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Customization in modern architecture through digital design | Wessel van Beerendonk | TEDxDelft

three years ago I became an architect
ready to shape the world into a better
place it was a time where it seemed to
be that everything was possible
companies tried to go to Mars people
developed the most amazing robots that
could do whatever whatever you wanted
this positive vibe also thrilled to the
Faculty of architecture in the different
Design Studios we were using the most
advanced 3d modeling software you could
design whatever you want it the sky was
the limit but all the time I knew that
it was different in practice during my
studies I worked for a large traditional
facade company where I was making
drawing after drawing and detail after
detail although we were doing this all
digitally I felt more like one of these
guys laying flat on a table so I
experienced that although theoretically
and digitally everything was possible in
well look around you almost the whole
world is constructed by repetitive
elements everything is straight flat and
monotonic almost the whole construction
industry is based on the economy of
scale an economy where we make a large
series of identical products to make
them very cheap innovations from the
Industrial Revolution have inspired
architects until now and dominate an
architecture of and dominate
architecture of today an architecture
that’s not tailor-made but in this
respect we are progressing a bit today
you can spot more and more an
architecture that’s freeform that feels
tailor-made that feels contemporary
these designs show the unrestrained
possibilities of digital design tools
but these buildings are not constructed
very smartly so in the light of this
paradox I started my graduation I’m at
two other guys at the University lael
speaker and Lukas troll and they felt
like me they felt that something needed
to change a paradigm shift in
architecture an architecture based on
masks customized products we imagine a
world in which everything can be built a
rule that’s not limited to the economy
of scale a world that’s not limited to
serial mass production so when you take
this as a starting point for your
architectural design how will
architecture look like what kind of
implications does this have for the
built environments it will look
completely different so inspired by
innovators from other universities
around the world we started our own
company not a lot of traditional argot
your office but an innovative
architectural design and fabrication
firm ready to disrupt ready to disrupt
the building industry ready to go for
the sky we started so at our studio we
are exploring this paradigm shift by
developing an architecture that shows
the direct link between digital design
and digital fabrication a robotic
architecture here buildings are
constructed by industrial robots
machines mostly known from the
automotive industry where they do
complex repetitive tasks day in day out
but in our robotic architecture these
machines only undertake complex unique
tasks day in day out in this new world
where complexity is no issue anymore
because robots can make whatever
whatever you want we can redesign the
principles of architecture and I will
show you how it looks like it’s an
architecture a new architecture that’s
not flat straight and monotonic but very
rich in details like this project which
has an unprecedented richness it
consists out of thousands of unique
pieces of wood a complexity that can
another feature of this paradigm shift
as the design of personalized objects
like this like this project like this
design for 50 unique water taxi stops
here at digital algorithm generated 50
custom designs in such a way that they
fit perfectly to their context to
realize this project we developed
together with another company a 3d
concrete print robot that builds
concrete layer by layer in the most
amazing geometries this project shows
that this paradigm shift is not a fairy
tale anymore but it’s reality and it’s
happening right now
and last but not least we can design we
can design smart shapes like nature wear
structures are optimized and materials
are used very efficiently like this
amazing wood construction but this is
not an ordinary roof structure it’s
completely optimized on compression
using advanced 3d modeling software it
consists out of hundreds of unique
wooden panels all produced directly from
its digital design by industrial robots
to realize such structures we have to
move away from the economy of scale and
that gives us the power as designers to
make bespoke designs that are smart and
shape and can be easily produced by
industrial robots so by bending the
contemporary paradigm in architecture
based on serial mass production into a
new paradigm based on mass customized
product we can tackle larger sustainable
a societal challenges and make the world
a better and more beautiful place [Applause]
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