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¿Existen los Micromachismos? | Rosa Liarte | TEDxPlazaDeLaMercedWomen

well I come to talk today yes and I
I wonder if micromachisms exist
in this case I’m going to start with a
series of sayings that sure all
we and we have heard
once behind a great man there are
a great woman to the woman at home
Nothing Happens to Woman at the Wheel Danger
constant of the woman of time and
little sea and that to trust the woman looks for the
thin and clean that fat and slut she
It will become much grace and makes us the
we hear today we only comment
maybe not even when we go
driving a car but I come already
ask me if there are the
micromachismos when I started doing
this talk the first thing I did was
find your definition no and first thing
that I found was the definition in
wikipedia wikipedia defines the
micromachismos as a practice of
violence in everyday life that
it would be so subtle that it would happen
unnoticed but that would reflect and
would perpetuate latitude attitudes
sexist and inequality of
women respect to males very well
Well once you look for the definition
I went to the rae to see what the rai said
about micromachisms and you know that
he said nothing to the network does not exist follow
searching and searching within the real
academy and look for the word sex and of
soon within the word sex
I found this definition weak sex
set of women do not know the
half commented to me in front of
computer watching this
this catch has three days of this
screenshot of three days
I ask myself are there today the
micromachismos for me simply with
an internet search of the word
micromachism already existed or not and I
I start to ask myself or why
why my waited micromachismo
day by day he began to ask her questions
and and the truth that gives me a lot of anger
many things among them one by one
them when I go to the bathroom
I go to the bathroom and I rarely
most come out in most of the
bathrooms what I always find
year of women is the changer of
babies, I do not know if you have seen
a baby changing room in the bathroom
man I have seen it once in my life
and they were not fence Spain
so besides that, I also
I found him, I’m very happy
baby icon
just with the icon wearing a skirt
which is precisely that of women and
I also keep asking myself questions in
my day to day between them when he filled
a contact form and I find myself
the word mister lady and miss
I do not know if you know the difference
between gentlemen miss but that I
know the difference of lady is a
married woman and miss a woman
single and I do not know why it’s so
important for that company for the
person that I am in that form
know my marital status
I do not know what matters but it seems that
it is very important in women to know
no, well , besides that, from having
I’m 30 years old and I’m going for 33 years
I am therefore not always be atypical
meals with friends conversations not
and the typical now that he heard from
who turned 30 is the one of you who stops
when you move on to the courage to move on
robben gaia he has to have a child
no and in that moment in which my partner
was sometimes the conversation intervene
and says hello I’m 50% of the relationship
why do not you ask me too
not only the rose and already and the truth that I
I put a little bit as nervous not of
say because I have to answer these
questions have no interest in this topic
us and if in my life
besides that he also heard
lately little girl does not stop and does not stop
lately of profe but traveling from
lecture conference formations and already
have to hear the typical phrase the
but it will slow down when it is
mother and I say but what does it have to do
being a mother tomorrow because
I have to stop working or download my
personally my mother has worked all
his life for me has been my great example
and today he keeps working and I
has raised equally be I do not know why
we have to talk about having children
related to women stopping
work or lower your pace of work not
because all this I ask because
when then we are at a table in the
talking to friends not exactly
all these issues led me to discussion
just no discussion but little girl
that you care exposes this form
lady and do not ignore you Miss
even way to say they want feminazi
feminazi sorry that is and I always
I answer the same, not the fact that
something has been repeated in the time the
truthfulness because something like that has been
ever so often tell me what
to the people in these conversations
but I know this has always been like this
do not complain
this is so not because I do not think that
that the one that has been repeated in time
it does not give truth
I also do not know why but always
It takes discussion of these issues not and I
I say talk about profit parity
of the woman
speak of parity gentlemen is benefit
of our society and I do not think it’s a
talk about parity and many times we
brings the women themselves to discussion
when we try to defend these things
not to men who defend no and
also talk about feminism too
there is a I think there are people who do not
knows well what feminine not feminism
as defined in the doctrine and
social movement that asks for women
the recognition of a capacity to
rights that traditionally in
been reserved for men
I do not ask for superiority I ask for equality
I ask for equality I do not ask to be more than anyone
I simply ask to be a woman to be a person
but I have no obligation and being a mother
my obligation to have children or
obligation of not I am a person and my
decisions are mine and they seem good to you and
yes no then also so I would
only I ask is the person and me
And it happens to me a lot, not because he traveled
as I said and I’m going to the best to a
dinner where there are many men and I
meeting and there as a guest
noia and all the men are giving
122 hand all them and they come to me
He sent a kiss and I’m one of those who do not
take the hand if nothing happens not here not
We are shaking hands because
I also have to be scared
for the fact of being the woman not but
besides that, the same happens to you
