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Get the Noise Out! | Dan Zachary | TEDxJHUDC

this story is a about a personal journey

of mine of faith and how that was linked

with my work as a young physicist the

year was 1992 I was having a wonderful

conversation in front of our student

center coffee house and donut shop at

MIT and I was discussing with another

scientist our research work which

included energy the beginnings of the

universe the Big Bang it was a great

conversation until I mentioned in that

conversation my belief in God that was a

conversation stopper literally the

scientists did not know what to say he

was so taken back that he found another

scientist who actually was doing

fundamental work on the creation and

believed in God it didn’t make sense to

him so he just stared at me and said you

must be a mutant well I kind of laughed

a little bit and I think he felt he

stepped over the line just a bit so he

reached out to console me but God he was

eating a jelly doughnut and started

wiping jelly all over my coat

I’ve been called extraterrestrial

extraterrestrial and a few other names

but I realized that in the scientific

community it is difficult to talk about

God and science in the same sentence

it’s sometimes considered a oxymoron

thinking gets very blurry very quickly

in these conversations it reminds me of

a famous letter written to a young

church in Italy and I heavily paraphrase

here but it says that what can be known

about God is already obvious to us but

because of the things that we allow into

our lives and the amount of noise we

bring into our minds it makes it

difficult if not impossible to think

clearly about the topic that letters

really about clear thinking and for me

it’s more than that it’s also about

reducing noise of course all of us want

to be clear thinkers don’t we so this is

where it kind of began a few years

before that in 1984

here I was with a bit more hair tweaking

nobs in my very first major physics

experiment my mentor was this very

interesting gentleman his quest was to

build an apparatus that would be so

sensitive that it could detect the minut

vibration setup by colliding black holes

literally millions of light years away

now you’ve probably heard of black holes

at the time these are still considered

hypothetical objects well a few years

before this another handsome gentleman

with even more hair of course albert

einstein formulated as general theory of

relativity out of that theory came some

of the most bizarre things including

black holes so when a star approaches

the end of its life and is burned most

of its hydrogen and lighter elements

through nuclear fusion there’s no longer

the thermal pressure available to keep

that star from collapsing through

gravitational force it collapses down to

a single point a singularity well you a

picture of what one of these looks like

an artist version of this black holes

singularities are so powerful nothing

can escape them not even light you can

even see the curvature of space being so

distorted by these things in the center

of our galaxy stellar populations are so

so so numerous that it’s quite probable

that two of these things can actually

come together orbit in a disintegrating

orbit and actually collide it’s a little

bit imagine taking a large rock and

throwing it into a smooth pond circular

ways would emanate from the splash point

black holes are orbiting and colliding

black holes unlike water waves created

these are actually rare fractions and

contractions of space and time

themselves these things are generated an

enormous energy wave and they leave the

center of galaxies or other galaxies and

they travel when they reach to the earth

they’re so weak that it takes an

incredibly colorful and sensitive

detector to find these things but that

was my assignment and I set out to do


now I sat next to my mentor I remember

his simple desk with his pipe at his

hand and he instructed me what I needed

to do I needed to develop and build an

apparatus that would reduce the noise on

our prototype gravity antenna it was

built in a an old building that was

poorly insulated from outside noise near

noisy and busy Technology Square in

Cambridge Massachusetts trucks would

drive by and shake the ground all that

shaking and vibration had to be

minimized to an absolute nearly zero if

we had even a chance of detecting

gravity waves that was my assignment

well while I was trying to figure out

how to reduce noise in the laboratory I

was also trying to figure out God and

that was a big test to take on because

in the mid 1980s there was a culture war

brewing in the United States one between

the communities of the academics and

religion that culture war really didn’t

exist before and it has been growing

ever since to create really a gaping

chasm between the two communities today

there was a lot of noise that áfourá

Clee speaking generated by that that war

on the religious side i remember the

great public debate of prayer in the in

the public school that created a lot of

noise and where you landed on that

debate could create a lot of friction

actually there was a lot of noise across

our TV screens and the media we saw

scandals and vices of the religious

leaders constantly draped across their

TV screens there was a mockery of God

that created a lot of noise and of

course in the published media I remember

visiting different bookstores on campus

in around town it seemed like religion

or God was getting more and interested

in prosperity and blessings for profit

you could have a great wonderful life

accumulate wealth and and do all these

great things of course as long as you

supported this or that ministry or this

or that minister more particularly and

there was a lot of noise out there and I

think if you didn’t have the wherewithal

you would get lost in all this we’re

start with

politics and religion was another thing

that created a lot of noise and I don’t

think this started in the 1980s but it’s

where I remember it for the first time

we seem to laud and judge our our

leaders not so much for how they

conducted their lives with more on how

they held up the Bible and waved it

around it was difficult to get through

that noise and if it was noisy in the

religious community

it was ear deafening in the scientific

community scientists would very

frequently voice their anti-god opinions

in our lecture halls

I remember one famous scientist you

might have heard of him Stefan Hawkins

he came to our lecture hall in the

mid-1980s his view on all this is the

