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Feminismo cósmico | Hilda Sotelo | TEDxBlvdTeofiloBorunda

How about friends and I hope the audience
male at this time
and bring that feminine mentality bring
to their ancestors indigenous women
When I was a little girl my sister would wear a
colorful belt and said with this belt
i look india
I was very small I answered no
you appear you are indigenous
to talk about the future we need
recognize our past
to talk about the future we need to be
100% in the present moment that’s why
that our ancestral ancestors
accompany and if I knew of my origin
from a very early age not because in
mexico we are very proud of that not
it’s because my mother he hates aguirre soto
he was in charge of scrutinizing the tree
and she said that our ancestors
great-grandmothers was rare maurice l of a soto
and Cyril are already here with me always
the state have always been in these
hands in these eyes on these lips in
is in this womb in this heart in
these legs in these feet rarámuris
they have always been I recognize it
especially in speech because when
I learned to speak English another language
to build the house of love there with its
language with the language dominating and I
I imagined them my great-grandparents
when he spoke in Spanish they passed long
hours of silence because that’s how it happened to me
to me is great-granddaughter who is here played
played with the language and experimented on
cosmic women who are cosmic women
I asked Elena Poniatowska in a
recent mail cosmic women
it’s an organic book it’s a book made
in rhizome that plant that being that
arise with creations or creations in
vertical shape in it or that being in
the horizontal state
that’s cosmic women cosmic women
by experimenting with language and
literature I liberate I liberate
I wrote the story of 11
identities and the war was outside
on one occasion in 2009 the 31st
October 2009 came Carlos Fuentes
this border the last time you visited
this place
in Ciudad Juarez war was lived
against drug trafficking
I was a columnist in the local newspaper
high school teacher and he wrote
about the massacre
of the young people of city salvárcar
I went looking for an answer in the
what was my surprise not to hear
absolutely nothing with regard to what
we lived in the city myself by then
2009 was still looking for answers from
father of the author’s man
if I had the writer definition of
authorship like them
they are men are powerful whites
and then I knew that the literary game
not only stays in the books
jump to hierarchy levels and jump
to relationships when I was going I could
get there then I found out I found out
and I knew that I should write and
write an autobiographical novel
apple powder
I still could not tell him things for
her name did not know feminism was
unsafe woman a product one
consequence of the cultural machismo that
it overwhelms us
in Mexico we have disappeared to our
ancestors in Mexico violence has
reached unsuspected levels in
mexico disappear 70 people a day and
there are 3000 annual femicides
then with that mexico I said I’m going to
experiment and I will do everything
contrary the autobiographical novel is
was saved because I thought that a
nobody cared to know my story
later cosmic women followed him and
came through a dream a dream of
a snake that spits green oil
by the snout a snake that came and
came into my psyche to my apartment and
I started writing I thought that
that it came out was poison was not nectar
because after I traveled to the sierra de
oaxaca and there the voice or Maria slipped
sabina maría sabina curandera maría
the one that manages the plants maría sabina
indigenous Mazatec slipped his voice into my
psyche and I continued writing 11
women heirs of a strange fortune
that transfers powers of all
character then that sexist snake
he could not appropriate the identities
of others could not do what the
literature with a capital letter came
doing up to that moment
what says cristina rivera heron that
makes that literature with a capital letter
appropriate experiences and
stories of others and others in
benefit of herself and then
grows up and is violent and is macho and is
I was not going to allow it because they arrived
my ancestors Rarámuris and said
let’s heal and let’s release and so
it was already the first one that released was to me
same I used after 365 days of
write parallel realities and
record the dreams I put the book in
internet in 2011 of course the rejection was
to be expected if I had been rejected
for centuries because they would not have
do now in 2011 in that
time being woman experimenting on
this border with so much violence what
they did not matter I had to intervene
my novel four times the book
he intervenes four times
change the cover four times
but that they remain
to that novel as it was rhizome was waiting for him
other destination
his original intention was blooming and
Four creations of several by
the first comic harpies and the satire of
the psyche of the malena graphic novelist
villar after saw dance and women
Cosmics of the Juarense Tennis Psychologist
villarreal after the treaty arrived
politician of marcela cosmic women
then the most recent creation women
cosmic being a penton is demanding a
proposal for the end of the war between
the languages English and Spanish what
more important is the origin of the theory
of cosmic feminism now I’m at
about to finish a PhD in
education teaching learning and
culture and I’m generating that theory of
feminism or feminism all
feminisms the liberal the radical the
Marxist the feminisms that fight for
equity and they have not cost a single
drop of blood
those dialogical feminisms the
Feminisms of feminists
communities that want peace and
healing of our bodies bodies
of women we have historically been
exploited and the favorite spaces of
the exploitation the feminists
Juliet community walls says
and the exploitation was already here when
the Spanish men arrived
native people already used them and exploited them
community feminism wants the
healing and says let’s heal our
bodies and let’s put it as the way
cosmic politician that is feminism
cosmic but I was not the first one because
I found an academic article about
cosmic feminism of concha michelle
concha michel protofeminist singer
runs that ensures that in their
Let’s always come back to our
ancestral roots she was communist
she is the first cosmic feminist of
our country and it was already here the
women we teach women the
women we talked with each other and
listening to our ancestors
we are going to reach several
important conclusions
it’s time to write
it’s time we put our hands in
the words and do not be afraid of
tell our stories and we’re going to
do in testimonial format this was
happening when someone out there
a violent and macho mind generated
a war
this happened I say it with these
words and we will do it from the
conscience consciousness what the of the
new mestiza
the new mestiza is a theory generated
for glory ansaldo where it says that a
the Mexican women guide us three axes
malinche the weeping woman and the virgin
the malinche from the patriarchal look
it was the traitor she dominated several
languages their languages snakes
and then the universal did the misogynist
Octavio Paz
in children of the malinche
end of the myth please
then the next axis the weeper the
woman who loses it and cries and suffers and
it hurts and cries and he cried again and
it hurts again and the patriarch and the
capitalist generates an industry
around that pain
then the other axis that of the virgin the
Virgin of Guadalupe as she is your
it must be to deserve those three axes it
they mix and form the consciousness of the
new mestiza but the new mestiza not
is a myth is real is an inhabitant of the
is created through their struggles through
of its history
the new mestiza and then he writes and
then he dialogues and then he talks and
then it is heard through its
body we need our bodies
healthy to be able to manifest reality
that we want and then to
cosmic women I experimented and did everything
the opposite to the one that had been made
literature until then could not
be a success from the terms
cosmic women capitalists in women
cosmic deliberate but redefine the
words pedagogy success because in my
literary creation classes I had
been called crazy uterus syndrome I
it hurt deeply to susana chávez
castle poet and city activist
Juarez told him he had no future
as a poet in creation workshops
literary then with that problematic
reconfigure the title of the chair
and I saw him doctorate then I put him
organic critical writing that voice that
the women we are developing
harmonically end of wars
we can not continue missing in the
state of texas Mexicans do not
we appear in the textbooks
Mexicans not as if we did not form
part of the story in the state of
chihuahua women in literature
the representation is very very low
we are almost gone
to susana chávez the assassin of 5
January 2011
susana chávez friend poet and activist
they say chimamanda and magicians and Nigerian
feminist and writer literature should
serve to exceed the levels of the
imagination and then restructure
our relations and abolish machismo
and racism
susana chávez castillo lives susana
chávez castillo writes says arminé
arjona a local poet
and yes
I agree susana chávez lives
because the murderers do not like
massacre he was cut off a hand
Susana lives and Susan writes because
has my hands and has the hands of
Latin American writers
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