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How to DAD | Jordan Watson | TEDxChristchurch

you know get out my name’s how to dead
and I have a black belt degree in dating
yes there’s definitely real thing and no
one in this room needs to look that up
so please no one no one up that up right
so my name is Hao today it’s obvious
first question how do you dare
well I’ve got no idea I just make it up
I mean don’t don’t you guys
I started winging it from day one you
know I’m a dad I don’t have time to read
these serious parenting books and stuff
you know I’ve got a job I’ve got um the
lawn to do I got sport to watch even if
I did have time to study this baby stuff
I’d probably get a paragraph in and just
be like you know now I don’t know what
he’s doing the Institute but stupid book
trying to tell me what to do and I’d be
doing that right now you know yeah I
don’t need that no grab book and insert
as wobbly table leveler thing so now
reading fancy parenting books isn’t for
me and to be honest I’d much rather you
know just make it up it’s more fun that
two years ago I made a video and I put
it on the internet I made it work had a
baby on the way I was bored at home with
my four month old and thought I’d chuck
together an instructional video of sorts
not much thinking behind it I just kind
of made it up it was called how to hold
a baby I thought of as many holders I
knew I made up a few others and then I
made up some silly names to go along
with them
thought you know I thought they made it
work would enjoy it posted it to his
Facebook page and turns out over two
million other people liked it to need a
baby the standard show role reversed and
show role need to pick something up
shins into show role chin grab something
baby Jesus double baby Jesus
stinky Matthew for me stinking fu for
you box appears the telephone dance
partner dance partner Bird on a Wire
Paul Mantz run pack hide your
beer-bellied the rug people world other
people show after the other day super
men show off to other kids fish and
that’s how to hold your baby and I know
babies were harmed in the making of this
video pretty good right I was viral
without even trying to be it went around
the globe Huffington Post time online
the Guardian he online the Today Show
the white couple times Ashton Kutcher
that actor fella he shared it to his
twenty two million followers me and the
little one we even went on the TV thing
or mum and this is the book went on the
telly you missed it when I she wasn’t
home when it originally played sit sure
hit play you watching yeah I hope play
cool posted it because a couple guys at
my work have just had a newborn so I
tagged them on Facebook went to bed woke
up the next morning boom so this is the
whole thing so basically your posters go
to bed and overnight I’m probably over
selling it here but your life changes
overnight you don’t realize until you
wake up the next morning
did I have any idea how to do a live TV
interview with a baby no as you can see
here where I break the very first rule
of live baby TV by forcing the kid onto
the host Henry hold his
the passback maslow yeah I know we’re
all used to sing paul-henri up close on
TV but back hosts in real life whoo
turns out that’s a baby’s worst
nightmare my worldwide fame that went on
and on and on for three whole days
then BAM it was over there are endless
YouTube questions and debates on if I
was Australian or New Zealand er were
done I’ve gone with the comments about
me looking like and I quote chubbier
Mexican Ryan Gosling oh I’ll take it
I’ll take it
my viral – was done and orally the world
had another 10,000 or so viral videos to
catch up on I was just back to being
dead except with my mum reminding me of
any new comments on the video on a daily
thanks thanks mum a few weeks later and
I was bored I was like be pretty cool
you know if I could just be famous again
for three days just for the free stuff
and the after parties and okay there was
no free stuff for after parties but it
was fun and to be honest I was like
these viral video things aren’t even
that hard but it had to be different I
couldn’t just try and redo you know how
to hold a baby I need to think of
something new
you know something groundbreaking so I
went with hey pretty clever
different but the same but different
and that amazing video there did not go
viral why I have no idea you know you
can’t plan a viral video you just make
something up check it out there and see
what happens and clearly with this one
it didn’t help that I had pants on
stubby’s equals success short shorts
equals success what’s the saying I every
good idea needs legs and obviously for
me every good idea it needs these legs
and shorts that are too short I gave up
the viral video game and to be honest I
spent the next six months regretting
those god damn pants a lot of people
argue that hey Jordan I know you’re a
second video didn’t go viral but I’d
that’s because you’re wearing pants and
to that I tell them shush ellipse it was
definitely the pants it wasn’t the fact
that ii made up video thing was
extremely similar to the first made up
video think no there was those pants so
there i was six months on and apart from
my obvious disdain for pants i had a
i wanted more this wasn’t for my job
this was something i had made on my own
no one telling me what to do
my style of dared humor that i thought
only my kids laughed at actually made
other people laugh to millions of people
around that same time as i’m trying to
