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ISIS is a corporate in disguise | Benedetta Berti | TEDxGateway


when I say the word terrorism lots of

different images will pop up in your

mind and even though most definitions of

terrorism neutrally agree the terrorism

is the use of violence against the

civilian population for a political

purpose to induce fear still most

definitions are never used in a neutral

way and similarly when I say the word

terrorist organization’ chances are

you’re thinking about a small number of

people hiding away in a cave in a

basement and plotting maybe actually not

irrationally out of hatred and

fanaticism likely both well heist and

the past 10 years study non-state armed

groups these are organizations that are

not under state control and they use

violence to challenge it so saying

terrorists insurgents militias and I’m

convinced that we really need to dig

deeper if we want to understand these

actors their evolution and outer

producing new forms of insecurity there

are constantly affecting the civilian

population so to start these groups are

having a global impact but not all

countries are affected the same way take

a look at this map if you look in red

you can see five countries Nigeria Iraq

Syria Afghanistan and Pakistan now these

five countries together in 2014 I

counted for 78% of civilian casualties

of terrorism so not all countries are

affected the same way unfortunately

India is also up there because in 2014

together again with Nigeria Iraq

Afghanistan and Pakistan it was one of

the five countries where 60% of

terrorist operations were plotted or

carried out

so what is this telling us this is

telling us that we need to understand

beyond the news headlines the evolution

of these groups to do so let’s start

with grasping with a new word a word in

which wars are happening less and less

between states fought between soldiers

on a battlefield and they’re happening

more and more between states and

non-state actors or between non-state

actors themselves so in the process

armed groups are becoming more important

and not just that they’re learning they

are adapting they are evolving I want to

show you three ways through which this

is happening evolution in economics and

fundraising tactics evolution in

communication and evolution in


so first is pound raising we all know

the traditionally insurgents rob banks

or kidnap to make money but today armed

groups are doing way more than that they

invest in legitimate businesses like

construction companies they make deals

with criminal organizations to make

money and they go as far as we found

raising campaigns let me give you an

example through Isis or ISIL or the

Islamic state project whatever you want

to call it but they are estimated today

to be the wealthiest terrorist

organization in the world

two billion dollars now how do they make

this money they sell oil they loot

smuggle and sell Iraq and Syria

archaeological artifacts but most of the

money they make they make by Venus State

they make through taxation they make

through taxing those eight million

people that live under their control at

the same time they’re constantly

thinking about found raising and they

constantly do crowdsourcing campaigns

for their supporters the second is

communication the point here is armed

groups have learned to talk to us so

that we listen again think of Isis we

all know they have a very strong social

media campaign they send thousands of


every day and no Twitter is shutting

down their comms so they’re free they’re

all fleeing to telegram and even today

there are hundreds of accounts one is

for the news agency the ISIS news agency

one sends you pictures on a daily basis

what it’s like to live under the Islamic

state and then there’s countless of both

account to tell you for example how to

counter auntie isis propaganda but it’s

more than that isis is not in the media

al sees is the media they have a media

production company in the oven army an

army of graphic designers an army of saw

engineers and an army of cameramen these

are just as important as the food

soldiers and together they create a very

strong branding campaign and finally

governance governance is key here we all

know that armed groups traditionally

invest in work in their communities

maybe they create healthcare clinics

maybe schools what they do is they fill

a gap left by the government in doing so

they strengthen their bond with the

population beyond violence a key here is

provision of security and safety let me

take you back to the rise of the Taliban

in Afghanistan and to understand that

rise it’s impossible to do so if we

don’t understand how they stepped into a

context of civil war and insecurity and

they offered order and protection to the

civilian population Isis this very same

the investing governance and by doing so

they challenged what we think states

versus non states are capable of this is

war 3.0 and then there’s violence

violence is not new and violence is of

course of the core but mind you violence

is used strategically not irrationally

and it’s used to send different messages

to different audiences going back to

Isis in the territories they control

they use punishments and repression to

keep the population at bay to keep them

from rebelling they also engage in

defensive and

offensive operations to protect that

state project and to expand and then

hold understand RISM a group like Isis

uses international terrorism for many

purposes to create fear to create chaos

to disrupt their enemy’s society sense

of normalcy but also to create divisions

us and them and also to trigger an

overreaction and simultaneously to

project power and strength while

deterring their enemy now mind you this

is not just Isis if you go back a few

weeks and you think of the tragic

playbook of the Paris attacks well it’s

very familiar to the 26/11 Mumbai plot

what is in common terrorist

organizations understand that by

targeting soft targets and by insisting

on mass casualties they can

simultaneously project strength attract

support and deter their enemy all this

is really important to understand if we

want to grab the sophistication and

complexity is really the name of the

game for disarmed organizations today

this will also help us to understand how

they attract support again Isis they

attract supporters from many different

audiences for many different reasons

now in Iraq in Syria many join Isis

because they need a job and being a

fighter is one of the only jobs left in

a country that is near ravaged by a

bloody war others join because they want

safety for themselves or for their

families and this is the lesson again

there is a vicious circle between lack

of security at the personal and

community level and recurse to violence

and join in armed groups it’s related

and then what accounts for foreign

fighters from all kind of countries join

a group like Isis there is not one

answer but there’s a few things they

have in common like seeking order

seeking stability see

in a sense of belonging and seeking to

fulfill a sense of rightfulness now it’s

very easy for us to dismiss it and to

say this is incomprehensible this is

irrational my mind you by doing so we

will not get any closer to understand

these groups and to understand how they

thrive and to understand how they catch

and attract supporters so my work is to

study our groups through these allistic

lens to study the revolution beyond

geography and beyond ideology I think by

doing this we can really broaden the

policy focus because when we think of

the rise of a group like Isis yes it is

a global security challenge no it is not

just a military one it’s much broader

it’s about politics it’s about

governance it’s about fairness

it’s about representation now it’s easy

to dismiss it’s easy to ignore and it’s

easy to downplay when it comes to a

group like Isis but this is a mistake

we cannot make at least not if we want

to win this fight thank you

you [Applause]

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