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How to Create a Lasting Legacy-From the Mind of a 13-year-old | Nicole Nageli | TEDxColoradoSprings

hi everybody
legacy what is a legacy its planting
seeds in a garden you never get to see
now if you’re Hamill trash like me you
know the totally awesome Broadway show
Hamilton hi animal tracks means I love
Hamilton maybe a little too much anyway
this part of the song always stuck with
me and I can’t seem to stop thinking
about it
so legacy what is a legacy is it
planting seeds in a garden you never get
to see this part of the song always
stuck with me and I can’t seem to stop
thinking about it what is the legacy
doesn’t matter why make one in the first
place basically
Lacy’s are made to avoid the inevitable
being forgotten because we’ll all be
forgotten one day the world goes on with
or without you even amazing people like
Steve Jobs Martin Luther King jr. Mary
Curie they’ll all be forgotten
eventually but what they did will live
on their legacies will live on because
their legacies affected the entire
future they changed everything because
of amazing people like these the world
doesn’t fit any times better than if
they had never existed in the first
the people who create legacies will die
and be forgotten along with the rest of
us but their legacies are immortal so
does having a legacy even matter I mean
you won’t be around to see it right well
there comes a time in everyone’s life
when they realize that they’re not the
center of the universe
the world doesn’t revolve around you but
that doesn’t make you any less important
in fact it’s just the opposite
we’re not here only for ourselves we
have to learn how to think beyond
ourselves and focus instead on the
impact our life will create on others
why make things worse if you have the
chance to make things great the truth is
we all affect the future with each
decision we make today every decision we
make today affects the future that’s a
legacy legacies affect the future but
they’re not made in the future legacies
are what we do today okay so you’re
probably all wondering why is the 13
year old talking about legacy even
though I’m 13 I have an opinion we all
have opinions we all have a voice and we
all have something to teach so what am i
doing this I mean I have my whole life
ahead of me right well maybe maybe not
: ho tomorrow may never arrive I don’t
know I’m talking about legacy because
legacy is what shapes the world around
us everything you see around you was
either created or discovered by somebody
and now that thing might be their legacy
like how many of you have an Apple phone
in your hand right now that’s a legacy
that Steve Jobs legacy the phone that
you’re holding in your hand in your
pocket in your bag that’s a legacy all
my role models Steve Jobs and Frank Walt
Disney and so many more they all left a
legacy and I’m starting to make mine too
I’ve been writing and drawing ever since
I was old enough to hold a pencil when I
was 12 I founded my company and
successfully published two award-winning
graphic novels I had already started to
create my legacy and I know that these
books I’m in
in the lives of everyone who eats them
whenever people tell me how much they
enjoy my work it makes me feel really
happy and I feel like I’m making a
difference during the same time I
discovered my passion for public
since then I’ve spoken to large
audiences and received positive feedback
saying that it’s an important and
beautiful message that spoke to them
with this I know that I’m inspiring and
motivating people to make a difference
for me that’s my legacy
because legacy isn’t what you leave for
you it’s how you impact the lives of the
people around you and legacy if we
simplify it it’s actually the
combination of three very important
things the first of which is passion
passion is that surging burning flame
inside each and every single one of us
it’s sort of like a conscience it tells
you whether you like something or
whether you might not like a job hobby
or sport your passions make you you they
drive you to be the very best version of
yourself that you can be the best thing
about passion is that it’s so powerful
that it can take you to Heights you
never even dreamed of we all can’t
imagine our lives that electricity right
Michael Faraday revolutionized the way
we think about electricity even though
he had no formal education his passion
for science and inventing carried him
all throughout his life despite major
failures we might not know who Faraday
is but we all do know his legacy mother
Teresa wanted to change the world
through compassion even though she
wasn’t allowed outside her convent
without permission
her passion pushed her to feed the
hungry and care for the sick she said I
cannot change the world but I can cast a
stone across the waters to create many
ripples Mark Twain said the two most
important days of your life are the day
you are born and the day you find out
why give life a purpose and you’ll find
something to live for passion is the
fire that fuels our legacy the second
thing you need for a legacy is vision
vision is the visualization of your
destination there’s this one part in
