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Empathy: The Final Ingredient of the Melting Pot | Leah Kinzer | TEDxWorthington

for 16 years I’ve lived in this body

with white skin and brown hair and brown

eyes and when I was younger I went to

the Worthington Presbyterian Church once

a week for Sunday school because I’ve

never really found it hard to find

people who look like me or believe the

same things as me I’ve never really

thought to empathize with people who

might who might find it hard until I got

to high school where there was a huge

number of kids a huge make up of beliefs

and ideas and and face my assistant

principal knew that I was interested in

this so he sent me this map on here you

can see the native countries of students

in our school so places they either

lived in or were born in before coming

to our school we have 20 from Russia 2

from Taiwan 9 from Venezuela and this is

just so cool to me but so many countries

are represented in our school and I

think about what a map of the students

in our state or in our country would

look like and that’s just so much

representation in the beginning of the

winter in my English teacher gave us a

prompt for an essay and the question for

the essay was something like what is the

United States value more

multiculturalism or conformity and this

was difficult because I really wanted to

say the answer to this was yes the

United States values multiculturalism

over conformity it’s what we were built

upon nation of immigrants but that’s not

what I thought what I wrote because it

didn’t feel truthful and then around

Christmastime my mom showed me a letter

to the editor in the newspaper about the

war on Christmas and political

correctness and the woman who wrote it

was angry about school celebration

school concerts being changed from

Christmas oriented to a generic winter

theme and shopkeepers saying happy

holidays instead

Merry Christmas and I understood that

this woman was upset that her face was

being taken out of schools that I felt

like there was another perspective that

she wasn’t considering there are a lot

of ways to think of all the makeup of

the United States a couple weeks ago I

read an essay that you’ve been metaphor

that the United States was a spice rack

where everyone was a different spice but

we all sat on this rack together but the

most common the most accepted metaphor

usually used is a melting pot the only

thing people seem to disagree on most is

how much we’re supposed to melt so I

joked to my mom that I was going to

reply to the letter to the editor in the

newspaper and I ended up doing it the

purpose of this was to encourage the

readers of the newspaper to consider

another perspective be more empathetic

when looking at the war on Christmas

recently I’ve realized that the term

political correctness is just to

substitute for empathy that we use in

moments when we lack it or when we don’t

have any for example instead of saying

we changed the Christmas concert to a

winter concert to be more empathetic to

students and teachers who don’t

celebrate Christmas we say we did it to

be politically correct so – so to say

that we do this for appearances or we do

this to avoid conflict when it was

actually just done out of empathy I feel

proud that my school is so accepting and

so proud of the countries that make it

up in our school we have a hallway that

has flags from the different countries

that students come from in our school

hanging from the walls and that’s really

cool but there’s more that my school and

everyone else can do to make others feel

more accepted for their beliefs and

their ideas and their differences

sometimes we make judgments or

assumptions about people that we don’t

know based upon their faiths or their

ideas or their beliefs but the key to

making these people feel more accepted


the country is to interfere with

ourselves and the mechanism through

which we interfere with our thoughts is

empathy so the next time you come across

someone who has a belief or an idea or

faith or is just different from you I

encourage you to interfere with your own

mind and look at them with more

empathetic for you

thank you [Applause]

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