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Explora tu ¿por qué? y llevarás tu creatividad al más allá | Oscar Alejandro Gonzalez | TEDxUANL

once you have felt strange has
I sense you have something to say about
some specific topic and that does not take
a world that has paid attention
necessary uncomfortable sense about I do not know
some subject that you have already said that is
wrong but everyone seems to be
agree that that’s fine some
you have felt like you are the only one
it seems that you have that power of
tell them to hear and if we listen
little bit different, it’s not that you’re
weird is not that you’re uncomfortable is not that
be the one who complains all the time
has more to do with the ability
creative that we have if creativity
is the new way that we have
to express our ideas give us
new ideas that gives us better
solutions and these best solutions
they allow us to go forward as beings
creativity is this ability that
we have to mold our nature
mold the environment that we have around
we as living beings have this
capacity and we are shaping everything that
He has us around us
has allowed to survive a long time and
as a human race has allowed us
move forward enough
is a capacity that comes from the
subsistence and this is something that is going
prevailing and allows us to continue here
ok then as a subsistence method the
creativity comes in many forms
an example is agriculture a
invention that allowed us to go from being
a state is nomadic to be a society
static a society that could have in
itself the ability to stay in a
only place and thanks to agriculture what
we take into account but agriculture does not
it is nothing more than a different method of
do things of how they came
doing to whom it occurred to him that
we could stay that we can plant
things that we could stay in one
place that we could control better
our time we can control the
year in stations and know we could
eat and have that uncertainty that
we had that we’re going to hunt where
let’s collect where we should
have all those things got lost
allowed us to concentrate our energies on
much more important things
concentrate on creating a better
society in communicating the best among
we good
there is also another invention that changed us
completely the wheel
it’s an invention that allowed us
move much more agilely move to
a much faster speed move
our goods more easily than
codified completely different the
way we did things
daily good the wheel as such drove
other inventions roads cities routes
trade impulse many things and momentum
to other inventions
for example carts carriages the
and the car itself is another invention that
modified our society completely
that many examples appear but not the
automobile is very important the automobile
it is something that also codifies our
way in which we move and codified
in these cities
we can no longer think of a
where to live if we do not think first
how are we going to get to him in our
automobile and this is something super weird is
as if when we were thinking about
how to build our house we thought
first where to put our brush
teeth is a product that has taken the
reins of our generation and as well as
It has helped us to do many things
gives other problems good is another subject
so if these inventions are so
important if they have guided us and they have
fact prevail in the world
why is it so uncomfortable to think so
creative because this time is so weird
when you feel it is because it is uncomfortable
get up and say I ‘m not from
agreement could make things a
different way
because this changes both our attitude
good is that we have ideas
pre-established our society is going
molding and will have ideas that
we call paradigms are things that are
pre-established are there and no one
question whether to drive on the right
you have to wash your hands said is a
good sign after eating and spol
bathroom but there are paradigms in the area
creative that make us back a
little for example there is the paradigm and
that only creatives are artists that
the creatives can only be
designers or architects
and they were not entirely true if we put
to think because it has allowed us to
creativity survive in the world as
race therefore is not so true but
we also have other paradigms for
example that we can only
dedicate ourselves to what we do well
it’s wrong to be wrong
or common paradigms scold us for
from young and at the end of accounts
making mistakes allows you to think in ways
different things do
allows you to see the world in a way
different and realize what you can
and you can not do
then these paradigms are going
stopping let’s say
ok and where these paradigms come from
usually come from experiences
failed of these scoldings we talked about
they start telling you good things
these scolding are kept inside
you for example being the weird kid that
questions the teacher and asks about
what does that task entrust
It is not normal for a child to question a
superior no and it’s not normal for a
subordinate question your boss in the
office are fixed as we keep these
things also these rules is very weird
for example that I am doing things
differently and see that all the
world does the same thing is strange that I
continue doing things in a way
different because because this
discourages because this does not
continue on the path that I thought
that was the right one to the best yes it is
I just do not see it like that
ok as a college professor I
mole with this every day I run into
this type of students all the time
and this type of students are in all
sides and we are all of us and not only
they are students are people everywhere
what happens to me my case this to me
with phrases like teacher I better helped us
in the administrative process of the
things no I’m not so good at generating
new ideas or teacher I better go to
workshop helps to build things no no
this is not for me or even the case of
tell me what’s better, tell me what
to do, I ‘m going to dedicate myself to this
and that’s good apart from being a blow to the
encouragement as a teacher because it gives you the idea
that we are not so prepared for
think differently to look
solutions to problems and that actually
we could do better
we have
that make people feel useful
we have to make people feel
they have something to do things for
that have a purpose for example
no matter what activity you are in, you can