Alice in Wonderland where Alice is
talking to the Cheshire Cat she’s asking
him for directions Alice didn’t know her
destination so Alice walks up to the
Cheshire Cat and she’s like um excuse me
mr. Tisch I cut will you tell me which
way to go from here that depends on
where you want to get to set the cat oh
well I don’t much care where well then
it doesn’t matter which path you take
begin with the end in mind Martin Luther
King jr. had a vision his destination
was a world where everyone would be
treated equally regardless of race
everything he did was to make that
vision of reality for everyone while his
mission isn’t fully present in society
today he came back to the world and
brought a voice that needed to be heard
Walt Disney had a vision that one day
Disney would not only be a successful
company in the film industry but also
spill into the real world in the form of
theme parks and toys which was
absolutely crazy at the time it cost him
seventeen million dollars which is 166
million in today’s money that’s a lot of
money but his legacy generated 9.3
nine billion dollars in 2016 Jeff Bezos
had a vision that Amazon would not
myself bucks for everything from clothes
to toys pretty much anything you can
think of and the great thing is that
vision is becoming real too if you don’t
know your destination how can you
possibly expect to find your way there
begin with the end in mind if you
consciously think of where you want to
go you will subconsciously make
decisions that will guide you their
vision is like a road map that gets you
to where you want to be passion is the
vehicle that drives you there
the last and the most important thing
you need for a legacy is action when
starting to think about your legacy you
have to remember to start small legacies
don’t happen overnight one of my
favorite quotes is you don’t have to be
great to start but you have to start to
be great remind yourself of your vision
every day so Steve Jobs every day would
wake up look at himself in the mirror
and be like hey and ask yourself this
very important question if today were
the last day of my life what I want to
do what I’m about to do today if the
answer is no for too long
you need to change something you need to
take action ever since I read this quote
about a year ago I’ve been doing this
myself and reminding myself of my vision
every day hey Nicole are you ready for
today can you do it yeah Nicole I can do
it let’s go but just remind yourself
isn’t enough you actually have to do
outlet you can’t sit around and wait for
something to happen this is the story
about a man and a crippled fox a man was
walking through a forest when he saw a
crippled fox I wonder how it manages to
feed itself he thought at that moment a
tiger approached carrying its prey in
its mouth the tiger ate its foe and left
what remained for the Fox if that helps
the Fox yell on me – the man thought so
he went back home shut himself up in his
house and waited for the heavens to
bring him food surprise nothing happened
the man lay there in bed waiting for God
to provide for him as he had for the Fox
but instead just starved just when he
was becoming almost too weak to go out
and work an angel appeared why didn’t
you decide to imitate the crippled Fox
Vangelis God is giving you gifts and
abilities to contribute to the world and
make a living while looking after the
crippled fox of the world get out of bed
pick up your tools and go follow the way
of the tiger I have a question which one
are you
Fox or the tiger remember to take action
to make your vision your reality taking
one step at a time
Bob Mohan said you can’t leave
footprints in the sands of time by
sitting on your butt besides who wants
to link blood prints in the sands of
time right if you don’t know what to do
remember this every problem in the whole
entire world has one solution like every
problem like bully poverty and
environmental concerns all of that has
one solution and it’s a fairly vague
solution but it’s vague on purpose and
that solution is all of us have to learn
the value of the things and people
around us and help each other all
legacies do this in some way
happiness and joy are two of the
greatest things that you could ever give
to someone spread kindness it can go a
long way in making the world a better
place and every time you make a positive
impact it’ll leave you wanting to do
even more
the truth is legacies are immortal
they’re not meant to be temporary
our legacy must impact the world for
generations and generations to come
a legacy can be as huge as what Walt
Disney Steve Jobs or Anne Frank left us
or it can be as simple as you giving a
stranger a compliment when they’ve had a
bad day you don’t need to be someone
great a billionaire or even a world
leader to make a difference after all
it’s the people who no one imagines
anything of who do the things that no
one can imagine so actually if you want
your legacy to change the world all you
have to do is help the people and the
environment around you just in small
steps and that that will never be
passion vision action so what’s your
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