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Genomica post-umana: passato, presente, e futuro | Emanuele Buratti | TEDxBologna

I want to start with this first
slide that tells you something a lot
simple that is that genetics is
is coming not just for the
insiders in which it was
confined for so many years is not
coming for me for all of you and for i
our children and therefore it is important that
we begin to understand at least the direction in
which is moving
me before coming here or the other
week I did an experiment
I simply said let’s see what’s there
not as they talk about it in the newspapers of the
of genetics and genetic engineering or
you will find the stephen article, of course
king that posthumously says that soon
we will be supplanted by a species
genetically modified human
obviously I found putin that everyone
according to his sensibilities he was afraid
of the creation of supersolds I imagine
because he only wants me back I tried a
our vice minister’s tweet unfortunately
I did not find the good news, however
what can I give you is that none of
these two things is very easy that
happens and one in particular that of
all even a little sorry I have to tell you
the truth because I am a big fan
of science fiction and if someone with
genetic engineering I succeeded in
make him wonder woman and captain america
I would have absolutely nothing from
find fault
but let’s say so of engineering
genetics as you see they do not stand
occupying only the people that the
they study but to take care of it
the economist where there are many people
clever begins to understand the
implications of genetic engineering
because if I now from each of you
that I do not know you take some of them
your cells and stress your DNA and
I already did an analysis of the sequences
I could say a lot of things I could say
what height do you have more or less I could say
the color of your eyes
the color of the hair
I could also tell you things that not even you
you know out for example I could tell you
if your enzymes are better suited to
run 100 meters rather than do
a marathon and obviously fair let’s say
so it’s the important part I could tell you
if you are at risk of developing some
cardiovascular disease
neurodegenerative of any kind
now you tell me it’s okay but no
It would be so crazy to go to
genetically modify a human being
and here
let’s say so there is a little bad news
that is, the fact that we as a species
we are manipulators ourselves if I tomorrow
put a sign with a button
red with absolutely written above
do not crush a good percentage of
you would go there to crush it for
simply see what happens and
and this is always successful
but you know the children are convinced
that the chicken thighs are born in the
supermarket pan though
chicken is born, let’s say, like chicken
because when our ancestor
Neolithic enters a clearing does not have
found a herd of laying hens her
only problem was how to start doing
an omelette
but the laying hens come from one
species of capercaillie and I can
to assure not just an ethologist but to go
from a female of capercaillie to look for
to take away the eggs is not
a pleasant experience then us
through we obviously did not know what
what to do from the capercaillie we have
had the pole we also changed i
vegetables that do not change everything
what we see in nature is not 12,000
years ago the Inca enters a valley and not
find the corncob is his again
only problem is how it is possible to do the
popcorn but find that
the shrub no you see the on
left which is called teosinte then
through various modifications we succeed
to have the panicle then we say
so we ourselves are ourselves
changed even over a period of time
quite short
you see here 100 thousand years ago we are
all come out of africa
who went left what he found
found in under talians ei
Neanderthals say so besides
probably have brought them too
contributed if not another one of them
education we say so
coupled with the Neanderthals and all
in most of us we are in this
we have about 1 to 5 percent of
DNA of another human species that is
the neanderthal man and now with the
genetics these things are also easy
to discover
Look at me with less than 100 dollars
I contacted an American company me
I’m made to say how my DNA is
number taliano I now know that I have 269
typical variants of the neanderthals and one
of these variants to deal with
the height so useless that me
I take so much with my parents
only 170 tall was supposed to be due to me
take with someone who has lived well
a long time ago now the genetics from where
part of the genetics we say the true way
genetics no like you know here not
I want you to come to mind of the
bad memories of your times and al
high school starts from mendel this poor
monaco born so to speak
he studies his whole life on how
send characters dies desperate
desperate love because nobody recognizes
the value of the discoveries of 1860 in one
beautiful monastery borno now between in
mind people only know for the
motogp he discovers that the characters yes
can convey characters purposes
recessive purposes dominant characters and there
starts a huge race starts a huge one
the beautiful books about it where
basically first of all either