philosophy of naturalism that is

everything it ultimately be a tribute to

pure random chance even though I believe

it takes a lot of faith to believe the

astronomically small probabilities for

random chance to work and for us to be

here and ironically he’s kind of viewed

as I did my gag too so that’s that’s

something to think about you know there

wore scientist who sincerely did believe

in God but they never voiced their

thoughts unless I prompted them for a

dialogue which I did occasionally

because I was interested in figuring

things out and I was never convinced by

arguments on either side religious or

scientific and how and why we got here

they’re rather shortcut arguments or

condescending views and it just didn’t

make it for me

I simply wasn’t interested so what I did

is I went around and visited different

churches and not knowing kind of where

to go

I just went to different ones there’s a

lot of choices that to choose from of

denominations white black brown churches

it was confusing because each church

seemed to say that they were carriers of

the truth even though they they differ

greatly and there are fundamental

doctrines all of which came from the

same place that didn’t make a lot of

sense to me and when I talked to people

it was also confusing because I asked I

remember asking an interviewing people

why they actually went and there was

never really a good answer apart from my

family always went my grandparents my

parents I always when I better always go

dot dot dot

was not convinced the best conversation

I had was with another fellow physics

student he was from Eastern Europe he

was a complete atheist but when we got

tired of our quantum homework we would

get in these great discussions about God

I remember him telling me stop your

Sunday morning journeys stay in bed and


yep get ready for the week after

sometime I had to kind of believe him

because I wasn’t making much progress

out there that taking that path didn’t

help much either but I was still

interested in doing something so what I

ended up doing was just visiting

churches less and less and reading the

Bible more and more I tried to read it

in high fidelity I tried to forget what

everything was said about it and just

read it in context and over three years

I read that book three times from cover

to cover and it slowly started making

sense well back in the laboratory I was

making much better progress than I was

trying to figure out god I actually

finished the experiments in a timely

fashion I was very pleased with our

results and more importantly my mentor

was very pleased we did not detect

gravity waves calculations at that time

showed that we needed a much much larger

detector one placed far from noisy

technology Square as matter of fact we

needed two detectors so that we can

validate and verify that the actual

signal came and was celestial in origin

well eventually the dream they come true

the largest National Science Foundation

project ever funded the laser

interferometer gravitational Observatory

or LIGO experiment there it is this was

a gigantic machine this one is out in

the washing Washington State State the

arms of this interferometer are four

kilometers long so sensitive was this

machine that it could detect bicycles

just bicycling along next to the

detector the pitter-patter of feet it

could detect actually ocean waves and

crashing waves 200 miles away and

weather patterns on the other side of

the continent but get this for eight

full years this detector

it’s sister detector in Louisiana did

not detect gravity waves it still had

too much noise coming in it wasn’t

sensitive enough but perseverance and

extra work came and made this thing even

more sensitive so that by 2015 it could

now detect movement down to 10 to the

minus 19 meters or movement less than

the size of an atomic nucleus now it was

ready to listen and indeed in the past

two years it detected four collisions

attributed to colliding black holes but

the miracle event occurred on the 17th

of August of last year when two

colliding neutron stars similar objects

that generate gravity waves and

simultaneously light waves was produced

and detected it was a miracle event

because conventional telescopes found

the light and the instruments this

instrument found the gravity waves it

took 50 years from conception to

detection it took a lot of perseverance

and a lot of hard work a little bit of

luck getting National Science Foundation

funding certainly that helps but no

ultimately this would have not have

happened if noise was not reduced to an

absolute minimum the gentleman who was

helping me 35 years ago today professor

emeritus Rainer Weiss actually sent me

his greetings from Sweden just after he

received the Nobel Prize in Physics for

his contribution in the detection of

gravity waves I remember working with

Ray Weiss and after I finished that

project with him I went on to graduate I

continued on working in energy densities

nuclear physics and eventually energy

policy in climate issues which brought

me to the energy policy and climate

program today in the AAP of the

cragger’s school but during those few

years after my work with Ray Weiss I

worked throughout but there are thorny

issues involved with the Bible and

Christianity I became a Christian I

really didn’t have to dumb down any my

thinking as a matter of fact when you

consider science and God you had to be a

clear thinker

there’s no lazy thinking there’s no room

for that there for me

the important thing was to take careful

steps measure test riot put in the

practice and continue and perseverance

is one of those things that whether

you’re faithful or scientific you have

to it’s kind of like knowing something’s

out there and persevering until you find

it but perseverance is one of those

dirty words today that it’s difficult

five years six years but 50 years of

consider this no one would think that

gravity waves are not difficult to

detect they’re very subtle objects and

general relativity is an extremely

abstract concept but the dynamics of our

universe are ultimately controlled

through gravity and understood in the

framework of general relativity now

think about the spiritual parallel of

that one I’ll leave you with this

thought wherever you are in your walk


take time in your busy noisy life to

tune down the noise and as you do so

think about this

I believe the faint sounds of eternity

are always there and we can hear them as

long as we make the effort but turn down

the noise thank you [Applause]

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