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El Arte de Transformar un No en Sí | Guillermo Eleazar Vera López | TEDxAvDeLosRíos

the art of transforming a ‘no’ into a zig
and ladies and gentlemen is indeed a
art but also a science and
probably one of the people who
more he did not face in his life was thomas
alva edison
when 999 times life told him not to
could invent the focus however the
thousand try he got it and when I
I start thinking and I try to remember
from when it was the first times that
life told me that I do not remember that
when I was little and go out on the street with
my parents overlap since they bought me
anything seemed to me no longer
sometimes I bought things and sometimes
I had an expression like this and I’m
sure a lot that many of you
they also lived it, however,
I remember that as a kid I always had a
peculiar and particular interest to know
how things worked and the more
I got to investigate and to know that
led to science and mathematics by
which eventually I decided to study
computer science in the unam and
It was there that I heard the problem of
Königsberg bridges where the
people who inhabited this city
they were looking for a unique way to cross
seven bridges that joined the city
more than once by any of them
the years passed and nobody could solve
the problem until in 1776 one
mathematician named leonardo el er
solved the problem using a
mathematical structure called graphs
giving way to a new branch of
study of mathematics called the
previous graphs the graphs so
simple or complex as we see them are
mathematical entities that help us
model and abstract our reality to
solve problems and sustain
and if we start thinking at the end of
day is not life a constant series
problems, however, more than problems
I like to see them as areas of
opportunity areas of improvement that we can
work to get what we want
and this gentleman is gentlemen ladies and
gentlemen that we see here is the one
we need to understand to master the
art of transforming one into oneself and I
I call the goal graph if we went to
also think about life always
we have an eye and we have to go to work
for him if in this way we are not born with
properties are not born with money we do not
we found with a car car or a car last
model for which you have to work
day to day to get what you
you propose in life to understand a
how did I get to model this
structure that worked for me
achieve my goals I want to talk about a
history and trace me some years in
my first introductory class to the
computer science one of my
teachers told me that some graduates
of the career they had worked in
companies like google like amazon or
Microsoft multinationals recognized to
world level and I thought I was crazy
how was it possible that a person like me
of a private school sorry that
I had never been to a school
particular that all life had gone on
public schools that did not have any
extraordinary grace was going to be able to achieve
something like that and I said it’s not impossible
a year later I went to the final
international of a development tournament
of mobile applications in santiago de
chile and I met a recruiter from
said google company and showed us a
video that literally changed my life
and changed my way of thinking and it ‘s that
come there where I told the story
of 24 Chileans coming out of that
tournament they applied to work in the
company and they stay and they said that
people thought they were a place
so mystic and so unattainable that never
they were going to be able to get there and that’s when
I understood for the first time that my teacher
I was not crazy and I was able to achieve
what I was proposing if I worked hard for
and I thought I could do it and that
they think he says apply and believe
happened to me they rejected me just like 97%
of the applicants rejected me the
first phase
however instead of throwing in the towel and
give up my dream I said to see what I’m going
to do what skills I’m going to
develop for the medium term
become that 3% and develop and
draw up a medium-term plan to
achieve it in this way can happen
be a normal student who is
I was just worried about going on Fridays
party like this two and a half years
then fulfill my dream and work in
this company
this is how it was the first but not the
last time I achieved a great goal only
with believing myself capable of doing it and
propose it also happened to me when
I studied in one of the best
universities of the world the institute of
technology from massachusetts and in the
new york university
and it was then that I realized that
there were certain patterns and things that
repeated in every great achievement of my life
and then I saw it as a problem
mathematical and the model with the form of
graph of goals just that they
I counted then now I want us to see
what are the components those letters that
they see what they are and how they get to that
conclusion this here is the same
graph but seeing it from a level less
abstract in more human terms and
consists basically of five steps that
you have to continue in life to
get any goal that you
propose at the professional level or
academic anything you can
achieve if you think you can do it
then let’s see the step number
one is to find your passion not in my case
It was funny because when I did not know
that I wanted to study I just knew that
I wanted to make a lot of money I wanted to be
rich then I said then let me
money is politics or studying law
that leaves me money administration something
so however I realized that all my
life had been surrounded by
computers I learned to read and write
before entering kindergarten with a
computer program then it was a