went looking for the molecule that we are
discovered the DNA then there is the structure of the
There are no watson and no crick DNA
beautiful books that explain this but
immediately as you see as soon as they have been
made these discoveries the human being has
tried some way to exploit them and
so at the beginning of the 70s 80
we have the development of SMEs
first transgenic plants
we have the cloning with the sheep
dolly that you know now the first one
human nation is forbidden, however, this does not
it means that it will be in the future it is
forbidden only by us and these are things
that we say so must start
arouse some concern later
so let’s say the other extremely date
important for what concerns
genetic engineering in 2001 in 2001
craig venter publishes the entire sequence
nucleotide for nucleus tive of ours
now this was something that was done
first time it cost several million
dollars several years of research
now your whole DNA of each
of you can be sequenced for a fee
about $ 1,000 in three months e
all that information I have
shown at the beginning are brought into the
your genetic code
now in theory they are free to be
exploited and look at that in the states
united are already doing it
soon it arrives we are
of the companies that turn to the
people who want to marry say it goes
fine OK
you have already decided who leads out to
I walk the trash dog
who puts the chains to the car
when it snows, you like it, however, why not
also given a second look at
genoa the genome of your partner e
look at this this can be one
I did not always have a problem
find guys i just missed that
while no, they told me yes, I like you
but now check this tube and
in three weeks
no I tell you that’s fine but this but
this is the future and the future that
we were meeting that we like it either
we do not like it and of course for certain
verses, look at them I must like it
a lot because genetic engineering has
solved a lot of terrible illnesses and
the way he did it was in one
conceptually very simple
that is, one takes the cell with the gene
sick by the person with a virus
puts in it a copy of the healthy gene
takes over this cell puts back into
this person is the person has healed and
this approach was fantastically
successful because now what you
see here did not absolutely enter the
detail there are dozens of treatments
in europe that are based on this kind
of techniques and which can heal
especially children of diseases
really terrible so not everything is
so we say so in genetic research
but there is one aspect that I will now tell you
which also inserts a small one
concern and that is this kind of
manipulations are manipulations
coarse in the sense that anyone to a
insider if he manipulates the DNA in
this kind of procedure the others do it
they can see is a bit as if to
your car breaks a beacon you
go to the spare parts dealer, buy another one
and cream I welded them on the hood
for God’s sake your car
it works well the same night but
anyone especially the traffic warden
no sees and says no someone has manipulated
what happens now is that yes
are developing techniques for
which there is no way to understand if a
I’ve been manipulated less, I’ll do it
see are very complex and technical
they are also techniques that in theory
they will be very useful because from the point of
therapeutic view what you do
now that it will tend to do now
take to the cell with the diseased gene
do not put a healthy gene on it but repair it
that gene sick and moreover now there
they are also techniques for which one can
repair the sick gene can transform
the cell in a cell that serves it
I do not know a neuron a liver cell
a r’n’r cell implanting it in the
patient and then achieve efficiencies
therapeutic that before simply did not
they were possible
however there is a problem with this
big advantage of course anyone in the
future intend to change the
DNA can do it without leaving a trace
and this we say so that it will happen between
in my opinion, not a few years ago
a little like when it was discovered
atomic energy
when the energy was discovered
atomic and immediately the bomb was made
nuclear to anyone sane i
it would have come to be said eh well but this
it’s a very complicated thing let’s leave it
just manage to physicists to the military
why not the implications of energy
atomic do not concern only physicists
Military watch them but all of us
future of all our children
and therefore these techniques of
genetic manipulation that they are
developing more and more now they have
I need each one of you to do it
a minimum of load that you speak with i
politicians who talk to those they owe
decide what he has admitted or not and
that above all they do so
all these techniques do not come
used for some purposes let’s say so
because I want to remind you of something
I work in the sphere of nations
united, you know how many meetings are held
they try to solve many problems
but the first lesson that tells you when
you decide to work for this kind
organization and they tell you my dear one
I recommend always try to be
sitting down being seated at the table where
we eat because otherwise it means
that you will be part of the menu
thank you
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