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Innovation et rupture | Xavière Castano | TEDxAgroSupDijon

good evening i’m very proud very
impressed to be among you tonight
is grateful to the randomness of life
who made me meet one of
organizers I thank him for this
nice evening
as for the theme of our conference the
I admit that my first reaction was
been rather questioning because for
me when I think breakup I think and
in one and two only one of the two girls
of the evening I think rather break
in love or geological break
which has nothing to do but not
necessarily innovation and yet when
we think about it makes sense so everything to
is vain more than fifteen years
that I work on the development
an innovative project and it’s true that
I never really positioned myself
as long as you are a future user of the
system with one before my galley with the
pathologies and one after
the possibility of using the product that
I develop but I assure you will have
well a before and after and technology
which I’m going to talk to you about will lead
a break
so we will try through my
presentation in to examine a little
closer the link between breakage and a
all this by looking at the development
a product of rupture
henna or so at the beginning the beginning of
history is to have an idea then
we left on an idea a little
wacky to combine two technologies
completely different
pyrotechnics and pharmacy the
pyrotechnics whose core business is
rather to send rockets into
the space the pharmacy she looks after her
patients yet the pyrotechnics or
energetic materials has experienced a
development in applications
civil since those last twenty
I know we tend to be green but I
think most of you have
took their car to come here tonight
he has me in this car there is
maybe an airbag and the airbag is a
pyrotechnic technology
in fact it is energetic materials
who will inflate the air cushion that goes
protect yourself in case of shock
sportsmen also now we have them
system to protect them taking their
whether it’s the skiers out and leaving
even sailors who falls who
can impromptu fall into
water contact with salt water little
inflated not a cushion but a buoy
to keep them alive if the injection
without a needle also has a long
history with 70 also a long
at the time when we use a gas
men and anything we use a
spring that goes the mechanical strength of this
resort will propel the liquid through
a small diameter hole
we can also use a small
pressurized gas cylinder
unfortunately these devices are
expensive expensive bulky is so very
more use our idea was
to use precisely the materials
energy to miniaturize this
So we start from a device that goes into
actually be triggered at the time of us
we need it we will take it
press it on the injection site and this
support will trigger a reaction
this chemical reaction
remember your races chemistry is going
create gas this gas will stay in a
enclosed environment and so will raise the
pressure inside the system
it is this pressure that will cause the
movement of the column of liquid and
who will push the liquid so the
drug injected through
very small diameter orifices
the g10 team coming out of these holes
is coherent enough to break through the
skin and transferred the drug to
inside the body I’m going to you
show a little video that will you
take inside the device for
visualize what I’m coming
explain to you there is no fire
so here and as you are very
I want to give you a real injection
live I will try so I take
a support that a support we have
developed in the laboratory that allows us
precisely to visualize the dispute I
take my device which looks like
to that it looks like nothing really
known we can not really compare
its form to something existing we have
much worked on the ergonomics of the
device since it has to be
simple and easy to use
so it’s very simple I will tell them
just now but there is no button ya
no adjustment we open the device on
position it on the target and we inject
so in less than a tenth of a second the
medication and the patient’s interior
so here is the next with an idea
to have an idea with a single idea
we are not going very far
very quickly actually you have to generate
data from the results and so that
this is the phase we call the phase of
proof of concept of one of the first
phases of product development and
it takes place in a laboratory of
necessarily when working on a
product that does not exist methods
test they the same tests that we
could use to show that the
product works it does not exist
so at this stage the new break
you have to be creative develop your
own death systems he put at
point his own analysis of the results
therefore have to laboratories
we worked on his other device
equipped with a small sensor
pressure which allowed us to measure
what was going on internally during the
we were also inventive about
target to use in the laboratory
since we have collected samples of
human skin that came from the labs
cosmetic surgery services
so it’s people who have a little bit
overweight who are being removed
little buddha abdomen and in
repackaging that to the labs that
really allows us to advance on the
device development
it allowed us to start the
sizing of the components how
also to devalue their mechanical strength
and refine the treatment of the profile of
pressure so thanks to a model
relatively robust and with an implant
obviously effective experience we have
quickly had it by quickly after
a few months still a first
configuration our system and this
first configuration allowed us to
show that our idea was relevant
that materials could be used
energy and this chemical reaction
to inject the right dose of
drugs in the right place and so that
could constitute MENT for
patients but also for doctors
a breakup since in fact
the patient can inject himself this self
there is no longer a need for an environment
of medical from a health professional
the system as I wanted to show is
simple we open we press the site
injection and injection is performed
that may be for indications
it can be considered for
indications as a real break
it can also allow andy
laboratory to better manage the cycle of
life of their drugs and for the
patients there is more lee stress
in the eel or the injection is for
that it quickly turned to the
shareholders towards the indications
emergency indeed we rarely have a
epileptic seizure when we have an appointment
you with his GP
we also rarely have a crisis of
usually she points her nose when
we least expect it and shocks
anaphylactics related to allergies that
whether it’s food or related to
bathing insects in general the happens
when we walk far in the forest
but rarely in an environment of
health so that’s what directed us
towards the urgent implications because the
patient can himself subtended injected
and quickly find a solution for
manage your crisis
so we were at the fact that the idea
was there we had started to develop
the product you can pass a
another wonderful piece of
development the regulatory file
and the new breakup is more than
say indeed a drug that does exist
not it is not referenced in all
the standards and arsenal hen
regulatory pharmaceutical
once again be creative
use some of the cross-data
bibliographies do an analysis of
existing documents but adapting them
a little bit of innovation
it’s really a real step
innovative intellectuals
to initiate
if we take stock at this stage
so has test proofs with any
a database of results
an application with na indications
finally 10 users well
identified and a regulatory file
we have a little trouble getting on
but we’re coming to somehow
mouthe in this regulatory file
a big part is about reliability
and the safety of the device obviously one
is for a very special audience
who is a sick public
so you do not need soup and especially when
there is the life that is at stake
really have reliability at his door
so we start thinking about
development of the manufacturing tool
and the new tiara breakup because
that obviously machines for
manufacture components that does exist
not it does not exist so follow up
new creative step
we have to develop our own machine
is internalized some process it takes
also convince suppliers of
to embark with us in the mount
must must also find
providers brave enough to
to accompany us
and we also took the risk
to internalize certain processes
strategic to actually put our
industrial field in place and do that
somewhere it is unique in the world
so if we pick up the thread and if you
think all this about all the objects that
you meet in your daily life
at all stages that need to be put in
place that must be followed to
place an idea prove that the idea is
a good idea that we will be able to
manufactures and we will be able to use it
in compliance with the regulations
well we can say that the break is
a real fight costs daily as soon
the blank sheet until the setting
the market
it takes all the time all the time
challenge and find new ideas
to be able to answer a whole bunch of
requirements related to the design of a
so you have to show that he is a
good idea
and so that, well, you have to think about
all the men who are behind these
ideas whose life the passion is to
develop a little thought iron mask
and it’s really important to
understand that it can also take
time and listen to a lot of money if I
come back on
everyday products you look at it
your laptop with all these ideas in
head and I think you’ll be a lot
much more understanding one holds a
little problem because of operating
in fact behind this avatar there is
a lot of energy spent from
sweat so that innovation can
serve our everyday life thank you
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