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Il faut plus qu’un 10 $ | Camille Garon | TEDxQuébec

in my first year of university
I’m learning something that will change
in part our history
indeed john to the guys in the water will be
replaced on the dollar figure by a
woman for any woman a
afro canadian named viola
desmond and I must confess I was
very excited but I had no idea
of who was this woman and so I
wanted to do my research
there we learn this character she
allows to promote evolution between
the citizens
good I must confess that when my
friends told me camille he’ll see a
black woman through dollar managed
kindly before michelle obama but
she is not really here lived there
weeks if an inspiring woman and
for those who do not know
not her story she was born in 1914 to
halifax in the province of
scotland and died in 1965 in new
Madame des small and above all a woman
and a mentor for youth
black women through his school
the culture of beauty the women who
wanted to make a career get started in
business and madam weeks was selling
hair products
especially in afro
Canadian his life will change
December 8, 1946 when she decides to
to go to a business meeting his
car falls in talent and waiting
repairs and decides to go to
film dead to the lips made to the
ticketing she wants to buy a
ticket from the parterre but the cashier him
responds I can not give a bias of the
sharing for people like you in
other words the Canadian admits and
Canadians did not have access to this
section puts however and the wanted there
sit down because was petite petite woman
whole is well respected within its
few hours later an agent of the
security want to escort they want
bring a night in prison
he is accused of defrauding the
government and is imposed a
fine of 26 dollars
but he decides to fight against that
the next day, Madame des semaines decides
to complain in vain the manager and
security officer
it’s a news that brings this to
across the country what is
particularly interesting is that
it’s here
first black woman who raised the
question of racial segregation and
the situation of Afro- Canadians despite
a fierce battle she loses her
fight she decides to go to the
supreme court but the deadlines are
exceeded and the accusation remains after
this episode
Madame d’Espagne settles in Montreal
and a thousand stay in New York
by against his sister Wendy Dobson decides
to write the book my sister dawn in
six ground killers in 2010 in the same
the lieutenant governor general of the
Nova Scotia introduce you to
apologize to a management for
this miscarriage of justice and the known to
share throughout the province and she will be
known throughout the country
thanks to this 10 dollar bill
a story not just remarkable
and who deserves to be known in our
Youth is even called rosa
Canada’s doors is that it does not have
wanted to give way in another bus
during the racial segregation of the states
United States and the Minister of Finance of
canada chooses weeks by his
courage his dignity his determination and
his mission strength remember well
g desmond lives in an ok era the
racial tensions are more difficult
and to which there is
blacks are considered second
now I will be frank with
you and we understand each other is not easy
to review these periods and it can cause
to a form of discomfort because they are
episodes in our story that are not
not much told but it’s
important not to forget them
because for several years the
canada faces several
claims that it is by
minority groups
that it is by religion
sexual orientation the origins and
I do not know and maybe we do not understand
at 100% what these people claim
where live my know the context
history will help to understand the
current situation and to lead towards
solutions for better inclusion
and better communication and I
explains why
in 2017 the independent researcher
montreal robin now to publish
the book for racing
drive called black French
under surveillance
she explains the story of the blacks of the
slavery until today she tries
first of all to expose inequalities in
Canadian institutions and
other words especially skeletons
from our gold plate we heard a lot
to speak of injustice if our neighbors
americans but if this reality she
pass a little on adore and that’s why
that site
this book is important the worse
British will abolish slavery in 1834
but later there were several
practices that tried to separate
white communities and communities
blacks that historians will call
the mcc law of canada the name of the laws
segregationists in the united states
however black people have
often a label as being
tunnel and dangerous people even
thirty years later the prime minister
john holmes and andres your advisers
white communities to move away
of them as he says these predators and in
other words the color of the skin
black has been connected something
negative is criminal and it’s a picture
which lasted for several years
here is one of the moving parts that
now explains in his book and
it ‘s not easy to read my emails
let’s look at the evolution we have
before us look at the person who is
next to you where people who are
with you we try before a
better evolution a better
communication and I am very happy
to be before you tonight
all my life I’ve been surrounded by a
good family from adoption
international and I was lucky
to have unforgettable experiences
but can happen situations
irritating I will always remember the
times when I went to departure with my
friends to go buy some treats
when we went to the cashier and
my friend deposited the money
the cashier rhodia his colleague quickly
resume on the 20th why they
fly and I wanted to turn around
behind there was no one else
here we thought I had stolen
money and did not know it was
my friend who was in front of me in the
same year
after a party with friends
I went home on foot
car went down to lower its window
and ask me where do you see that and I
told them that I was going back
me and I had to answer them or that
I lived and they told me it is
impossible that you live the time that
you to show cards
it was a police car this is not
not situations that often happen to me
but when they arrive and are
irritating and I had situations and
who have already arrived to me and from which my
colleagues reported me to be followed
in a shop and get asked
are received before leaving to get
ask for these ID cards by the
police many times in the day get
ask to pay for your meal in
a restaurant before you even receive it
and maybe these are situations
the majority of citizens but at
black people and even aboriginal
it’s a solution of situations that
can happen to us there despite all the
luck and privilege I had in
my life the color of the skin can
disturb emitting what are we doing
to bring about a better inclusion
better communication
that’s what my colleagues have often
asked and asked me during all these
and here’s what I answer them it takes
start with an optimistic vision and
and for that it takes a representation
fair and everything can start with s
what is viala spl can we
bring it across our company we
lets go out of the skeletons of our
gold plate it allows joining the
citizens from all walks of life
today we opened a page that
was not easy but who is
important because viola desmond it’s
your story
if our history and make you list
we must continue reading this one
because as said the politician
cloud limits
you have to know the past for
understand the present and deal with
the future
because in fact first of all that our
next generations to feel and
respected like Canadian Canadians
and Quebeckers violated
weeks and a start the rest we
belongs thank you
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