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Empowerment Through Economic Liberty | Charlie Shrem | TEDxUTampa

good morning everyone my name is Charlie

and I’ve traveled here from a very

faraway land called Sarasota Florida to

tell you about the most important

invention of the last three thousand


hell even five thousand years this

invention is not the telephone this

invention is not the internet’s

this invention is not even the wheel

this is the printing press now you’re

all saying yourself what let me explain

to you guys something before the

printing press was invented people never

needed to learn to read and write no one

read in write the literacy rate was only

two and ten people actually knew how to

read and write and I doubt even if it

was that many it was the elite it was

the church it was the kings and queens

and the bourgeois and all of the people

on the top there was no equality there

was no information there was no

University of Tampa

there was no TED Talks it was impossible

because all information came from the

church and from the King and the church

and the King would take information and

they wouldn’t even let you own your own

Bible if you had your own Bible in your

house you can be burned at the stake for

being a heretic people never needed to

learn to read and write because all

information came from a very select few

people and these people basically told

you something and you believed it

information information is power and

then one day well not one day but over

the course of a few months in a few

years the printing press was invented

and all of a sudden one person who knew

how to read and write can take

information write it down and instead of

having the church have scribes

painstakingly copy it over you can have

thousands of copies printed overnight

and you could disseminate you can pass

this information to people over and over

and if you said this I said that

information almost overnight went from

centralized to decentralized and this is

the big buzzword you guys have been

hearing about in the last few months if

not few

years on the news Bitcoin blockchain

decentralized money but what the hell is

decentralized money what does that even

mean taken in the context of information

information before the printing press

was centralized there was no people me

saying this you saying that there was no

reason to even have a debate because we

all agreed on the same thing we all got

our information from one place and we

couldn’t even read a Bible to tell us

that that information was wrong now we

have a different situation where you

have multiple people telling us multiple

things and all the sudden people started

asking questions we talked earlier about

the ages to who what where why and one

they never even asked those questions

before now all of a sudden a few

thousand years ago people were asking

information they were asking questions

and getting information and then we had

multiple different religions we had

different churches we had the founding

of this country because the Protestants

in Europe couldn’t even own their own

Bibles and they couldn’t preach their

own version of what they saw religion

was they couldn’t be their own spiritual

people they couldn’t have any self

development for lack of a better term us

human beings we were sheep we would get

information and we wouldn’t question it

and then we started getting information

and passing information and we would we

would print information and people were

still burned at the stake for the

printing press and the Netherlands which

was the only country at the time that

even allowed people to print their own

information allow printing presses was

in a civil war against Spain and and

people would flock to the Netherlands

and Belgium and now those those

countries were known as where you can be

free and then people came to this

country to start to be free and to have

their own religions and then we had

books and the literacy rate today is you

flipped that maybe 2 and 10 people don’t

know how to read and write and that’s

rapidly changing but the advent of

things like the internet and the

telephone and the telegraph and pigeon

carriers and the ability to send

but we talked earlier about fake news

who controls that when I read

information on the Internet how do I

know it’s real it comes from one central

person Facebook it’s centralized

information has went from decentralized

to a lot more centralized we believe

what we read on the internet we believe

all these things we believe it

furthermore have you’re in a war-torn

country like Syria or if you’re in

somewhere in South southern Africa you

can’t even get information out because

the first thing when a revolution comes

they do is they turn off the main media

and in most of these countries all the

media is owned by the government so

people don’t even know they don’t even

have information like North Korea and

sometime in 2010-2011 I don’t remember I

was really young living in my parents

basement I was in an Internet chat room

like the most healthy young social

people hanging out and it was a very non

social person and someone just popped up

on this chatroom now no one is Satoshi

and Satoshi started saying and and his

little disciples the four or five people

that knew what cryptocurrency was said

hey check this thing out download this

software so I download it and then he

says and the other people say let me

send you 10,000 Bitcoin just for fun so

all of a sudden some Bitcoin shows up on

my on my computer my software and I said

okay what’s the big deal it’s just uh

it’s just another version of PayPal that

I could download it doesn’t really it

doesn’t really what’s what’s so good

about this and everyone who were

defensive about this brand-new

technology back then explained to me

that unlike people that PayPal that

maintains this centralized ledger and

database so when you send me money or in

the context of the printing press you

send me information all of a sudden

instead of that ledger being maintained

by one company or one centralized party

this ledger is now being maintained

across everyone’s computers that are

using the software in real time so if

you send me money or if you send me

information you can’t take it back you

can’t reverse it you can’t freeze it you

can’t alter it you can’t counterfeit it

