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La Biodynamique, une Science pour la Vie | Yves Gourinat | TEDxAgroSupDijon

madam sir good evening
first i would like to thank agrosup
dijon to have organized this head dicks which
in itself is already a break
the whole organizing team julie chloé
etc for their extraordinary work is
so friendly that changes us
international congresses and who are going
actually cause what’s called
in English from fresh to god and one
just got one
with fresh water a cool to
dieuze so when they asked me to
come from toulouse the most beautiful city
aeronautics of europe not to say
more of the galaxy and so I got
asked the question I could talk to you
frank break such as for example the
the plane of the future since all planes
are alike we are working on really
the plane of the future
or so the artificial present on
which we work for flights
more than two years is far from the land
but I preferred you talk about a
break that is already effective since ten
years and present you a platform
little bit like those this circle that carries
a dozen projects of which 7 are already
operational and three are in the making
so this platform is a break
finally it breaks with the break
in that we as
physicist structures yes because
I am physicists of structures on
spend our time breaking up
structures but not to break them
but to see what they have in the
belly to do science on break
planes for who never hides in
flight here to make it simple and it’s not
at all a break that I’m going to
present but on the contrary a
disciplinary gathering his land
it’s a break in the head a
psychological break a break
university when that’s a world
very complicated under the umbrella of the very
beautiful university of Toulouse which is
university as beautiful as that of
dijon and in which I have the pleasure
to be crazy the professor and director of
research and I have done with
triple cap then the cap of
professor at supaéro saddle in girl
that’s the director’s cap
scientific institute clement ader
which is the rcnrs of 236 researchers who
break structures not we do not
that but we do a lot of
mathematics to secure the
structures that is to say guarantee them a
survivability rate of around 10 –
7 per hour of flight
finally in his pastures and the opposite
a case fatality rate of 10 – 7 per hour
we understood and then I come
also because I too am a
black sheep figure you name me the
black sheep among white blouses
because I have been this year since
physicist of chu de toulouse
the English the Americans rather me
say it’s weave shale world
two physicists by the way it’s the same
word practically in English and so the
break that I will introduce you
in reality it is a bridge that we
transforms little by little as shown
this beautiful painting so for that it
must start from our specialty of
physicists structures we are
entropy hunters so what is it
that entropy is entropy
it’s the arrow of time it’s all
who does that ben when a plant
this is a comparison that we can
use here when a plant believes it
believe that is to say that somewhere yes
she evolves absolutely she looks
in front of you I see you smile kind
I push open doors but it
also it’s the entropy of driving down
open doors and so it’s not the
all the mess that’s boltzmann who
tell you his stories
I tell you that entropy is a
part of the summer entropy three pillars
which carries ungraded here one to 118
Ph.D. and 49 hdr at Clement Ader
we have 50 on the theme of
static entropy ie the
wrinkles of the structure we have
wrinkles it gives a lot of charm
but that does not limit us
flight area well it’s exactly
like that the aircraft structures
helicopter launcher everything he sees
and all that does not steal from elsewhere
tgv also it is certified by month
then we have dynamic entropy at
dynamic entropy if you want
here is a sauce and the demonstrator
universal structures it is the beam
from Galilee he asked himself the question
had to form a beam the father
galileo foot of the track tower and so
when we are going to make work a
structure see there is an exchange
ethernet attention I said eternal
of kinetic energy and energy
potential and then there is the side
dark of force which is the part of
energy that is neither kinetic nor
potential that will create
the damage that will create some
something that is not mechanical
that’s it and that it interests us a lot
I have forty doctoral students working
on this subject and then they escape you
not that the structure is working in
the atmosphere it interacts with the
rest of the world
to the rest of the world here is the poster
can be lightning for example when a
plane gets caught takes a flash on the
love at first sight it also exists for
planes it does not happen often in the
life puts a plane usually on average
he has a thunderbolt in his opposite
of an airplane it is 100 1000 hours of flight
and 25 years and so
he usually has one or two shots of
lightning is a bit like us in his
life and so it’s all modeled
mathematically since we are
first and foremost mathematicians and therefore we
have this third topic that will us
to interest particular it works like
a three-stage rocket this case
there see the third floor there is the
multi physics driving simulation that
simply means the
modeling of the structure
mechanical in the rest of the world
here and then in there among the rest
of the world and life sciences and we
have about ten PhD students
actually no and I present to you
a dozen doctoral students who represent
the famous 10 projects that I am
I was referring to who are working on
interaction with the world of life