little bit
realize that it was good to do
and I decided to study computer second
you have to propose a great goal
in my case I already told you what my
dream and what happened between these two years and
half believing that he was able to achieve it
and really do it then it
I tell them step number 3 is really
study your goal and learn to say
not when I was in the process of
try to get in there I got many
professional opportunities that I had to
reject some very ambitious and that
they left a lot of money for sure but
I had to reject them for continuing
pursue that great goal and as if
outside an exam you have to get
study to know what you need
then I said to see let’s see what it is
the profile of a company of a person
who works in this company does not
investigating I noticed several
number one things that they had vast
professional experience I felt the
great thing because he had won some
contests but experienced
professional so I said then I’m going to
work also I realized that another
of the characteristics in common was that
these people speak several languages not
I barely spoke 2
I’m going to develop my foreign languages and
I also realized that many of the
people had lived worked in the
foreign for a long time or so
minus a period so I said I’m going to
travel and I’m going to go exchanges that
they are called micro goals are these little ones
steps that are taking you
gradually to the top and that you are going to
lead to fulfill that great objective
so in this way I was a
student who did not generate income
then I started to work doing what
I liked to start developing
mobile applications and with that I put together
money with that money because I left
trips I went exchange as five
times and can improve my languages ​​you
back to mexico and the many doors
companies were already open for me
developing my languages ​​and with more
experience abroad thus generates
work experience and when I felt
ready re-apply to the company and I
I kept sounding very easy however it is a
process of a lot of discipline and a lot
hard work that we all have to
get then you have to repeat this
process many times I come to
tell the story of honey right now
small windows where everything went perfect without
However there were many obstacles and many
times where I wanted to throw in the towel
and leave and abandon my dream however
many times I had to redefine
my micro goals to get to that
objective because they were not working
so it’s very important
then five big steps to achieve
your goals in life let’s not forget
sir the gentleman is that this is a graph
yes it has a mathematical structure
that if it meets certain properties
scientific number one the goal graph
is a graph euler no longer remember the
problem of bridges as the
scientist came to the conclusion that
it was not possible to cross the seven bridges
with going to the city without spending more than
once by one of them by the
odd configuration that the city had
and the bridges using this
mathematical demonstration and a path
bulería is not therefore a way in
the one you pass without repeating any of the
of the roads that lead you to it
goal graph is a great football no longer
number two the goal graph is a graph
with nexus ie for any two
vertices or dots that we see in the
structure there is a path of edges or
bridges that can take you to each other
and that’s where the demonstration is
mathematics what does that mean that all
the goals that you know in life and
that you get to meet are related
and all the things you do in life
they take you to be the person you are
and science proves it
something very interesting is that when I
I started doing the mathematical demonstration
to see what worked, I found that
euler road no longer started on him and
it ended in b that is to say it started with the
smallest of your micro goals and
ended when you meet that great
chance I do not think so that’s why I
I recommend that for smaller than
be that effort that they will do for
get what they want start the day
today and do not think that it will not serve you
because that’s what makes us day by day
the people that we are then I want
I want to finish by saying that the most
nice of the sciences that has
applications in real life
and when you meet a great goal you go to
next level as the middle rule
marathon or where a person wanted
run a marathon but first they had
to run half marathon and first I had
to run 10 kilometers and before this
only 45 and as they were achieving it already
it was not hard for him to run 5 10 15 and
possibly because I had trouble
running a marathon ran 2 a year 3 to
year that way when you work for your
you reach a great a great goal you are
able to do even more things
extraordinary and in a similar way the
meta graph connects in such a way
that allows you to keep climbing and get there
even farther just as king gives it in his
book principles indicates in life
we always have we are going to count on
problems and we have goals not from where
we found problems and
we eventually fail but what
interesting is to learn from those mistakes
improve and move to the next level to
meet that objective
and it happened to me once you achieve this
you get to the next level that is going
generating a value chain that
lets go for even more ambitious goals
of what you believed as long as you
you think you’re capable of doing that
that you always wanted then to the day of
today I want to invite you to
get out of these to the struggle to reach
what you always wanted and you believed that
you were not able to achieve and in this way
transform many not many
Thank you
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