you can’t change the information change

the time and the date stamp of when that

information was Center that money was

sent all of a sudden we had

decentralized money because the only way

that I can go and reverse that ledger

is if a majority over 51% of all the

people using the system decide to hey

we’re going to change something and if

they were to actually do that the

integrity of the system would collapse

as a whole so imagine if all of us in

this room took our laptops and travel to

we were spread all over the world

we were just thrown into all these

different directions and we were only

connected through the internet and the

traffic going between our computers was

indecipherable from any other traffic

from Facebook Twitter or whatever it was

traffic going from our computers my

computer to your computer and we decided

to take Wikipedia or the encyclopedia

and put it on our local hard drives on

our computers and imagine if one of us

said hey I want to make an update I want

to add something to that

in real time instead of that updating on

my computer it’s now updating on all

your computers in real time impossible

for me to go back and change that now so

I can be sitting in my house in Syria

where the government is not allowing me

to post information or videos or data

about what’s going on in my in my

hometown because they control all the

information and as soon as I get it up

on a server they’ve shut it down they

take the information they put it down

countries are doing this around the

world when you control the information

when you control money when you control

finance you control us so if you take

all that information and that

information was in real time sprite to

millions of computers around the world

that anyone can read or see a video of

what’s happening in your war-torn

country no one could shut it down and

that’s freedom

that is taking the power of information

and the power of money back out of the

hands of the few the government’s and a

corporation and back in our hands

blockchain technology Bitcoin aetherium

all these other projects that are in the

blockchain technology space today are

doing to information finance medical

supply change management all these

different industries voting it’s doing

to that what the printing press did for

information imagine a world where you

don’t wake up in the morning and read

about this country trying to do their

democratic elections and of course the

elections are mired in conflict and they

have voter recounts and this guy’s

contesting this guy and this guy claimed

he won and then there’s a war and

millions of people die we’re all not

even reacting right now why because it

happens every week we hear about it all

the time

we’re desensitized to it it doesn’t

matter to us anymore or if it does we’re

just so used to hearing about it and

imagine a world where that didn’t happen

anymore with blockchain technology you

take the corruption and you take the

inability for anyone to claim

superiority over another person away

that goes away it’s impossible because

in order for someone to actually do that

they’d have to collapse the whole system

and if they collapse the whole system

and no one would use it or trust it

anymore let’s talk about the financial

systems in North Korea or in Cuba there

are thriving black markets these black

markets are actually super deregulated

because no one can control them the

reason the black markets exist is

because people said to hell with the

laws and to hell with our crazy

governments we’re gonna have our own

2014 I served a year and a half in

federal prison in federal prison the

administration runs the whole economy

they tell you that your family and

friends can send you money

they’re only enough to send you up to a

certain amount of money and you could

only spend up to 360 dollars a month in

our commissary this is the list of

things you can buy this is the prices

that you’re gonna pay this is how many

you can buy you can’t buy more than 10

packs of tuna fish because god help me

ten more tuna fish is bad and they tell

you you know what we don’t like you

today you can’t go to commissary today

we’re gonna close commissary I was in I

was sleeping one day and as a as a

person who studied economics in college

I looked at this and I said you know

this is a perfect example of a black

market economy here we have a group of

people that are all pretty much the same

any place that they can’t leave that

need a market place need the ability to

exchange value between each other now if

we take the administration at the

government the government controls our

bank accounts by the way when you guys

put mine in your bank you don’t actually

own that money anymore you’re lending

that money to the bank at an extremely

low interest rate but don’t make it run

on the banks because that’s not good for

anyone but my point is that everything

is controlled they can wake up and print

as much money as they want whenever they

want the money sitting in our pockets in

our bank account if they print more

money that makes the value of our money

much less so when the various

governments and corporations decide to

be irresponsible were the ones paying

for it that’s not fair that’s not equal

if we had a better financial system like

Bitcoin gives us or some derivative of

that down the road or decentralized and

not one corporation or not one

government can control it will have a

lot freer money

so anyways I’m sitting in prison is

reading a book and I notice that I’d

like a cold soda but it’s not my

commissary day so I know that there’s a

guy of course like any system there’s a

gentleman who has his own little store

and this is all for educational purposes

I go to him and I say hey man can I get

a cold soda from you

so you’re thinking yourself well how are

you gonna pay this guy well what had

happened was over time the economy

inside of prison decided to buy

themselves no one person no no

figurehead no one said this but the

market itself we trust the market the

market itself said that we all want to

use the hacks of mackerel fish as

currency now you save yourself packs of

mackerel fish as currency well you ever

go to the supermarket or they sell tuna

fish and they’ll single packets you

could buy for like a dollar fifty that

tuna fish we had a mackerel we have tuna

