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Erasing Limitations: Building the future with your voice | Elizabeth Laiza King | TEDxAbayi

I’m speaking out TEDx I buy amazing so
excited thank you so much all right so
let’s get right into it today I’ll be
talking about erasing limitations
building the future with your voice and
influence my name is Elizabeth liza
carlo AKA liza King and I’m very
passionate about youth empowerment and
using the digital space to create more
impact profits and also light of the
parts of other people before I get into
the real gist of the day if you’ll be
honest with me how many of you hear very
sure that you’re achieving your purpose
in life or you’re on the path or you’re
doing something related to the it’s your
passion oh good I’m in the right place
awesome then the next question how many
people here scroll through social media
and you really admire certain people
that you follow you see this all the
different activities that they are doing
on you’re like man I want to be like
this person in addition you just wish
you had 10,000 followers on Instagram so
you’ll be able to swipe up come on guys
come on tell me now okay great great
great we have some people telling the
then the next question I have for you is
how many of you here truly desire to
create more impact light of the parts of
others and create more build more
influence in what you’re doing great I
feel like I should drop the mic right
now boom alright so I’m going to start
by sharing my story so this was me 2015
holding a stick to work on my first
event in Napa in August 2013 I went
through a physical challenge on my leg
that sort of crippled me at that stage
of my life so what seemed like some
shots of aspirin would would solve as
given by the doctors just wasn’t working
from hours to days to be
two months – yes I found myself using a
walking aid to support me while walking
I went to different hospitals for some
reason they couldn’t find out figure out
what was happening what was wrong with
me so this really goes to show a lot of
disparities or rather hiccups in the
Nigerian Health System so in places like
Nigeria where they don’t have a lot of
infrastructure set up for people with
hey I’m not disabled I wasn’t disabled
will never be disabled so they don’t
have a lot of infrastructures for people
like going to any physical challenge
that means that I had to leave my 95 job
in Lagos come back to Abbey estate
because I needed supports and along the
lines just hope that you know things
will go smoothly or the doctors who
discover something at some point I
really got tired of waiting so I want
you for a minute to picture hundreds and
thousands of other people that may have
been or are in that same position or
even worse across Nigeria just 40
minutes just think about that you’ve
probably seen them on the streets you’ve
seen them you probably know one right so
three months later or brada in December
of 2013 I got tired of waiting on
Nigerian doctors I decided to go to
Dubai for surgery because we are
recommended by someone there so I
recommended us to a doctor in Dubai so
we went to Dubai after series of scans
they thought I had torn ligament which
was as a result of injection palsy I had
when I was six years old so apparently
it wasn’t well managed
so the injection policy I had when our
six years old was caused by a nurse who
a quack northland just put it like that
who gave me injection apparently she was
probably looking for a life to
experiment on but anyways this just
again goes to those two experiences goes
to show that our health care system in
Nigeria is excuse my French
what and we have a lot of
building to do no offense to medical
practitioners in the room anyways in
Dubai they decided they said that they
were going to do surgery to stitch the
torn the garment back and when I come
back to Nigeria I could do physiotherapy
and I’ll be good
am i okay came back to Nigeria did
physical therapy four months and four
years and I got tired things were not
working until one day in 2016 June of
I literally decided to just leave the
stick and start working now I’ll tell
you how that happened so I got to the
point where I was literally tired of a
lot of people just looking at me on the
road or wherever I was saying just
probably wondering what was what
happened to me looking at me with a
pitiful face you know or an old older
elderly woman telling me it will fine
girl gay America or accident you know
meaning Oh fine girl what’s happened to
you is the accident so I literally got
tired of that face and that face of face
of my life
drove me to a place of depression here I
was like you know why do bad things
happen to good people like I’m a good
girl come on like why should this be
happening to me I just couldn’t seem to
figure it out but I got to the point
where I almost lost my faith in God I
was like you know what there’s nothing
to live for because I had tried
different things nothing was working you
know it’s even worse when you’re going
at social media you’re scrolling through
and you’re just in your meets – in teens
oh yeah one has passed the second years
pass the third year has passed and you
just feel stuck right thankfully I had
the right support system around me I had
good family you know some friends and
they were able to guide me through that
process so I got to the point where I
invested so much in spiritual and
personal development until I was able to
get my sanity back and I made a decision
that I’ll never allow any circumstance
any situation what
ever to stop me on the path of purpose
and on the part of my mission so I
crafted a new mission statement for
myself that was grounded on the core
values of faith and power meant and
using my voice to liberate others and to
create more impact as months and years
passed I explored my passion for the
digital space my passion for writing and
to pray no ship and youth empowerment
because I had already made a commitment
to myself to start afresh again are you
listening to me today you can start
again I start I realize that in my
community in obviously there weren’t a
lot of besides church related events
around a lot of activities or events or
support groups focused on helping young
people to thrive right so I decided you
know what I can do this let me create a
system or a platform that also raised
order leaders create more impact and you
know help to build this community in
into what it should be so I start
organizing events I say creating smaller
support groups that would help young
people so going forward how can you
actually make things happen in your
community you don’t have to be in a big
place like Legos or America to make
things happen your small community in
your village how can you actually apply
certain principles that will help you to
thrive and also I keep saying light the
paths of others it’s not about
it’s about influence and impact first of
all you cannot ignore this be driven by
purpose not profit first be driven by
purpose so that’s a question we all need
to keep on asking ourselves what drives
me and the words of simon Sinek starts
with why the next thing is you need to
