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Grieving Aloud | Hannah Catherine Jones | TEDxKingstonUponThames


so we all breathe and most often loved

one who passed away but we also agreed

for objects

bodily injuries or losses the nail broke

the Bible took too much off the top I’ve

experienced perhaps more than my fair

share of the loss of loved ones

including one of my sisters so I’m kind

of intimate with this grieving process

but somehow it always takes me by

surprise it takes time for us to fully

realize the absence of the deceased and

the shock of loss and delay the grieving

period and we feel pressure to move on

partly due to the externally visible

signs of sadness crying being the most

obvious one and feeling for the most

part socially unacceptable but we need

to commit ourselves to grieve as much as

we need to find ways to channel this

grief itself and I find music is the

best outlet agree so I have the

privilege of being able to make music

and by that I mean I’ve been to our to

read music

I’ve been practicing as a learning the

merits as well as performing regularly

my whole life and I’ve got the

confidence and support to continue to do

so so I’ve been nurtured by my parents

my dad as a classical musician he’s

primarily a violinist from Barbados and

I’m Richard myself for 12 assault

theremin this instrument here which I’ll

be performing on in a bit and I also

which allows me to collective music

making in contrast to my solo voices and

all this might sound like I’m just

showing up about all the ways I make

music music it’s performance is

inherently communal performance without

an audience it cannot exist without this

audience your presence the audience’s

presence is essential to creating the

unique moment the unique moments are the

only moment in which performance truly

exists so despite the unprecedented

advancement in smartphones so we’ve all

got video cameras in our pockets this

might even be live-streamed despite that

there’s nothing quite like being present

both physically and mentally

at the performance and the intensity of

light performance can be overwhelming

I’m thinking of the way fans screen you

know historically Michael Jackson


we’re passing out and also how people

weep at the Opera but recorded music

also has the ability to produce this

kind of effect on us and I know when I

want to cry or I’m already crying and

I’m in for a bit of a session there’s

Hugh go to tracks

yeah soundtrack for this emotional


Jacqueline Duprey performing Ella Garth

chairman contention conducted by her

partner Daniel Barenboim it was a

specific video on YouTube it’s black and

white performers from 1967 and this

performance is documented informant or

should say is retrospectively infused

with the tragedy of Jacqueline Dupre’s

premature death age of 20 she battles

with multiple sclerosis fair environment

D crazy look to one another is so

present in the way that they interact

this performance though this unknown

tragic future of Jackie’s death is

present in the bitter sweet melody of

Elgar epic work and this undeniably

intensifies that entire thing it’s what

we know

my favorite for the sorrowful

soundtracks includes Billie Holiday’s

gloomy sunday’ Chris he’s explicative

game and also boys to men the end of the

road but the point is music flows

through us through memory through

presence to the presence the memory of

the memory of the present and perhaps

most permanently through the human voice

in song so historically particularly in

ancient Greece the human voice if song

was believed to connect the man with

gods and that singing could transcend

time and space and mortality and this

would ultimately established hungry in

the universe being moved to being being

moved means being touched by something

but music itself is intangible one good

thing about music when it hits you you

feel no pain for Molly said that

listening to music provides mental space

in time for us to contemplate and to

reflect and music transfigured suffering

into joy and we couldn’t have submarine

without Joey we couldn’t have

without suffering but I’ll end my

speaking part by contemplating

collective grief in fact we felt more of

this this year but awful year for many

reasons but we’ve lost an abnormally

high number of high profile artists

Prince Bao e5 dog amongst many others

the world has been united through

grieving for these gifted musicians we’d

be with being United through their music

whilst they were alive and we continued

to connect through their music now that

they’re dead and this was particularly

potent in the initial reading process

when we were finding out so in this

current bleak global socio-political

climate race relations are far from

harmonious to the point that we’re

regularly breathing for innocent

individuals at times I find for now

unfortunately expected fatalities of

black subjects through police brutality

overwhelmingly traumatic and we need to

grieve these losses both individually

and collectively or at least to realize

that we are grieving together both for

individuals and for collective traumas

I’m going to perform other men for a

much lesser known figure booster booster

instigated the largest slave ball in

Barbados in 1816 this was followed by


more large-scale a billions in Demerara

in 1823 in Jamaica and in 1832 in the

buzzer in months at the Emancipation

statue is a landmark in Barbados though

few people outside that’s outside of

Barbados know anything about it so I

realized its urgency to give more

attention to Buster as I continued to

decolonize my own mind and as I

constantly struggle to express myself

through words

so my sonic lamentable sir saves so much

more than I couldn’t attempt to explain

through words alone so yeah this

estimate here theremin is totally unique

amongst all instruments in that you do

not touch it to make a sound

and I think this performed intangibility

relates to the way in which we feel so

emotion is cannot be grasped easily

defined verbally and mental pain does

not uncommon off so the mystical

theremin for me is my outlet I devised a for channel my grief into the airwaves

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