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Construyendo Oportunidades | José Luis Romo | TEDxPalmitas

Well, I would like to start this conversation with
you with this coin is a currency of
10 pesos as they would say in statistics is
a currency that is not there that is not
loaded nowhere and if we
let’s use this currency to define the
future of each child born in this
country we would have two great options
eagle or sun
and if we say that it aguilar outside the
future of a child and we launched it and
fell in eagle as good news
for this child because this child would be born
in a situation
as it goes to say it somehow
but if he were born only at the moment
boy would open his eyes it would look something like
I would open my eyes to poverty
this year in Mexico they will be born
approximately 2.6 million children
of which 1.3 million will be born
in poverty
but what is worse of those children that
they will be born in poverty
approximately 600,000 will die
in poverty
and this makes us reflect on one of
the most important problems that
we have in this country and personally
I must confess that poverty is
something that changed and defined my life makes
approximately roughly 25 years
as at the time they were commenting because I am
of ixmiquilpan a municipality that is in
the heart of the mezquital valley a
of the
areas that historically has been of the
poorest in the country where the level
of education in those years 25 years ago
because it was approximately nothing more than
primary and 50% of the population was
indigenous my family included me
we were clearly part of this
average statistics
when I was in high school that’s why
I speak 25 years ago
then they study the village high school
a technical secondary where I had a
very practical approach the secondary
what they are looking for is to prepare the
people so that finishing high school
have enough skills to
go to work and then in 3rd of
secondary one of my teachers decide
leave us a job to get an idea
more or less what we liked
do then he told us to do a job
of what you want what I
interesting is that they enjoy that job
then I decide to do my job
about physics and mathematics I ‘ve always
been very nerd academically responsible
and then my work ended
week before and my work was more or
minus calculate the shortest distance
that throws in the earth and the sun and then
I had already finished my work because
I did not talk about it anymore
you can see here this is ex
Miguel for high school was
practically on the opposite side of what
that was my house then to get to
my house had to travel all that
red line and go through some arcs that
we see in the lower left
seeing the image in front and in those
arches that we see here was one of the
points where they were sold and
they bought things and inside those things
25 years ago when there would not be
It free trade agreement had a
posts like these that were the posts
of fayuca where we watched the clocks
the pens and a number of things
associated with modernity that does not
We could see in
other side then as a child you arrived
you saw the watches I fantasized about having
one obviously did not have money to
and there was also a thing like this for
our same millennial friends do not
they know it’s called recorder and in that
recorder one put some things that
maybe they do not know they are not
mp3 / mp4 were called cassettes and those
cassettes the people who had these posts
because he recorded music illegally
they were pirated cassettes and those cassettes
Pirates put them over and over and over again
in these recorders until it
tired and suddenly when I know
tired I did not want to scratch the tape the
they removed they put the radio
and so
and I had luck or maybe bad luck
while it was raining the post
of the fayuca
there was a message from the then president
of the republic making a call to
the whole nation was a message so that
all Mexicans join us and
we would do our part to take
the country forward because we lived a
very important crisis
one of many
had to already make a call to the
nothing they have heard
and above all there is something that mentions
president then is all the
Mexicans we have to put a water and
we Mexicans have to
tighten our belts
and until there was the truth
I’m worth a peanut the president ends
to see things I kept walking
in what I was
my way home I suddenly reaches
the head a reasoning that was to see
to see if I heard what he said
the president is that we have to
tighten our belts
but in my logic and knowing the
context of my uncles of my parents of my
family where we were going to squeeze
plus the belt
in a context where most of
of the population is indigenous does not have
education we have until sixth of
primary this is what you see in the
communities ask this lady of
where are you going to tighten your belt
and then I go quickly to my house arrived
running to my house then then
I decide to go to the library and then
in the library
I sit down and start thinking those things
that I had lived in elementary school
throughout my life where then my
uncles and my parents had to get up
every day at 2:30 in the morning
to get to the edge of the road
and take a truck like this where the
I had to take to the city of Mexico
to work on a job or to
work in a factory at 8 o’clock in the
tomorrow and after a long day
that ended around 6 7 of the
late they had to take the transport
public public transport assigned
because they had to go to sleep or
doze in a place like this because you do not
they went to sleep at a hotel they were not going to
go to sleep in the place where
they worked because they had to stretch the
league so that the few pesitos that
won they would reach them to return to their
and so they had to go to rest 910
at night they got up daily
next at 5 in the morning for the
next day be at 8 in the morning
again in the routine that lasted until
Friday and then Saturday Saturday
It was just a week and one said wow
At 2 o’clock in the afternoon the day ends
at 6 o’clock and then you had to take
new public transport and get to
something like this the truck terminal
from the city of mexico the terminal of
north where everything and filled
keeps filling on Saturdays to take a
truck and get back to hidalgo and a
Once we were in ‘hidalgo’ five or
six in the afternoon one would say ay to
rest then no more the news
because you had to get to get the
animals to work the land to do
things of the place immediately coexist
with the family to sleep and to the day
to wake up and one would say good because this
none get up late and then late in
those standards is to get up between 6 and
