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Kindness Can Truly Be Paid Forward | Bren Bataclan | TEDxNatick

I have a dream job I make people smile

in 2003 while being a laid-off tech guy

I revisited my childhood friends I

decided to paint these characters that

I’ve been drawing since I was a little

kid back in the Philippines and exhibit

them at an Open Studios to my surprise

people like them they smiled they

laughed and they bought paintings I

actually had a hard time sleeping after

the Open Studios because I wanted to

find the perfect way for thinking Boston

for purchasing all of the artwork and so

at around 2:00 a.m. I committed to

giving away paintings to show my

gratitude to Boston and to spread smiles

around the city in the span of two weeks

30 paintings were left on park benches

train stations hospitals senior centers

and other public spaces with this note

below the note is my website

badda clan comm my last name this is how

people are able to contact me nothing

beats the smiles of people who find

paintings I recently painted murals in

North Carolina and also gave away

painting stare these are pictures of

people who found paintings in Raleigh

here are photos of paintings being given

away across the country that was me at

the post office in North Pole Alaska I

heard that if you write a letter to

Santa Claus chances are your mail will

end up here okay I kind of believe it

because when we walked in there there

are hundreds of letters from kids who

wrote to Santa here are pictures of

paintings being given away around the

world before I showed the next slide I

was just like to emphasize that that’s

the real Eiffel Tower in Paris and this

is the fake one in Vegas fake real fake

Machu Picchu was incredible but it was a

bit of a challenge to leap paintings

there concer up 10,000 feet

this was a little easier if the rice

terraces in the Philippines bit of a

hike more oxygen beautiful place family

friends and clients also give away

paintings I’m a full-time artist and I

can’t afford to go to all these places I

love this one a client of mine went on a

cruise to Antarctica and she left a

penguin painting for a whole bunch of

penguins is that cool like literally

cool when paintings are given away in

non-english speaking countries the text

gets translated to the local language

here’s one in Tibet so I receive lots of

messages from people who find paintings

most are simple thank-you notes

however some come with photos of the

painting recipients and they’re found

art this was from an Elvis impersonator

from Australia who found a painting at

Graceland and Memphis Tennessee this is

my other faith a bride to be found a

painting in Harvard Square and her

family and friends a prior to her

wedding and her family and friends used

the painting for wedding cake her

wedding reception and one of the

bridesmaids even shrunk it and place it

just a few months after starting the

street art project I decided to give

away paintings on a cold gray and icy

February day in 2004 in Cambridge where

I live

I left a painting on a park bench and

immediately a young couple approached

the bench at first I was concerned for

the woman because she was wearing these

neon pink shades with almost pitch-black

lenses that was worried because she

wouldn’t see the ice and that she would

slip but fortunately the couple didn’t

have a hard time picking up the painting

and they walked up happily with her

found art I didn’t hear back from them

until spring of that year they said a

message saying that they would like to

meet me a few days later heard a knock

on the door and when I opened the door

guess what she was still wearing the

same exact shade however this time it

was more appropriate it was a nice sunny

spring day she then hugged me and then

she removed her shades I saw that a

portion of her head was sort of K bit

caved in department her shades were

hiding she told me that she and her

husband found the painting during their

first week of chemotherapy and that it

helped them deal with her illness and

treatment at this point we were all

crying it was all so then and there that

I told myself that I will give away

paintings no matter what this is a still

from a video message that this mom put

together the San Francisco Chronicle

published a photo of her son picking up

a painting at the BART station in San

Francisco immediately after the story

was published the mom contacted me

apparently they’ve lost touch for about

four years she mentioned that her son

had a mental breakdown got into drugs

and that was how they lost communication

the newspapers story and painting

reunited the mom

the Sun the most intense feedback

received today came from a college

student in the Midwest he sent a message

detailing the insurmountable challenges

he was facing that school year and his

thoughts about suicide he told me that

finding a painting on campus was one of

the reasons why he didn’t take his own

life this was a portion of his message

Wow never in my wildest dreams could I

have imagined becoming a muralist let

alone a full-time artist as you may

recall I was a tech guy my my mural

career started when schools began asking

me to give presentations about my

kindness slash pay it forward and non

graffiti form of street art all my

school related murals are based on kids

drawings what I do is I showed them how

to draw my characters and then I take

their drawings then I paint them and so

in the end the kids artwork becomes part

of the school’s history

slash legacy just like stories from

people who find paintings some of my

mural painting experiences have also

been really memorable one particular one

comes to mind it was of dis boy who

could not stop watching me paint the

school’s mural it all started when the

seizure brought this entire class to

observe the mural being painted believe

it or not that kid started to cut

classes in order to see me paint that

got him in trouble but it did not stop

him at first he just asked art related

questions but eventually he started to

share his passion of becoming an

ambulance driver yeah I was impressed

but somewhat puzzled by highly specific

career choice especially for its age

but nevertheless I encouraged him no and

but unexpectedly he tried to convince me

to become an ambulance driver I told him

hey hey you know I already found my

dream job and I can’t think of doing

anything else I didn’t think much of our

conversation I just found it amusing

however later on that week I found that

as his mother was a drug addict and that

every month sometimes every week the

ambulance would come and rescue his mom

the boy saw the ambulance drivers as his

heroes and he wanted to become one to

this day I’m still in awe of that kids

capacity to find good in a really

difficult situation since giving away

the very first painting the fall of 2003

this actual one on this slide about

2,500 paintings have now been given away

and in about 70 different countries

around the world who would have thought

that by thanking Boston that I would

find my life’s work kindness can truly

be paid for it and it comes back thank you

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