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Human Trafficking: Cape Town’s untold story | Dane du Plessis | TEDxCapeTownSalon

I want to tell you a story today about a
Filipino see Farah this was actually
posted in the New York Times in 2011 all
the story happened in 2011 has anybody
heard it before no okay good
his name is Adel ad Rhonda and he’s from
the Philippines and he stays with his
mother we stayed with his mother as is
the custom in the Philippines when you
are poor and his mother’s roof was
leaking and they had no means of fixing
the roof now Adel was offered a
lucrative contract what seemed like a
lucrative contract from a Taiwanese
agency they said he could earn US
dollars about four hundred and fifty US
dollars and he could travel the world so
you went to his mother and he said mom
I’m gonna go away for two years and with
us money after two years or every month
I’ll send money home and you can repair
your roof that way off it’ll wind with a
dozen other Filipinos a few months later
Aiden’s mother got the snow dome eroded
Rhonda was sick and resting he passed
away on the 22nd of February 2011 at
2:15 a.m.
signed by the captain himself seems
seems like something that can happen and
it does usually happen they do they do
get sick sometimes at sea and some of
them do die but you see when a Dalls
body came back to the Philippines in a
box what his mom saw contradicted this
in fact the coroner’s report stated that
he had abrasions to his face a stab
wound through the heart and his eye was
missing you see IDO wasn’t sick and
Adel was brutally murdered to death in
fact the dozen other Filipinos that were
with him said before they went to Taiwan
to sail the way in Singapore and they
were kept in a
where they were physically and sexually
abused for weeks and months on end I’ve
been working in kept on harbor for five
years now close to five years and this
is usually the route that international
seafarers will travel okay so they’ll
pick him up in the islands they love the
Southeast Asians and I’ll explain to you
why they’ll fish usually in the Indian
Ocean stuck off at Madagascar sometimes
but mostly Cape Town
and then off to South America usually so
this whole syndicate is run by the
Taiwanese and Chinese mafia
they love Southeast Asians they love
them because of the short stature so I’m
about 177 centimetres I’m not really
tall but a Filipino or Indonesian or
standing about yeah so they’re really
also they have a tremendous amount of
respect for authority so a guy like this
will call me sir also the poverty right
in Southeast Asia is extremely high a
university graduate in in the
Philippines that studied marine science
has a 30% chance of being employed in
the industry so some of them work at
McDonald some of them will even work at
fishing whistles Taiwanese will approach
Indonesians in the rural farming
irritants and offer the same contract
offered at all would you like to travel
the world on US dollars and that’s a
vale do you mean so this guy I’m not
gonna give him his name so safety
reasons let’s call him dana’s he was
sitting outside my office and actually
meeting the day before and I thought I’d
have a chat with him again and I said
dana’s you like one of the all the guys
here how old are you
and he said forty-seven I said okay
Dennis how long have you been on this
particular fishing vessel that you are
on now
and he said seven years I said but
that’s impossible you sign a two-year
contract he said no but I have to
provide for my family you see the
Taiwanese know that they have to provide
for the family and Filipinos especially
all the family in high regard 97% of
them in or Catholics but family for them
are the most important in fact
can’t provide for the family they’ll end
up committing suicide so he has four
kids but overall this unit 250 u.s.
