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from financal domain in New York to cooking domain in Tunisia | hela driss | TEDxElMenzahWomen

so I introduce myself my name is the
rennais 5 dollars currently i am
in tunisia i have a culinary project
it’s the sheed grocery store that’s
specializes in the culinary
local products the cheeses and the
pastry so that’s true it’s
a 180 degree change from
the previous interior where I was
happy suite and niort and I worked
for the sit & go so gt5 manager in
sales manager of this new york group
with trips to south africa
at doba and at the cave I signed my
contract with city ​​bank tunisie of my
office in new york
I continued to work there
for a long time then I told myself
what a child’s dream this van
own project a project is in some
thing I love a passion and it’s
always a business at the event it’s
a business and it’s a dream and it’s
something is a challenge but a challenge
who starts to really succeed and I
am imbued with having the result I
am seeing the reality and the
recognition whose customers and what
greatest acquired so you learned you
ask how we can do all
his studies with the when you are told
I had the master of finance in
Tunisia I went to live on
bridgepoint case where I made my
tickets I did concentration a
alliance and an agreement marc hétier
after I did my thesis pitch that
is like after chirac in the united states
finally I have not jostled for citigroup
these contact documents and with with
post from by major papers study
so they called me I told myself if
group is still international
it’s something that is in
tunisia and probably stay that I
am too much use a sd port all my
life elsewhere so I signed with this
humor there the first challenge that’s it
started from new york in may john
Tunisian who is thus of the group
hybrid among more than north employees
how she’s going to do she has kids
it is an area where we see the
figure at the end of the quarter and so
it was or it was a challenge
until one day my boss that I
will never forget he came to see me for
tell me there I’m waiting for you to be
now in belfast was nothing for my
share to go behind the results
are better
mugenzi is clear they do not come son
sounding ok okay among twelve of his
branches all its functions on the handlebars
my zhaoxu
bye bye name paul castets and i
worked hard without having a
vision on the numbers are well of
we had no idea of ​​the results
voting results the famous day
we met the tower representatives
of all the states of the united states
they started giving the results
of citigroup are to start with
states flowers the state is not that and
I was sitting and I had zero hope
that it will be good
sincerely I know I knew that I
need to progress but not to the point
to be the best of which the three states
what comes to the three states
and the surprise yes the prostitute within
mouna and the buyer and there I cried
because the girl of twenty six
years who believed together they believed well in
something percent in the big
is and how hervé television the ol so
we want to succeed in balo rip if there is
no obstacle and not something
and in fact the buzz the negative side it’s
what kills when we have visions
negative content what is impossible
– I will never succeed in this area
anyway I’m a Tunisian know
there, we know that tunisia
sincerely every time I tell them
said I came from Tunisia their
unique was in tunisia
but that’s it and we had to decide
and you already and this in this case you are a
bric to ramallah he sees the panacea the
tunisia these little dots to the rose and
the kitchen and and this universe has succeeded there
where she wanted to succeed
the same way in the same way that
I decided to break up and in Tunisia
I asked I asked is there
had a way to resume my
functions in tunisia I wanted to go
in tunisia for family reasons
of that I have not I
lost my father but all that stuff
as I really wanted to go back into
Tunisia and I also wanted my two
profitable boys from the education of
our ample education that accomplice
add to the way I grew month
and their dad and that was your charm I
think the other side of other posts
people who wanted to apply for this
post and who is this girl who
wants to come and take the direction of if
you miss noon when we have
awards to military people who have a
experience I do not know how many years
so I stayed outside and that’s it
the 15-minute talk with the big
boss to another because I accurately you
and so I put 100% what we
need to know all my experience in
an interview with someone I have
never seen a lot yes they desire
this unit to English the students who
will take his knowledge come after
my experience with the famous on the screen
some perceive in college I
know from father to son and this is the
palace end so after 15 years of life
you can see it works to me and to
the mind I wanted to do my thing to me
after that I could be in the
financial field
I could teach at a university
I could do consulting confessions
do it all except that it was for you
the good ones the way I was looking for I
looking for nîmes
personal studies it was done the
diplomas are in the pocket the side
finances and that was done remained
something that was not complete
still it was crowded personally at
me it’s palm hills manderrier art in
as a person I chose a domain
where figure
of more ea domain that is the domain
culinary delicatessen in
the delicatessen started is
products that need to be created 0.2
wandering for faults
did I love it all
to work with Tunisian women
and rural waves in crisis so my
principle is discovered the very simple
any Tunisian woman any brunette woman
will open the doors are wide open
for these women so all the
craftswomen I work with fans of
I worked with fans who are at
the boundary of the Algerian border I
works with women of querian I
works with women of art
I live in a small village next to that
will give us the chapel I work
with djerba seeds I work
with gentle strokes and had
product they make of itself and that’s
thanks to the work they do there
live their families and 15 students their
repaying so we work every
farms in Tunisia nature products and
the product and the and bombs or game
I’m trying to bring back a few outlets
it’s about a little bit of
the industrialist living in a country where
riches to the Senate where the abilities are
huge for the Tunisian woman she
excels in all areas including
of culinary christmas think I have
met people who is women
excelled in the field
I am discovering another
category of women these women’s
rural women but with
experience with a know-how with
we will extraordinary and that’s
after this change to 180 degrees I do not
do not know if you have questions
which I can answer
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