so that I thought it would be
interesting to talk about it also in
a school like agrosup obviously
since by definition
you work you work on the
world to remake a little bit of
physics of fizi to understand that the
biology it’s also physics the
biophysics will rather talk about
biodynamic then this is a new
discipline that emerges now
which has been around for ten years and of which we
we are carriers to Toulouse it was a
once a tank of launchers see that
it’s a network so I’m not telling you
at all innocently because the guy
who work on this reservoir of
launchers she reserves to Ariane 6 eh
well he did a thesis with us on
the inner ear and the cnes so
very smart judged that the
skills he has gained in
of interaction cop structure in
the inner ear and weird fluids
very exotic soli very exotic
does not have the manufacturer’s manual have
more of the inner ear
but rest assured when you have the manual
of the constructor was not so much
better because we do not understand
so we made models of these
criminal networks well fluid in there
which is called hydrogen which has a
fabulous future because I you
points out that the solution of the problem of
transport network
we work a lot 2% of gases to
greenhouse effect is aeronautics but
we have a ripple effect
huge the solution is hydrogen on
tells you stories with the
if you want to fly a plane a
airbus with batteries ten times the
volume of this piece would not be enough
and I’m not telling you the mass and I ‘m telling you
do not say the chemicals he
should also so if you want for
a light plane game
not for an ulm I’m not saying for a
moped I do not say but for a
airbus the solution is hydrogen
so we work on it by the
cryogenics and well do you figure that the
equations of these hulls there with a
fluid from below it’s the same thing
that a living cell take you a
living cell well it’s a coop
with a weird fluid inside the
inhomogeneities of osmosis know this
that it is osmosis well in hydrogen
is something called the
fugacity that is that you go back
obviously not counting on this drawing but
the fluid it passes through
tanks and in addition it has its modes
own then yielded a little bit a little
weird obviously they are once
more of mathematics and so the
Montpellier doctors first then
no more purpan in Toulouse because they
were a little jealous of Montpellier
contacted us so that
equations of the tanks one applies them
in the inner ear to the vestibule at
skull to a lot of things and so we
is currently working on implants
cochlear on the understanding of
sounds inside the
vibro-acoustic what happens in the
pitcher tank that’s exactly what
happening in the inner ear
do you see there that’s not the
tank ariane 5 is what we
calls the basilar membrane membrane
based on doing a little bit of anatomy in
the ear you have a masson bed that
is called the cochlea which is the seat of
hearing there is a member at and
several members brings to a chemistry
kahn to a mechanics us what we
interest is the mechanical membrane it
is an organ in there called
the organ of corti which is the seat of
hearing we have us with a
so we still associated with
neurologists from a small university
american who is in boston who
is called m haiti and who has us who
lent us when they say their
neurological model of the link between the
kinetic autoimmune nystagmus of
the eye and the measurements inside the
yes because in the cochlea we can
not make mc2 how shall I say of
in vivo measurements for reasons
obvious if you are doing measurements on
the corpse
unfortunately it works more keys
materials no longer the soul so the
the only way to do it was to do it
indirectly and the m haiti had a
way of measurements by neurology the
to do so we had to associate
so we did like hello tomorrow you
know musk he managed to make his
pitcher because
lent his launcher NASA lent the
launch pad in europe was going
transmit one barter for a
symbolic dollar plus the tax
see nothing and so but yes and so we have
did the same with m haiti we have
passed their neurological model we one
will have passed their mechanical models we have
published together and everyone was
happy then ben here is an example
this is one of many examples of
digital models that we did
but I would still like it now
because I only have eight minutes left
in front of me I would now like you
speak a little bit not of the present but of
the future then the present actually
we created an international journal yes
because we have nothing to publish when
we are multidisciplinary
that is when we are at once
biologist and physicists what seems
yet natural bah we do not have a review
high level so is what we did
we created one simply
created a number of structures by
example with the energy commissioner
atomic who work on the
scuba gear of the future well we are served
also for the exoskeletons for
myopathic children to do their
we have a number of
programs that runs like that but I
would you like to talk about one that
holds particularly heart because
they concern the biodynamics of
the entire spinal cerebrospinal system
for more than ten years we have been working with
astronauts on the problems
landing for that we are present
in the cabin would have been told at
passage it is not known enough but
the cabins that are manufactured at
united states there are equipments
french in good we must a little
little to the doctor because as said
mermoz all take off is optional
but every landing is obligatory
and so a flight will end and yes a
flight will always end it’s like the
life besides there is always a beginning
and an end and so
the flight will end on earth and we will
