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Give encouragement to the dads in your life | Austin Hatch | TEDxBirmingham

take a look at the clothes on my
daughter for most of you the first thing
that popped in your mind was her dad
rester it’s funny right but what are we
really saying about dads I’ve
experienced this mentality in my life my
wife and I are a modern couple I do the
grocery shopping and most of cooking my
wife mows the lawn that also means that
I take the boys aged four and two to the
grocery store with me Saturday morning I
load him in the truck and we head to the
Piggly Wiggly my youngest is bouncing up
and down in the car and yelling bananas
cereal hot dogs dads and poking his
brother stop poking each other in the
eye his boys oh it’s not funny you can
hurt each other I’m not gonna unbuckle
you remember the time you fell out and I
had to catch you I continued down the
aisles checking my list as the boys
begin to chew on the bottom I reach for
an item and bump into a woman excuse me
ma’am oh no problem so nice to see you
helped out today and she looks to the
boys taking off their shoes and throwing
them requiring me to catch it so it
doesn’t get lost I continued on to the
cooler section and as I reach for a
gallon of milk I make eye contact with
another guy who says wife make it take
the kids this morning I didn’t really
know how to respond so I just gave him
this isn’t my first grocery store rodeo
so I know to check the cart for any
extra items the boys of a quiet along
the way beef bullion cubes boys that’s
not kidding inside I started to put my
items on the belt and the checker greets
me with daddy day care today now at
first glance these few phrases that I
heard in the grocery store may seem
funny and I believed that people thought
they were saying something nice what
they’re really saying is taking care of
kids is mom’s role not dad’s in your
conversations you may hear did you get
your husband to sit tonight or Jeff is
so helpful to tend the baby when I work
on Saturdays these phrases are telling
dads their babysitters and that’s less
than full parents we tell dads they’re
less than full parent we tell dads the
parenting is not their priority when we
see dads as babysitters we lessen the
role of dad and make it acceptable
acceptable to ridicule his first awkward
steps as a parent we encourage our
children as they stumble in learning to
crawl walk and eat but somehow it’s
acceptable the ridiculed dad’s is he
stumbles to learn to care for a child
without the stumbles the baby never
walks without the stumbles great parents
are not made it’s in the stumbling that
we learn and experience life to the
fullest we all play a role in shaping
the context of dad no matter who you are
you can influence a parent or babysitter
mindset if we profess to support these
changing roles all around us we must do
so in our words and actions next time
you see a dad stumble give them a word
of encouraged
you know what dad that needs
encouragement give it to him you can do it dads
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