be really solution focused I understand
you’re probably passionate about
creating beads how is the solution to
start thinking about it as a solution to
someone that is probably going to find
the event or when you start seeing your
idea has that idea that will break break
grounds and create global impacts that’s
when you start creating change in your
community in starting your business as
the solution that your community or or
maybe market people need to thrive they
need to change your mindset what is the
solution that you can create today that
can solve a problem in your community
the next thing is you need to plan and
execute fast you listen to certain
people that are like I don’t want
anybody to steal my idea you know my
idea is so golden and this one that one
but as you’re thinking about an idea
trust me
thousands of other people are thinking
about that same idea someone told me the
other day act rather she was very
concerned oh I want to go into makeup
artistry but there are thousands of
people doing the same well lights your
own stand light your own lamp you know
it’s your own personality that you bring
to the table that’s going to make the
so stop planning and execute if it’s if
it fails trash it static and move on
because you’re still alive today your
purpose is still relevant the next thing
is team and mentorship these days we
hear things about solopreneur this that
solo solo solo well you can be a
solopreneur or whatever but you cannot
build a legacy or generational you know
influenced by thank you for that by
being a solopreneur you can’t do it
alone right you need a team and you need
the right Mentors
I’m so proud of my team like my Abia
team we do things together
we have Yeley retreats we have we eat
together we got into Google as trainers
together you know find a team that
understands your vision no matter even
though you’re in the village find that
seemed yeah there’s to be you know smart
people around find the team
and you know build accountability around
what you’re doing
the next thing is influence and networks
see let me tell you something about
influence this happened to me not too
long ago a restaurant really really cool
restaurant opened in my and the state
and the city where I live and I just
visited and put up took pictures and put
them up on Facebook all of a sudden we
got hundreds and hundreds of comments
and I’m like okay I mean I just put it
up because I liked it only to find out
that the found out of the place got my
number sorry saw the post on Facebook
got my number and called me instead
thanking me for putting it up I didn’t
see anything wrong with putting it off
because I just really loved the place so
he said meet me in such a place I’m
coming to social place at the restaurant
right my social so time and I went there
and this man just kept appreciating me
introduce me to his staff and said
whenever you see this girl just allow
her to enter you know that kind of thing
and he hands me a huge amount of money
and I’m like Hello is this what
influences enjoy you know and that just
goes to show that when you use your own
personality see not everybody is going
to listen to Pastor a or leader a they
have their own tribe what your tribe is
waiting for you because it’s only your
voice as your Shepherd that you listen
to so you need to start building
influence and the digital space is at
your fingertips if I’ve asked everybody
to raise up their phones right now we
can actually buy how many lands so on
just give me a key how many lands nine
acres okay all right you become buy
lands you get so what are you using your
phone for maximize the digital space in
a wise and smart way then of course your
networks like I said this life is not a
solo John you you did not come to die
alone or to carry
the sole burden alone that I’ll write
seek out the right people and keep
growing your networks with ice to
conferences or online whatever it is
make this very intentional practice the
next thing is innovation and consistency
we go on our phones every time and we
see updates you know upgrade updates
your app big companies like Facebook and
Google they understand the importance of
innovation I keep telling people the
like button on Facebook was probably
invented by an employee even in your
workplace you can be innovative
above all consistency is the rule of the
game man you have to be consistent be
consistent or go home literally all
right don’t you love my team give them a
round of applause guys they are just too
much anyways I love to hold on to this
you know Luke 11 verse eight says talks
about the story of a man that went to go
knock on the door of his neighbor in the
middle of the night so he not the first
time nothing happened he kept on
knocking doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo and
finally the Bible said that even if he
won’t stand up because of the friendship
stand up because of his shameless
audacity the future is looking for those
who are shameless andwell daesh’s enough
to you know take their paths the next
thing that I keep on holding to is my
pastor will always tell me you cannot
power your great destiny lies that you
cannot power your great destiny with
this small generator but that means no
no you get so if you know you know that
your destiny is so great but you’re not
building capacity why you’re not
building the networks that will help you
to get there so in the midst of all this
some people might be like oh I don’t
have a college degree I don’t have this
I don’t have that
remember you’re here for a reason and
that my topic is erasing limitations
like literally you cannot just see any
cover or any limitation at all just
refuse to see it they normally say the
light is at the end of the turn elbow
guys you add that light man
you add a light in that tunnel so I like
to refer to the part of the talents in
the Bible where one was given one one
Talent the other three and the other
five the guys are multiplied their own
talents they were given three multiplied
it the one that there was given five
multiplied it they understand they
understood the multiplier effect they
understood that they had to build
structures for their future generations
but the one that had a mindset of one
that was given one talent he went to gum
buried because he had a mindset of one
what is your mindset saying it’s not
about you you’re not even in the
equation I’m sorry so it doesn’t matter
if the future that you’re expecting
hands you a very small package right now
and says you know what this is the small
planet I’ve given to you the future
hands you that small plant because in
you you have the ability the capacity
the wisdom the knowledge do you
understand and to turn it into a big
city or anything big business big
anything that you want it’s in you
before it comes out of you so whatever
life gives to you no matter how small it
is you can turn it into something bigger
so this is just encouraging a lot of
young people and Millennials out there
your voice your influence in wherever
small community that you are in can make
a difference and also light the parts of
you [Music]
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