7 in the morning because you have to
wake up because you have to do chore
in the community and in the best of
scenarios you have the chance to throw yourself
Cascarita a llanero football and after
that llanero football you throw
beer and sometimes that ends in
drunk and in the end all the
world to rest around 6 7 of
the afternoon
to watch television because to day
next had to get up at 2
30 in the morning start again the
work routine
I repeat
what the president was talking about
tighten the belt
that you cut them
you make them sleep less
you do not know how to work anymore
and you take away the football you take away the
beers or low wages not
the joke is to squeeze
and that’s when I decide to go to the
village library
to find an answer to a question
very logical maybe what we had to
ask was because we were poor and
this question told me from a point of
personal view because being a child in
this context that told them about me
family of my uncles because he also touched me
Work on the work I had to work 12
hours is sowing harvesting and you give
mind that no matter how hard you work,
you necessarily do well in life
then you would have to go to the place in
where was the knowledge of the people
which is the municipal library and in those
years also for our friends
millenials did not exist wikipedia existed
a thing like this that gives the
encyclopedias where one sought the
letter of the word that one would like
analyze and then looked for the volume of the
p looked up the word poverty and I give
he realized that it was a problem
to the news but of all the good
news I realize that there is a
social science that seeks to answer
to the problem of poverty that is called
economy then I decide to change my
I work to answer the question
why are we poor in ‘hidalgo’
and if you want, you live it in the beginning
from a selfish point of view
because in my logic was to have
I’m poor I realized we were poor
and when suddenly you realize and
you put in reality that the money of your
family does not reach that your neighbors and
Schoolmates look at you ugly
because you bring old clothes and pretty
little woman because your family
they discriminate because they speak the language
indigenous who is the Otomi or child this and
while the people bring their car
again this brings nice things and wants
Learn to speak English, you give yourself
realize that you belong to another group and you
you feel discriminated then in my
logic I said to see
if one can understand poverty and give it
a response to poverty hopefully I said
of being poor and maybe it was a point of
quite selfish view but in that
I said, I want to answer the
problem of poverty because I want to give
a solution to it and of passage to all
the others so I decide to study
economy and that maybe do one of the
I would say
messages that I want to give to you in
that moment I realized the
importance of the why of things
because when you have an idea of why
of things why he does things
you have a motivator behind it helps you
generate a shield because life does not
it was easy and later it is generated
a number of problems that by having
very clear what it is that I wanted to help
to get ahead
clearly in my work I did not respond to
because we were poor
after receipt I am accepted in the tec de
monterrey campus querétaro and suddenly
I realize that there was a world
whole ahead
that world
I did not know him
he arrived at the tec de monterrey and suddenly
I realize that I had classmates that
they spoke perfect English even the
prepa on the tec back then there was
two large groups of the beat group
cultural group and the normal high school and
as in the old castes the group of
the normal high school there were those who were rich
those who were half- rich those who were
poor and those of us who were very poor and
those of us who were very poor were the
that we walk in the public transport
that we had a pair of tennis a couple of
shoes and three shorts
shirts and then I realize that
I had nothing else to do
study the great luck I had is that
I knew I wanted to study I wanted to be
economist then I start studying
I finish the high school with two or three nines
of all my qualifications that had
been ten and then I start to win
the respect of my teachers of my
colleagues and they begin to open
opportunities one of those opportunities
is to go study USA and if not
ask anyone who lives
in one of the villages to say something is
Synonym of
success and so I did not see why my uncles
they were going to work in the USA and the USA
they returned with a stream of money and a
truck like these and then
I realize that there is a future for
I finish high school I’m going to
study itam and if the tea had
been a great experience and also a
quantum leap because my classmates
they were children of doctorates children of ex
presidents and the truth I shared
maybe something in common with the drivers and
the lady of the quesadillas and if it were
little of the things that can be
complicate it complicates me in second
semester they suddenly tell me by
family issues the money is over
and get to work then I said to
see the option that I have is to get
work but if I get to work I’ll
to stop studying and I’m going to do the
perfect case that you can not leave
of poverty to see I’m doing
this to get out of poverty I can not
be me the case of failure when I
I look for are success stories then
I got the coconut and said I’m going to do what
that millions of Mexicans in this country
do I’m going to take the vacations that
I have to go to work us what
cleaning tables as a cook and so on
here I have a first lesson in life
I know one of the cooks and one of the
the cooks tell me daddy and you
I see it is very studied but here
do not trust here we are all the same
everyone has to fuck him equally
because nobody here is going to come to
rescue and then it stayed very
recorded that message and that message has
a very important key to end
poverty when people see that the
opportunities are fair when what
you win on your own merits and do not
because you are the son of his juniors friend
of the people, it makes you want and makes
things work time after finished
this three years of education and then
in seeing the opportunity to work in
bank of mexico and in secretary of
farm and that’s where I realize
of the huge difference between
the policies that are made in a
desk with a president with what
we see in reality
and then I said
something I need, I think I have to
study more if I want to give you a
answer to poverty I can not
get with what I have and then I said
Where do you have to go to study?