qualified a number of models
of the spinal cerebral system on
the impact that is used for soccer elsewhere
and which serves to passengers of airbus I
tells you that when we qualify the
vital risk but because in a
plane you will run risks but some
risks that are lower than the risks
that you run in this room
yes because in this room
especially with me you will run
very important risks that the room
collapses that there is a tremor
earth that yes I always say that my
beautiful mother lands etc but when you
are on the plane you run
additional risks from the fact that you
are in the plane and risks
negatives that are subtracted from the fact that
you are no longer in this room and yes
and so the game because it’s theory
we are working on structures for
make sure that the plane is the place
the safest of the earth ie
when we ride in
well they are they be
perfectly safe then in this setting
so we built a céphalo model
spinal with the model masses
interface manpower the eigen modes
if you want the cephalo system
spinal cord that we used so for a
number of top athletes
level and then for passengers from to
from the a380 it is we who have it
qualified the model of passengers on board
350 also of course a little bit with
boeing also because when boeing we
offers sub in the form of contract
we always accept them and so and so
from these models there the doctors
have come to see us because they
are not interested in implants
today the deep deaf children
so that’s why we are
particularly motivated by this
synergy biophysical physical biology
biodynamic exactly is that the
implants who forgive children who are
electrically implanted in the cochlea
That’s all there is 17
electrodes that we put to them
in the cochlea is something of
painful and that is not natural what
which would be natural is the transmission
so for that we work on the
generalized predictive control of the skull
as is done on some aircraft has
made for a boeing besides that is the
the osprey 1 which the convertible
so on the active control of the words of
clean by generalized predictive control
on the skull the idea is to generate
in the cochlea directly to the good
in law
the vibrations that beethoven does not
knew this because everyone says that
beethoven was deaf that’s a little bit true
but he had another deafness of
mechanical transmission he was not
deep deaf that sense that it’s cockerel
was still working and so he had on
his piano erard makes you ride a
metal blade a bit like this rule
who dragged it on the frame there
bit the blade echo me type like a
deaf on his piano and well it says he
never heard the ninth symphony
that’s not true he heard it by the
bone conduction but without control
generalized prediction ie
extremely distorted so we
work on it and we work in
particular to make a model
mathematical that respects several
organic things inspired
the first thing is to find a meta
equivalent materials touched for
hydrogen we found a material
equivalent in liquid hydrogen for
do vibration tests in my
lab because doing tests of a
rationality of liquid discharges into my
lab there is no question
first because if it explodes the whole
world is frozen on the spot then yes
finally good there is a bunch of ya a bunch of
it’s an absolutely diabolical liquid
fabulously interesting but my
so we found a very metamaterial
complicated like the louvre the birds
you know that birds that we
projects on structures it’s more
birds it’s a material that we have
developed that at the same rheology we have
a whole bunch of metamaterials that make the
same thing and so we look for a
metamaterial equivalent to the brain not
to the brain to think one to the brain
um simulate accidentology and have a
experimental model of accidentology
and suddenly it will be a model that will serve
this is the second surgeon application
because do you figure that surgeons
it’s something we discovered
in the relations with
fabre stone because we have several
industrialists who are not helping us
there is also a large laboratory
pharmaceutical I was not quoted his
name but never mind and so I have not quoted
his and so they teach us the
protocols the human protocols and
so I learned with some dread
that neurosurgeon surgeons
learn to operate on the ground it’s
to say yes ie to do
simple that during an operation there is
the big boss kellal the fool the
professor who is the viola who operate
has the skull open
and then there are the lips that is next
are you taking the scalpel and we’re going
what good with the meta materials on
can do otherwise yes because that
not walk on either stiff to
and no and yes because we could say
it would be enough and not just
So what is a material
so that they can train and
have fun and advance the
surgery that’s it then there is a whole bunch
examples like that they’re trying
to rise so we have seven
programs that work three that
are being edited
but I give you a scoop in the
minute that I always stay land
on the runway threshold is the place
in the minute that I have left you
give a scoop is that madam carole
delga who is the president of the region
it must be called occitanie
now it’s more midi pyrénées
it’s occitanie you’re right it’s
as airbus has changed names every
eight days and therefore not every day
but almost so madam delga comes
inaugurate our platform
Wednesday and she is endowed with
birth of a capital that comes from
like what Europe has good here
which I do not have the right to give you
the amount before wednesday
but which is between 55 and 60
millions of euros
Thank you for your attention
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