diagnose this viral tickle a few people
would mentioned hey Jordan oh it’s like
six months ago but your first video did
really well and obvious you know there’s
an audience for that kind of thing so
maybe you can make like a YouTube or
Facebook page or something and I was
like you get a friend never made
anything like that
I suppose I give it a crap I do know
this though there won’t be any pants in
it and their friend was like call you
weirdo so I decided to make more of
these parenting how-to videos like
helpful instructional videos that would
ultimately not be very helpful at all I
didn’t want to make serious videos you
know that’s no fun and the internet was
already full of those blah blah blah so
Nick start my wife and I we tried to
come up with a name for this thing dead
things dead things on the web thingy
this is dead my wife was like how to be
a dead so it’s too long too long how’re
you dead you coast of brilliance how did
it dead she’d done it well I tried to
claim that we’d done it but it was all
her BAM how did dead made a new Facebook
page new YouTube page grabbed the blurry
screen shot from the how to hold a baby
video annoyed all my friends on Facebook
to like the page now we just needed
videos I was like let’s do a new video
every day my wife was like no no what
once a week will do okay okay
new how-to video every Monday let’s go
but we needed ideas so I just started
paying attention problems that us
parents come across every day turned
into a not very helpful slightly funny
how-to video if I was out visiting
family or friends I’d notice something
start daydreaming then weirdly laughing
to myself and a few days later I’d film
that idea and slept it on the Internet
how did dad was born and producing
weekly ridiculously unhelpful parenting
videos parents like them every Monday
I’d post our silly little videos it was
fun exciting not viral but I’d made my
own thing the Facebook Likes were slowly
growing our soon local news agencies
were sharing our clips then some
international agencies were again
wanting to share our videos
none of these were viral videos because
you can’t plan a viral video we just
stuck to our Monday video routine making
these things up every week and to be
honest sometimes forgetting quickly
forming something on a Sunday afternoon
to upload on the Monday get on the
interwebs and don’t ask then BAM
the viral video thing happened again
high-fives all around
three days of fame zidler celebrity
how-to dad a few weeks later and another
video went viral how to put a baby to
sleep and I thought it was the worst
video we’d ever made no seriously the
idea with this one is that I’d be trying
all these different tricks and my
daughter would be running up and down
the cart bouncing around because that is
what she did every time I tried to put
it asleep and that’s a relatable video
idea right that’s saying they’re parents
that’s an issue parents face you know
kid jumping out this is going to be
great but no on this day there was no
bouncing she just kept being stupid
falling to the floor of the cotton
pretending to slave I just rolled with
it i edited the video I put it together
and remember saying to my wife this
one’s pretty crap because she just keeps
going asleep
well 26 million views later and as the
wise how to dad said just 53 seconds ago
you can’t plan a viral video and this
one proves just that welcome to this
instructional video on how to put a baby
to sleep do you want to go say it’s that
easy so this your string the standard
blanket that you renamed blinky works
every time
method acting I’m gonna go to sleep the
tap out I’ll go get your mom to
hypnotist and sleep the dead that
doesn’t know a single lullaby twinkle no
and sleep the big awkward dead giant
baby sleepover
I’m coming in find out and sleep
the bright Dead if you go to sleep I’ll
let you climb the curtains tomorrow they
give up all right high five C in the
morning by the tiptoe and that was how
to put a baby to sleep now two years on
over 100 how-to videos later three piers
of studies over 200 million video views
worldwide 1.5 million followers to
published books a web series
international adventures and about four
fifths of a TEDx talk later here we are
still making these silly little videos
people asked me hey is it hard to come
up with these videos each week what it
really boils down to is persistence us
making these things up every week like
it or not viral or not they’ve got that
fancy life saying fake it til you make
I say make it till you make it fakers
don’t make it you need to show up every
day and be the best you possibly can so
that new opportunities find you I got a
lucky break an international viral video
that opened the doors for me to make my
own thing an opportunity I grabbed it
with both hands my feet I tried to keep
almos in there and I’m doing as much
with this opportunity as I possibly can
I’m making it my own those things in
life that give you a little tickle those
things that nag you float around in your
don’t let them go jump on opportunities
if you think you’re onto a winner
well grab it make it yours go hard build
it up be the best at whatever that is
that thing that has just given you a
little tickle you know just in this but
sometimes it’s over there be the best at
it and please just for me this goofy
dead have fun with it and above all
don’t wear pants
life’s loud kids allowed laugh louder
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