as well but tuna fish personally it

doesn’t have any texture mackerel it’s

like a taste like state doesn’t taste

like steak but it has like a texture of

something not tuna fish so the the

marketplace decided we’re gonna use

mackerel fillets in pouches as currency

the price is stable doesn’t change it’s

scarce there’s only a finite supply the

inflation rate of mackerel is 500

inmates multiplied by 52 weeks per year

every inmate can only go to the

commissary once a week and they can only

buy 14 mackerels per week so you have

500 times 14 times 52 the inflation rate

of mackerel it’s stable the printing

press is on autopilot and can never be

changed it’s scarce utility you could

eat mackeral mackeral was the highest

source of protein in the prison

system if you were to work out if you

want to eat some food if you can make

anything with mackerel

you can make soup you can make mackerel

and cheese it tastes terrible you can do

all these different things with mackerel

so macro became the currency of choice

it became a transactional currency no

one told us this was what’s gonna happen

it just happened the market made it


we trust markets if we trust markets and

they are efficient when we allow them to

be free markets free the world free us

so anyways I got my cold soda and the

gentleman said you can give me either

one eating Mac or one money Mac I said

wait I have a mackerel what’s a

money-back and why is sorry it was one

eating Mac or one-and-a-half money Mac’s

or two money Macs and I said what’s a

money Mac and why is it cost more to buy

a soda with two money Mac’s and he had

no answer for me he’s like listen I just

run the store so I went back to my

economic laboratory basically in my

little cubicle and I sat on I thought

what the hell is a money mac so I went

to go ask my my bunky

and he said charlie a money Mac is

essentially expired mackerel that was

never eat because basically what

happened is and this is something that I

figured out over time is that people are

prison for a long time and that’s

another conversation social justice

which I can talk about for hours but

people are unfairly in prison for a very

long time I had bunkies are in there for

20 30 years for selling a pound of

though these guys are now transacting

with mackerel but they need a savings

account they need a way to save their

money if a guy’s giving haircuts and

he’s charging to max

how was he gonna actually save that for

when he wants to buy a new pair of

headphones for 10 max and a month from

now what are you safe you saved macros

you keep them in your locker they stack

nicely it’s perfect what happens when

you’re in jail for 20 years these macros

don’t have a shelf life of longer than

about two so over time the market

created another currency called the

money max the money Mac was had no

utility you couldn’t eat it the only

reason this bag of oily mesh had value

because the other 500 inmates in the

prison system believed it had value

isn’t that why we all use the dollar

today because we all believe it has

value there’s nothing backing our dollar

we all believe thia by federal decree we

are sheep we all believe so anyways

people have their life savings in these

money max I’m telling you I knew guys

who had like hundreds of these things

and they were currency you can give it

to a guy and he could potentially send

it outside to your family for you there

was a whole like Western Union of prison

going on it was crazy stuff

hypothetically speaking

so of course one day I wake up and

there’s a there’s something’s going on

in the cafeteria everyone’s going crazy

you know running around like like like

like Nutella is on sale in France crazy

stuff crazy stuff they’re running

they’re ripping each other’s heads off

and I run to the cafeteria and what

happened we never knew what happened to

the inmate but there was an inmate who

had hundreds of money max and the prison

administration confiscated it from him

and instead of just getting rid of it

they decided here anyone can have it

within seconds they did based the

currency the currents I saw people’s

life savings go away immediately people

who had hundreds of dollars lost their

value overnight because now if I go to

the guy and say I want to buy the soda

he says I don’t take money max anymore

because I have too many they’re not

they’re worthless now this is what

happens when we allow a few people to

control our lives though I got involved

in Bitcoin and blockchain technology to

potentially try to help and create a

better financial system and I’m not an

anarchist I’m not about in the Fed or

you know I’m pragmatic I’m a realist

the financial system works somewhat

because we have no better option I have

a bank account

I have credit cards I take loans I have

real I’m the same as everyone else in

that respect I use it full fledge we use

the financial system just like all of

you guys but it doesn’t mean I have to

like it that doesn’t mean in a

collaborative age

I can’t collaborate with other people

around the world regardless of your

gender the color of your skin your

religion doesn’t matter who you are we

can all work together to create a better

global financial system and so instead

of ending the Fed let’s transcend the

Fed let’s create a better system a

financial system a better medical system

a better supply chain system a better

system of voting where there’s no

corruption and instead of forcing people

to use our system because when you have

these elections all it is is one trader

one one not sure it will he’s the

traitor too but one dictator going and

replacing another one let’s create a

better system that’s controlled by us

that prevents any one of us for having

too much power

but unlike communism and all that other

stuff that doesn’t work and it

centralizes us financially incentivizes

us to work harder because we get paid

more by the system proof of brain your

brain is Capital guys you’re in college


université you’re working your brain is

your money use your brain to make the

world better you make more money you’ll

enjoy your life we live in a beautiful

place we have the beautiful weather we

are so fortunate so let’s all work

together to build a better system and

transcend the corruption and the greed

thank you very much I’m Charlie Shrem have a great day guys

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