dollars home and sacrifice seven years
from seeing them so the United Nations
has kind of put us has given us a list
of what to look out for when when
fishermen are trafficked the movements
will be controlled so when I asked Dana
Dana’s where’s your passport and where
is your contract I don’t have it so they
take the passports away from them so
they can’t travel anyway in that way
they can transport them from ship to
ship to ship to ship we don’t know where
they are
they have injuries I’ve worked and seen
people with broken fingers I mean their
fingers are making u-turns and I get so
so upset that they have to work like
that working excessively long hours 38
to 48 hours the norm absolutely normal
lacking access to medical care people
dying of syphilis all the time because
they are sexually abused on the reason
bonded by did as was as was Dana’s and
acting on the basis of false promises
these guys for instance they needed food
and I said okay what can I get you you
have prayed I said okay I’ll I’ll get
you some bread no problem but what did
you like on the bread no we just want
some some bread so I said okay I’ll try
and organize your braids in a sandwich
and some cool drink and all of those
things just give me a tired to to get it
together the next day I came on this
vessel and she thank you thank you very
much thank you very much and I said but
I didn’t do anything what do you mean
thank you very much they said no no
thank you in the kind of Ashley of the
visco you know and one of the Filipino
crew confided in me and he said that
they’ve been made to sign on a piece of
paper and a snippet of what did you sign
and he said no it was in Mandarin we
don’t know what we had to sign and next
to them was a carton of cigarettes so
basically they were kept quiet for
carton of cigarettes I want to read you
later from an Indonesian direct quote
you see many times I want to say in this
guy’s home when I when I see that the
victims of trafficking
and this is from an Indonesian when we
were birthing the captain said a lot of
the tuna we caught could not be exported
because some of the tuna was bruised not
all of the tuna was bruised but I got
blamed for all of it the boss said you
three persons go home I said I wanted my
money first he said that all of our
money was sent home to Jakarta and
that’s the reason he did not have any
when I got home to Jakarta my agency
said not one thing that been paid so
that what happens
how will the mourn that I get sent home
they say fine you cooked him a ticket
tomorrow even when they get home no
money nothing so they okay with him
sending them home they’ll pay for the
flight ticket and everything so it goes
deep Adiemus okay it’s not just about
it’s not just about catching fish okay
so we heard that Filipinos are very
obedient Indonesians as well and they
respect authority so they are forced to
cut off shark fins it’s a delicacy in
Taiwan in China they like it for a shock
fin soup and they will kind of bribe him
on the side so you know if we catch so
many shots and you know you can get so
much money but it doesn’t end up
this is Indonesian actually kept cutting
over of a shock for me so some of the
conditions on the fishing vessel what do
they live like this is happening in the
port of Cape Town just by the way so
when I drive costs these fishing vessels
you’ll see a lot of the time these mean
washing outside because there’s no place
for them to wash so they so they wash
outside we’ll even see some of them
urinating on the take of the vessel or
you’re inviting out onto the ocean and
it’s not because they disgusting and
it’s not because they untidy and it’s
not because they have a lack of respect
it’s cuz they have no place to do it
yeah they grooming outside so this is
the toilet okay I took this three weeks
ago and thirty min have to share this
toilet so I kind of done research I look
up the vessel name and I wonder see
witness vessel was made any cases 2010
as basically 7 years old 7 years old and
30 min have to use the stylet so if a
vessel is made in the 90s or the 80s
obviously the storage is not going to
work that’s why they end up urinating
outside on the deck of the vessel now
they is a serious price for
non-compliance okay if you don’t comply
with what the captain says you’ll get
physically beaten to a pulp
these guys were forced to work thirty
eight hour shifts they and I could only
eat after they work the 38 hour shows
and I actually had to duck and catch
this picture because they didn’t want
the captain to see that I was talking to
them and that’s just one of them today
means of torture another one is they
were actually tied him to the power of
the vessel in the middle of the night
while they’re out in the open seas
they’ll taught him to the bow of the
vessel naked and they’ll lead him to
sail through the night like that and
they will freeze to death or throw them
in the freezer long with a fish sail for
months 10 months on in they’ll sell
women they come to Cape Town put which
happened the body is over frozen takes a
couple of days to defrost and of that
vessel goes as if nothing happened and
this is happening in Cape Town port so
the reason I put this picture up you’ll
been by Ariana Grande this was the
vessel that it was one do you know when
last was in output in July the second
was in Cape Town port ok this vessel and
many of its sister ships are sailing in
and out of Cape Town Arbor as if nothing
and these men young men have been
brutally tortured and abused on these
vessels I love being a captain I love it
I love it because we are so diverse in
our culture I mean I take me for example
I am super mixed I mean I think my
sister looks Armenian my cousin looks
Chinese my cousin looks Indian I mean I
don’t I don’t know where I fit in the
I really don’t prompt I’m just super
mixed but I like that because it doesn’t
made me to erase therefore I feel a bit
of Indonesian with these guys I feel
about the Filipino or non-white friends
of filiberto white of my black feelings
of your black and therefore this problem
makes it my problem we cannot live in a
society today was all our technology and
all our knowledge and all that we have
acquired and live in a society with the
cystal accepted with a rich exploit the
poor for capital gain cannot be accepted
and it’s happening in Cape Town Harbor
now I’m gonna be honest with you I don’t
have a solution for this problem I just
don’t I don’t in fact I’ve spoken to
people from Taiwan we trying to build a
case for the United Nations so that we
can govern the situation properly we
don’t have a solution yet but I beat you
99% of you didn’t know that this was
taking place in Cape Town
right so hopefully by creating awareness
like this we can scratch the surface to
a solution because it’s not acceptable
it’s not acceptable that this is
happening in outputs and I think that’s
idea worth sharing isn’t it thank you
very much
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