let’s go to study at the university more
important from the world to the university in
where is the greatest number of awards
nobel the university where
surely one of the Nobel prizes
in economics can you tell me how are we going to
end demons with poverty in mexico
and then I realize that I have a
great limitation one of them the English
because because the English that I had
learned and that I had practiced
having as a companion a
ex-worker working on one that I touched
for and chicken or in a burger king
the truth was not enough to be
at harvard then what did I do
I’m going to study in the UK for
that could enter the best
universities in the country when I had the
academic level and so ended up in harvard
and when one says then everything is already
they will accept me at harvard I am not going to
study the best university in the world
because one faces the reality of
this country that we are full of
very creative bureaucrats with little
common sense and then when I get there
to the federal authority that gave the
scholarships for this tells me hear young man
Well, although they accepted it in
harvard but notice that for their
companions of itam
they go straight to harvard and they’re watching
the united kingdom- I believe that you the
then watered as I do not forget it because no
we are going to give him a scholarship and I told them
hear this nothing but put things
in context while my companions
from itam this and they go to primary
bilingual English-Spanish primary
bilingual that by the way we also have
in ixmiquilpan are Spanish or take the
indigenous language that is spoken in my
town while my classmates were leaving
every summer to harvard to study
I also went every summer
but to work to pay me the school
in other words what I want to say
is that there are people who get up there
by the elevator we already see others that
we have to climb the stairs and go up
up the stairs it takes a little more
of time so then this official
very creative what he tells us is
well, look, it’s a shame because
this institution is to support the
science and not to support the poor
imagine what I felt imagine
I feel that my parents had been the
first to go to school and they were the
first who knew how to read and write in
all the family history that I had
been the first he had ever had
university studies that had been
the first to have a study of
postgraduate the first one to graduate with
honors the first to study in the
foreign and the first to join the
most important university in the world and
tell you that fortunately I touched
other doors opened other options
days before the end of the
opportunity to leave
harvard I get to go to harvard and I take
to harvard the same question that I took
when I was in high school that we have
what to do to get out of poverty in
25 years after he made me that
ask with diva in high school today
I have the great honor of having been
invited by the governor to work
as secretary of economic development
in the state
practically use in your reality and
Now I feel obligated
moral of giving back with the obligation
moral to contribute so that they generate
opportunities in the state and none
Hidalgo has to press the
and throughout all this what I
I want to share with you
is that to some extent you can achieve it
at the moment that defines a why in
my life
and that because it generates a shield me
generates a clear route very goals
specific to follow
some days ago
I was at a dinner
with a couple of friends
and we talked in the political conjuncture
of the bad politicians of the bad
candidates and the truth is that that
conversation was extremely depressing because
the conclusion that the table had is mine
what to join him
and I told them
let’s do the following experiment
you remember when we are in the
you went to the front that told you the
teacher and I asked you please
explain what your dad does and tell him
to your classmates what does your
dad and then you had little companions
they said then because my dad is a doctor
this my dad is a policeman and others wanted
say my dad is a fireman now
imagine yourself
that a child passes and says my paper
my dad is president
imagine the reaction of others
this canyon
how is it possible that as a society
we have taken one of the most important functions
important of all the societies that
is directing the future of a community
from a village to such a position
and I told them politicians perhaps
they have a genetic information
different are from another planet or what is
what it does to act on that
I personally do not think that the
neither come from another planet nor have a
different genetic information what
I think is that maybe as a society we have
lost the ability to ask us the
why we are doing things and they
put the following example imagine yourself to
two doctors one who decided to study
because I wanted to heal people other than
decided to study medicine because he saw that
it was a profession that paid well
which of the two doctors do you think
that will treat their patients better
now imagine that situation in the
public service
in politics
I think that’s what’s going on
that one of the messages that I want to leave
with you is that we question the
why we do things
I was telling you a moment ago
that poverty is a very problem
serious in this country what this
presentation were born approximately
70 children of those 70 children 35 were born in
of those 35 who were born in poverty 17
they are going to die being poor
this is a call lesson
this conference is called knocking down
as a society we can tear down walls
as a society we can make a society
better the time that we stop throwing him
the fault to the people is time that
let’s just imagine
chingón as and let’s start doing things
chingón ace that we put to put
I try our homework but yes
always thinking why are we
doing things thank you very much
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