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7 Continents, 1 Leap of Faith | Mark van der Heijden | TEDxAUCollege

I put on my raincoat I’m mentally

prepared to start cycling 2.3 kilometers

the pouring rain and freezing winds are

blowing in my face

today no luck for a tailwind when I

arrive at the office first thing I hear

is mark remember that project he worked

on so hard for the last six months

yeah well sorry man but the client

killed it

okay please start working on the copy

for this website now they wanted to make

you they want you to make it a little

bit less fun and they needed by 10:00

a.m. thanks 24 hours later I put on my

raincoat and I mentally prepared to

start cycling 2.3 kilometers again this

is not the sequel of the famous movie

Groundhog Day I’m not Bill Murray this

was my life for years don’t get me wrong

I enjoyed my job but I was seeing the

same faces and the same places every

single day sounds familiar

until one day I was on my bike in the

pouring rain obviously and this time I

was actually seeing myself from the top

and I saw the same route that I was

taking to work every day and I really

thought is this it is this going to be

the same for the rest of my life it

reminded me of this quote of Einstein

who said insanity is doing the same

things over and over again and expecting

different results

that’s how it felt for me that I was

taking the same route and it was almost

that I was living in the same circle

every single day and I refused to accept

that fact so I quit my job left my


I picked a better route to work the

entire world but hours I supposed to

make that happen

I’m also not Elon Musk so I cannot take

a falcon axe or a Hyperloop to go to the

other side of the world so I came up

with this idea called the backpacker

intern and the idea was that I was going

to trade my skills not for money but for

room and board at companies abroad would

it work no idea but when I posted the

project on my Facebook page people seem

to like it and not long after that it

got picked up by global media to me it

was crazy to see how my idea suddenly

got spread all over the world and I saw

myself on a tweak

MTV entrepreneur I many more and the job

offers literally came from every corner

of the planet here are a few of my

favorites be our backpacker intern get

on door eat chicken in return internship

proposition in Transylvania with


and this is a cool one do you want to be

a gardener in Thailand little that I

know five years old I’d be on this stage

telling you how I came to become the

best Thai gardener the world has ever

just kidding but if you have to desire

to become a gardener in Thailand do let

me know because I connect you up next to

these fun offers I actually got more

than 750 job offers from all over the

world and that all happened in just the

first week I gave me the opportunity to

work for companies I previously only

dreamt of working for so now they

actually wanted to hire me and it really

felt like the world was turned upside


thanks to this experience at the

opportunity to work with wonderful

people from Red Bull headquarters in


UNICEF New Zealand Ogilvy Cape Town

Amnesty International Thailand and

basically what I learned from it is that

the world

such a diverse place of people that you

can learn so much from for example I was

working in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro

and I was helping out a charity that

helps extract traffickers deal with

their problems by the use of football so

football is for them a way to learn

about team spirit about gaining more

self-confidence and basically having a

lot of fun and I still remember the

first day on the pitch I heard this

noise in the background like super loud

it was like bang bang bang and I’m like

really joyful so I walked to one of the

kids and I said I go man fireworks and

then kids like full of tattoos 16 years

old looks up to me he’s like no no

professor or shootings I was like whoa

like it was just for me crazy to realize

that just a few blocks away there were

was an actual shooting happening and for

them this was just like any other day

and it made me realize how privileged I

was when I grew up in the Netherlands

safely a few months after this one of

the most crazy things ever happened I

got invited to work with Grammy Award

winner now Rogers in case you don’t know

his name you most likely know at least

one of his songs for example he created

get lucky with Daft Punk and Pharrell

Williams but he also worked with Madonna

Bon Jovi Duran Duran Sam Smith and the

list goes on and he was so kind to

invite me to go to a studio with him in

Los Angeles and certainly I was sitting

on the couch with which he was sitting

next to me in front of me was Chris

Martin from gold lay and the three of

them were grading a track together so

basically three global superstars making

music that was a magical experience for

me as someone who sings with the grace

of a crying baby a Liverpool I had the

honour to meet up with MA

Yusuf’s I in case you don’t know her

please google her story and then you’ll

find out why she won the Nobel Prize for

Peace and she told me that everyone can

change the world but that no one can do

it alone so whenever you have a great

idea don’t be afraid to step up and ask

for help and you notice that more people

will align with your mission and then

you can actually achieve way more things

than you first would have thought by

yourself the journey even brought me all

the way to the coldest continent in the

world Antarctica and I was working for a

cruise company and helping them with

branding and marketing and since I’ve

now actually worked on every single

continent of the world I can tell you

for sure who are the best-dressed

colleagues on the planet they’re not

French they’re not Italians they’re

actually not even humans they’re

penguins and after my journey I realized

that I was not alone in this desire but

that there’s generations stark and

similar routines especially amongst

Millennials of whom 78 percent value

experiences over money what do you

prefer more getting a big paycheck or

collecting stamps in your passport more

and more people are signing up for an

experience driven lifestyle a life where

work and play are combined a life where

the world is your office and I’m also

one of them and I’m not alone

and it’s actually a name for a person

who lived his lifestyle digital nomad so

what’s a digital nomad Nomad is just an

old word for travellers in ancient times

when it was much harder to get from

place to place and digital is just not a

word for Internet

