affecting the genes and even the hand
of the citizens that goes through
questions of character that today what
better is not the subject of discussion but
this kid
he makes that surprise face
because it turns out
that his parents are African-American and the
men are their biological parents the
they are his adoptive parents
and we already have the ability
to alter as we have seen in some
food industries are already
capable of altering the biogenetic
human beings and we are also capable of
alter the biogenetics of food
then that means that love
people who have resources they want
that their children are blond with blue eyes
and with the aic and more higher there is and
then that means that those
children who do not have abilities
economic will have to come out with what
God gave them to understand and they will have to
compete with those super men and
then I would ask you if those
children who do not have resources will be children
that can survive in the digital age
I suggest you read this book that
call big data new data in war of
internet that you the aparts july william
what he wants to tell us is that
we have a capacity
go lie self lie to our
psychiatrist but the only time where
we know who we are is in privacy
when we look for any kind of
information in any social engine and
this what he tells us is careful with what
who are looking because there is someone from the other
side is reviewing and know what
are looking and this has even
generated life-style problems the
social point of view until the
possibility of winning elections
in the us in industrialized countries
the question that I would like to leave and
that I do not have the answer is
our country
our beloved mexico in our time
Compulsa in this complicated time
what we have forward is
ready to generate two large
mexico’so we can close the gap
we want a mexico marginalized a mexico
that does not have access to the technology that
do not have access to the digital world that does not
I have access to knowledge or a mexico
that is already separating like the one
we live in this state that is living
in the development that lives with concepts
of educational quality that is in the era
the question that I want to leave you and that
I want you to reason in this night is how
we can go closing the gap between
these two great worlds that we live the
digital era of the developed people that
capture all the economic value and
those who do not have access to anything
to very little thank you very much I thank you
much I hope you have served
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