moment that you are going to pay and take off
remove do not pay or pay do not pay and you
you stay like this saying do not stop paying and
he says no what not so he does not take
machismo do not take it maximum and in its
I’m telling you, I do not
and he says looking at how chivalrous and
It’s like I say, I say why you say
chivalry where you want to say
kindness why do you say that I do not
I want you to be chivalrous I want
that you are my friend mine a person
and that I never spoke, they want to invite me
I do not need that besides that
talking about chivalry
for women nothing more than now
you have to see the ads that arrive
Christmas the girls were wanted from
the way that they have to be princesses
and everything is not pink and we have to
look for our prince blue
I love dina’s photography
goldstein that portrays very well in the
princess when you consider your prince
blue and the future that you have not because we
they paint it a way that what
It really is totally different so
that I also believe that since children
small you have to work this no longer no
Prince Charming
I speak of my partner not of Victor and is
that I am also a teacher of
geography and history and use of
technologies in the classroom
I have my blog up and down my
social networks and I have to listen
also in conversation
clear clear do everything he does is
because I help you with the pdf of your
Blog truth that makes víctor
visual presentation is behind no
and of course the own one says but
well, people do not think that you are
able to do all this has then
Sometimes it seems there until it
question or even in front of me and use
technology what I set out to do
as and student body, I am not the
tic coordinator of the center where
worked and precisely what I
I find that many times they come to
ask for the tic coordinator
there comes the key of no
well rose pink wondering hatch yes
I get waves and the coordinator with tyc
there and airs enchanted pink enchanted in
Kant friend who use technology not
wants is the science or technology
and there I loose the phrase of I am not the
history and be lyrics history but that
a woman with letters and and uses technology
in class
I do not know why he is also
totally related that the letters do not
can use technology and among other
the woman not that everything is always very
related to man
and precisely as a teacher of
history I can say that history is
has been commissioned to totally invisibilize
to the woman
the story is written by men and
precisely what little we have in
our history are women
so I think that what is not
visible ceases to exist and I do not know if
you and you know but
precisely the first language of
programming was invented by a
the bulletproof vest also or the
syringe on the crockery
windshield wipers to all of it behind
have women know her name
of many not because they are invisible like that
that from there besides being
professor of history and partly
also the optional subject of changes
social and gender issues and in this case the
students we were working the
micromachismos that is what I come to
count today
and precisely speaking of micromachism
a student questioned me and tells me it
I do not know if that micromachismos
it exists because I do not believe it much
total that there is but I put the project
I deserve a street and I told my
student body
let’s count the number of streets that
there is in Cártama that we are in the center
and of all the cities that there are
around Fuengirola Mijas and others but
let’s see how many streets in the name of
man and how many streets in the name of
when we were going to get results
I had no idea what I was going to
happen but when we started there to
work with google maps
we just started to analyze everything and
we put our hands to our heads
because in most cities
that we analyzed did not even reach 20%
name of streets of women in the city
is when we saw the results
the students themselves told me sir
we have to give to know the the
none of this can not be left like this and
we invite the authorities to our
classroom for us to let you know
I deserve a street
there is the mayor of cártama and the
councilor of equality knowing the
results of the study that made the
student body
we just gave you a written
signed by all the students
in which we told him to join
I deserve a street and please be
will involve in it
we have done it with
other city ​​councils and these
City councils have also joined
like Fuengirola or my daughter that even already
they have put streets in the name of a woman
I think we have to make visible what
invisible and I refuse outright to not
recognize that there are women who have the
opportunity to be recognized and that
has deserves a street like the
just as it has many names in one
well in addition to the impact that is
having deserve a street too
written comes all of spain from zaragoza
from tenerife return that they are
adding up I deserve a street that also
they are working with their illuminated side
the social impact has been brutal
In two months I could not believe what
What was happening
for me, all this is impressive
I say with it that if we do not educate in
equality we do not know bridge of change
but of continuation and we have a great
I fail many times that the issue of
equality is only inculcated to the
woman and we say that it is only a matter of
women and I think it’s a problem
social and we have to do it so much
men as women
educate in equality I finally tell you to
you both man and woman that criticism
to feminists or feminists
precisely that you do not forget you as
woman who can vote today that she can
come out that you can have your own work
or even your own bank account that
precisely here a few years ago
it was forbidden not so
just I do not want to forget this the
feminists fought they did a job
tireless to get the rights
that I have and day
finally said that what is ignored is
despise and from here I want to say that
This change can be made from
so from today day from
Today I say the deserve a street
Thank you
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