basically it’s a person who can use we

can combine work and travel by using the

power of the almighty Wi-Fi and if you

think that digital nomads are just a

bunch of backpackers they might look

like that but there are actually people

who are professionals who are making

money with the freedom to work from

anywhere in the world and they use this

freedom to travel because let’s be

honest travel is the most awesome thing

ever right but if you think that life as

a digital nomad is like a never ending

vacation I’m going to wake you up from

that dream life as a digital nomad is

still like real life it looks amazing on

Instagram like we all do but behind the

likes filters and hashtags are actually

imagine you have a meeting with your

most important client but this time you

are on the other side of the world that

means you have to get up in the middle

of the night dealing with the different

time zones it’s 35 degrees the air

conditioning doesn’t work it’s horrible

Wi-Fi and it’s a family of mosquitoes in

your room I can tell you from personal

experience that’s not a good recipe for

a success life on the road can get

pretty stressful especially when you

don’t have a steady income I’ve been

broke twice and explaining to your

parents that you’re not able to

financially take care of yourself when

you’re 29 years old I wouldn’t recommend

it so I’m not sure if parents really

like this whole digital Nomad movement

but I’m really grateful that my parents

could help me out there have been

moments where I’ve never felt so alone

in my whole life since I’m always

traveling or on the other side of the


meant that I had to miss a lot of

friends birthdays weddings family

gatherings children being born I even

missed two funerals and then there is no

shoulder to cry on or a friend to get a

hug with or to drink a beer with you

have to deal with these emotions all by

but despite these downs I have never

felt so alive let’s look at why as a

digital nomad your daily routine is

different so every day is an adventure

just think about the new places you’ll

be able to explore or the new smells or

sounds for people you’ll meet along the

way and let’s not forget to mention the

food variety and if trying out a new

taste means that you have to sit on the

toilet for a week because your stomach

doesn’t agree with your adventurous

appetites well then you just have to sit

through it in the United States people

spend an average of four years of their

lives in a car that’s four years stuck

in the commute as a digital nomad you

don’t suffer that fate you don’t even

need a car

so it’s better for the environment it’s

better for your wallet and it the most

importantly it gives you more time so it

means more time for sleeping more time

for yourself for working out more time

for your children or more time to make

children or at least practiced a lot if

you want and another big excel advantage

is that the world will become your

office because you’re working from your

laptop basically you know home is where

the Wi-Fi connects automatically so you

can decide wherever you are at your best

so just ask this question to yourself

where do you actually get the most work

done is it inside the office or is it at

a place where you decide

while you’re at your best for some

people that’s in a coffee place at home

or in a library and as a digital nomad

you have the freedom to choose wherever

that is and that not only saves money on

real estate but it actually makes people

more productive according to Harvard

Business Review

it makes people 13.5 percent more

productive that’s that’s also one of the

reasons why you see co-working and

collating spaces popping up everywhere

like this one in the jungle of boots in

Indonesia again these are people that

are on their flip-flops and their

swimming pants but some of them are

actually working for multi-million

dollar companies or even owning one of

those companies and if you still think

that talent can only be found in Silicon

Valley that you have to be there to

build an awesome career I’m gonna tell

you that to tell it nowadays and the

best people are not a Silicon Valley

they’re in Silicon Valley Silicon deli

basically silicon anywhere with the

tools available today work is no longer

a place it can happen from anywhere

anytime with anyone from any space so I

remember that I was trying to escape the

rain in Amsterdam again

so I started actually a company called

wander brief where we help people to

live life as a digital nomad and me and

my co-founder decided to fly away from

this horrible weather in Amsterdam it

was almost like the other side of the

wall of Game of Thrones it was just we

had to get out so we landed and then we

found out that it was the rain season

but while we’re hiding in the rain we

actually got to know a lot of amazing

people who were also living this digital

nomad life and I even met a CTO and now

co-founder of my company so here you’re

thinking like what is there to learn


these journeys and this way of traveling

and living now if i zoom out again I

think about the fact that I was on my

bicycle and my circle was just the few

kilometers and seeing the same faces in

the same places but now by actually

traveling traveling and pushing myself

to go out there I was seeing constantly

new faces and new places and I got to

know so many interesting people where

you know that basically the barriers

between human beings start to disappear

well we may not all be the same

culturally speaking we are all connected

so if there’s one thing that I’ve

learned from working and traveling on

all these continents it’s simple the

more people you know the more you know

yourself so the more people you know the

more you know yourself all of us are on

this journey of life seven billion of us

imagine a life where your route to work

is always different think about the new

people you’ll meet and a new places

you’ll be able to explore and then along

the way it won’t always be easy you will

face your fears and the road will still

be full of ups and downs but by going

out there you’ll finally discover that

the ultimate destination is yourself and

with that in mind think about the impact

you can make or already making and I’m

not just talking about personal

development here I’m talking about how

we can better develop ourselves together

as a human race so I’d like to leave you

with this one question tomorrow or the

next day when you will be in your daily

routine again and then think about this

how far are you willing to travel

to find yourself thank you [Applause]

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