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Continuing our Cultural Connection to the Ocean | Tikoidelaimakotu Fuluna | TEDxSuva

the ocean has been a great source of
life food transportation laser
activities I wouldn’t imagine how this
if we look like without an ocean my
biggest question is why are we not
bothered in keeping it clean I believe
that everything that falls on this earth
or ends up in the ocean
I know climate change is affecting my
ocean which is affecting my people
always been a big admirer been advocate
climate change but being a diesel
mechanic has never able me to achieve it
I always ever in a confusion as why
should I talk on climate change how can
I speak about the ocean when I’m fixing
diesel engines that burn up fossil fuels
that are causing great harm to my ocean
bula vinaka my name is Tegan della
Makoto to remove a film from that line
basically just telling you who I am and
where I come from just a brief
description of the meaning faloona was
the first king of mother he was a tree
Mahdi and he settled on dilemma code –
it is the highest peak on my village now
I live in a small village outside of
Suva where I call home for the past 26
years in this small village we do what
we do best as if you were back on Mother
Allen the women of Kaurava likes to keep
the tradition and culture alive by
making Massey Massey making is an app
where the women of ma they are well
known Oh probably the best theory
Massey is a plant an English version
could be the paper mulberry plant which
takes about 8 to 12 months to mature at
an average at 10 months it can grow as
much as formulas the skin is peeled off
and soaked in seawater or three days to
softens it the bidding process is then
prepared whereby the peel skin is bitten
against a solid piece of timber using a
wooden baton the beating continues till
the required width is achieved before it
is tried out and printed various designs
and sold at different sizes the man of
more they are well known for selling
traditional canoes even though we hardly
build them it was unavailability of
forest we make sure that we keep his
italic as this is our identity having
the ocean beside us has been a driving
factor no village till today when we go
out to the sea on our thamma calls a
sailing canoe with an outrigger to
balance it before it’s for supplies we
make sure that we don’t pollute the
scene in everything we do if we go out
fishing we make sure that we only fish
for what is needed the draw was the
pinnacle of technological achievement
one could visualize this great craft by
watching Disney movie Moana the draw is
the one with orange sail rano kau is the
one with the gray sail you can really
tell the difference the difference is
somehow has an outrigger but on the draw
there is no outrigger instead two hulls
join together
built without metal using only wood so a
little bit safer than a Famicom using
all the learned knowledge of thousands
of years of ocean sailing our ancestors
build thousands of these great craft and
exported them proud to see the European
explorers describe the Pacific is an
ocean covered with sales sailing one of
these can be compared to sitting on a
beach with fresh wind blowing on your
face and waves crashing at your feet
to me personally every time I take a
group out for a sail I always feel
humble he breeds the freshest of the air
out in the ocean we hear the bustling
waves alongside the house to top it all
I always feel happy because no matter
how long I’m sailing that canoe I’m not
disturbing the peace in the ocean as I’m
just moving my pedal silently through
the water the past few years I was
fortunate enough to be part of a fleet
of ocean-going canoes from the Pacific
the main idea of these voids came from a
German villainy and a philanthropist who
wants to revive the art of traditional
sailing and navigation in the Pacific
which he thinks is dying a slow death
and at the same time he wants to show
the world you you don’t need to burn up
was used to sail around or for the idea
to be coming from somebody who’s not
part of us I can say somebody who does
not know my tradition in my culture we
must thank him for reviving this and at
the same time reminding us of who we are
and where we come from we cross the
oceans repeatedly from at Aurora to the
Marquesas from French Polynesia to the
Hawaiian group of islands from the
Americas and back and all the way to the
Solomons the ocean kept us connected to
each other
fed us cared for protected us throughout
the voyage on some legs of the journey
we were encouraged to join each other’s
calms where we can interact with each
other learn different cultures speak
different languages the same time share
ideas with each other from where they
come from we were taught how to sail
using the Stars Sun the Moon the wind
and this has intrigued us on how
intelligent was our ancestors in finding
their way throughout the Pacific without
a compass and a GPS I stopped over in
how I was then I open of course the
occupants of the land have so much
passion about the ocean and about tech
culture one could feel this mana when we
ample the water of kawaii their passion
would reflect on the large number of
ocean sailing canoes that has been built
on the island our friend from the Cook
Islands are slightly different they have
their own star compass and the way they
sailed slightly different from the
Hawaiians as well as the Fijians they
are very precise in the traditional
navigation and to be part of a crew for
two months I consider myself lucky to be
able to mix it around with what I
learned from them and what I learned
from my elders back home you must start
from the beginning we believe that
through our care and respect for nature
and the ocean we are able to uphold this
identity we are one handful of
communities in Fiji that steals Alana
Ocean my eldest I may be the last let’s
still know how to build and maintain
sailing canoes my dad died when I was
three years old sailing one of the last
Munya to male and then to subbu
he never completed the journey he was
never found
even though the canoe was found in depth
on the island of Owen Owen come down a
few months later we must start from the
beginning lessons of how the future
begins from the past when we were
children our parents taught us on how to
make back on ours a small model
thermical that we raced after school and
on weekends and I consider myself to be
the most fortunate of my generation
let’s still sail on our ocean the way my
ancestors sailed the thousands of years
ago the passing of my dad has always
been an inspiration to what I believe
about the ocean I’ve never felt any fear
every time I sell out in the ocean the
biggest challenge that I have and I want
to conquer it
especially back aedra back to my island
in the log group don’t complete the
journey that my father started to show
that to the ocean we are still connected
to each other and to show that this art
is very much alike only if we just put
in a little effort by reminding us that
this is who we are to me ocean is life
it is the most important factor in
transferring my traditional culture and
my knowledge from one generation to the
sometimes looking at the ocean
I feel said said in a way that people
are not bothered in keeping it clean
negligence carelessness everybody you me
we all play but if we everybody plays a
part we can be really proud of our clean
even though I’m a diesel mechanic I’m
always willing to help in anything that
will help kill my ocean clean in this
time uncertainty thank
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