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Allowance vs. Acceptance | Vincent Testa | TEDxSalveReginaU

so I’m going to start with some word

association and I want you to think of

the first word that comes to mind when I

say the acronym LGBTQ and I’m also going

to guarantee that it is not catholicism

so you can imagine how i feel when i

tell people especially other LGBTQ

identifying people that I am Catholic as

an LGBTQ person they either think I’m


or they hope I’m kidding and despite

having this progressive Pope and these

new ideas coming forward there is still

such a huge separation between the

church and its parishioners particularly

those who identify as LGBTQ we have this

separation and luckily it’s it’s fixable

it’s fixable the younger generation is

clearly more progressive and modern and

and they have all these ideas and and it

gives me hope

book and in 2014 there was a Pew

Research Center study and 70 percent of

all Catholics stated that homosexuality

should be accepted within the church and

that number ballooned to 85 percent

among 18 to 29 year olds and even the

lowest group the 65 and older group

there were 57% who stated that

homosexuality should be accepted within

the church now you want to talk about

same-sex marriage obviously the numbers

go down a little bit but still 57% of

all Catholics believed that same-sex

marriage should be accepted again that

number rose among amongst 18 to 29 year

olds and unfortunately the lowest

percentage was in that 65 or older group

it was the only group that did not have

a majority approval so we see that

there’s still that major separation so

that separation boils down to two words

in my mind allowance and acceptance

and as a self-respecting gay male I’m

going to use Broadway as my analogy

allowance allowance insinuates providing

permission so I’m going to use the the

the reference of Oliver Twist so imagine

the LGBT community coming up and coming

up to the church and they say please sir

may I have some more of my human dignity

and then you have acceptance which

insinuates which attenuates believing

something to be true or valid so I use

the analogy of a me at the very end when

Daddy Warbucks says I’m going to adopt

you you’re going to be fully accepted

into my family now this Pope that we

have he’s amazing in my eyes in many

people’s eyes he’s so progressive people

are saying but he just toes that line of

allowance he we fall short of the

acceptance the quote that he’s so famous

for Who am I to judge it gave such a

glimmer of hope to the LGBT community

now still paraphrasing the quote was

about if a person is gay and and seeks

the Lord and is willing Who am I to

judge that person he also on a separate

occasion said that the Christian

community should apologize to the gay

community but we fall short of that

acceptance when we realized that in

December of 2016 he approved a reproof a

document that stated that people with

deep-seated homosexual tendencies or who

support the so-called gay culture are

not allowed to be priests in the

Catholic Church so we have this

community who wants so desperately to

give themselves to the church and

they’re allowed to but they’re not

accepted so that brings me to where that

comes from which is very clearly the

Bible and now we have the words of the

Bible that people take literally but

then we have the interpretations of the

Bible so the words that so often get

used to prove that the homosexual

sexuality is illegal are those verses

from Leviticus and you know a man shall

not lay with another man

but if we use Leviticus the argument on

the flip side is to say well if you’re

going to quote Leviticus you might as

well quote the fact that we shouldn’t be

eating shellfish or we shouldn’t be

wearing clothes made of more than one

fiber and if you really want to quote it

we should also still have slaves so it’s

all a matter of interpreting and I’m

going to use the creation story as an

example we all know the scientific

impossibility of the world being created

in seven days that’s very easily

comprehendible it took billions of years

and we’re still working on it so what

you what we should be taking out of that

is the moral of the story God had

nothing and look at what he did in seven

days look at the magnificence that he

produced out of nothing

so when you have nothing or we feel like

we have nothing what magnificence can we

produce that’s the moral of the story so

what I’m trying to say is we should be

using the Bible not as a literal life

guide but as a moral life guide the

problem is now we’re now we’re moving

into hymns that are being interpreted in

my opinion the wrong way so there was a

recent article in a major online

catholic publication written by a

high-ranking member of the catholic

church and it was entitled all are

welcome but the all are welcome had an

asterisk clearly we know that that

insinuates there’s something to be to be

mentioned there but the original him is

was written by Marty Hagen and I hope I

said his name right but each verse

starts with the words let us build a

house and it ends with the chorus all

are welcome in this place so obviously

we take that to mean the church and that

we’re accepting people into our house

into our home into the house of God but

the fourth verse is really what I want

to focus on

it says here the outcast and the

stranger bear the image of God’s face

let us bring an end to fear and danger

and then it finishes all are welcome in

this place so I’m going to run with that

idea that the LGBT community are the

outcasts and the strangers and that we

bring all this fear and danger into the

church my interpretation would be that

the members of the church community

should be working to dispel that fear in

danger and bringing those people into

our church because they would like to be

there the author however says

differently it says it doesn’t the

author says it does not mean that

someone is entitled to work for the

church or fill a ministerial position

while being publicly involved in an

immoral relationship or activity and

given recent firings among Catholic

schools and churches around the country

we’re going to take a moral and

interpret that to mean homosexual the

article if the way I read it was one

entire contradiction because the in the

beginning the author said that Catholics

should be inviting others even

recruiting others to be a part of our

church but then he goes on to say while

all are welcomed not everyone is suited

for the Catholic community so now the

Catholic community is a football team or

an AP on an AP class you’re not suited

to join us in this community and that to

me just sounds a little um christ-like

the author also says if they’re

conscious or conscience or lifestyle

leads them elsewhere so be it now we

could have a completely separate

conversation about my opinion on the use

of the word lifestyle

to talk about the LGBT community as if

it were a choice but it might have

believed that now they’re supposed to

have a guilty conscience about wanting

to be Catholic and LGBT we need to

remember that faith that religion unlike

love is a choice

faith is similar to love in that it’s

innate in our being but luckily this is

not something new

is not a new separation a new divide

there’s a community a national

organization that’s been around since

1969 and they are called dignity USA

they provide Catholic services for the

LGBT community their family and friends

and as you can assume they are not

recognized by the Catholic Church

currently there are over 35 chapters and

I am blessed and honored to be the

president of Washington DC’s local

chapter but I have to tell you we

struggle the same as the same as the

Catholic Church the Greater Catholic

Church we’re struggling to find members

because people don’t

to be frank they don’t want to be

Catholic and it’s because of that

separation of antiquated ideas and

policies and the separation between

those and the younger more progressive

Minds one of the requirements to be a to

give a TEDx talk is to be an expert on

your subject and while I am certainly

not an expert on Catholicism or Catholic

teachings though I am learning more and

more every day at what I am an expert on

is my experience and my view of what

acceptance is going to look like in the

church acceptance is going to be

providing opportunities to meet with

LGBTQ people and groups to hear their

stories to want to know why they want to

be LGBT and Catholic let me clarify they

don’t want to be LGBT again it’s not a

choice but why they choose to be

Catholic while identifying is LGBT

acceptance is actually living out the

words and actions of Christ not just

talking about it accepting those who are

different and bringing them into the

house of God and allowing them to

express their faith the way they would

like to and finally acceptance is a day

where LGBT people do not have different

experiences than other Catholics and

that is my hope that is my prayer but I

am certainly not going to count the

amount of rosaries I would have to say


that happens thank you [Applause]

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