think about the stiffer profession more
structured plus full of processes
let’s say an accountant
and it does not mean that he is not creative
it is more assured that it is much more creative
have more to develop their creativity than
many because he has to look
new ways that people do not
pay so many taxes
that if they pay them and can deduct them and
this allows him to do his best
work for the need that it has and the
need that your customers have what
does for people too and this is
an ability to find a purpose
if you set the creative profile there
only is that we mention in the
paradigm goes much further
and it is our human need to move forward
ok then how do we make the
people feel useful they feel
that it’s worth doing something like we do
that a task feels important
well that’s our challenge on the side
academic is our challenge that we do
we have several strategies many for
example link our projects with
Real companies make companies
they demand from the students how it should be
who feel that their process their project
it can become real
also what we do we try to carry
the user the student the student
We try to bring it closer and understand that
people can benefit
that you can change someone’s life if
you do your project well that a task does not
it’s only for a qualification
ok and if we understand all this we can
keep moving forward and we can give you a
ability to do things better
you will find a purpose
this is key we need that
find a purpose that all
let’s find a purpose that we make
those breaks and we’re really thinking
because I’m doing the things that
I’m doing because I’m here to
that this task helps me because I
they let me have to do that I’m
learning so that it will serve me what
what am I learning if I do not understand what
that I’m learning and just what
I do to fill my notebook
unfortunately that is not going to be the course
end of things someday you’re going to
demand more and they will think of you as that
person who can and is capable and you have
to be sure that you are
I ‘ll give you an example the semester
past I had as a Marian student a
sixth semester student who presented
this project is an arm orthosis
with limited mobility
what does it help mechanically to the best
operation of the fingers of the hand
for nerve damage
it sounds a complicated not designer theme
well this was in connection with the
university hospital
where were the experts on the subject
doctor but also in connection with
the mechatronics race where they were
the experts of the whole mechanism
she only had to do
gather these experts and put it in
Your design proposal
the only thing sounds but in reality it is
quite difficult
if it had been only by qualification
Mariana would not be so worried about
that this really worked
I simply would have done a test of
her but the semester is not over and
Mariana is still looking for how to do this
that is the point of things we need
fall in love with what we do
We need to feel that what we do
it’s good for something we’re not losing
the time at school that all the
matters that are used for me
learn something that I show something to
world that I know what I can do and for
she I think she already understood
but this is not our fault as such
do not feel that you have to have
thought of this from before the system
educational in which we are
unfortunately it was created a long time ago
the processes that we followed were created
long ago
in fact since the time of the colony
so they are made for
systematically make people
robots that do not ask what to do
the robot things that do not think so much
because they are doing the but they do their
work of wonder does his job of
wonder and can replicate thousands of
times in the colonies this was very
important because they had to
move people from one country to another and
had to keep working the
Factories had the same machines
we had the same types of people
they simply have to repeat the same
then an educational system that
teach to follow orders that teach
do completely correct processes and
follow them literally was what
but the world we live in is no longer
it occupies so much
and this is not a secret in fact assured
that they have heard this before because
because there are many opinion leaders that
they talk about this there are many leaders who
talk about how why make a
difference knowing why he makes a
difference of why do things
experts in neuroscience experts in
expert leadership in
the issue of public speaking know that
things go better if you know why
you are doing it and you know what message
you want to transmit and why are you there
so if it is not a secret who is
taking advantage of this
the companies
the companies now know this as they
I say it’s not a secret apple
focuses more on making fans than on doing
clients because there is a very purpose
clear to dedicate yourself towards this
innovative make you feel creative that
feel that you can change the world and
this purpose is very easy to follow
I as a user can see it and say yes
is what I want, I want to do so
therefore every time I see this I can
feel that I am part of then not
matter the product that they have I want
support your cause and it’s normal
we feel that connection because because
we fully understand the purpose of
things then it’s not a trick
it’s just something that can
take advantage like them
ok we are in this world that changes so
quickly and each changes quickly
the world moves very very fast the
changes are getting faster in
technology in every question in the
blackberry and nokia
they are no longer in the program and that is
you have to agree and you have to
be aware that this is happening
then as a closed conclusion is
all right
you have to encourage this you have to know how
we are living, you have to know why
we are doing the things there are that
encourage people to think in a way
different do not criticize not feel the
attacked are attacking our process
that we have done like this all the time all
we have listened but I have always done
so you can tell him he has always
been wrong then understand this makes
a difference completely changes everything
if we understand that we have the
power to do different things
and that it’s okay that we do not have to
blame nothing is enough to
to be able to change the world thank you very much
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