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“Как общество влияет на наши сексуальные отношения” | Татьяна Дмитриева | TEDxInnopolis

in the ussr there was no sex on television
advertising say exactly what it sounded like
This famous phrase Soviet women not
knew about the standards of beauty
who at the time dictated fashion to
my mom’s west for example not
complexes because of their sexuality
because in her youth she did not look
films for adults and my grandmother
parameters that were far from
ninety-sixty-ninety did not sit
on diets
because the size then did not have
values ​​on the contrary she was the first
beautiful and she had a lot
they had the luxury of enjoying
your own body contacts with
loved one regardless
stereotypes while western
women were already doing labioplasty
This is a surgical correction of the labia
soviet women didn’t even do
epilation I was born in restructuring and
I remember very well how the country flow
poured all foreign
chewing gum jeans first mcdonalds and new
business opportunity and with it and
porn and new standards of beauty
aesthetic plastic surgery fashion
On all short tight only 30
years ago sex appeared in the country
and with it gender stereotypes and
beauty myths as it calls this phenomenon
naomi wulf my childhood are clips
catch or where is always a must
kissed and hugged sometimes
had sex
this program is about it on the federal
channel this magazines for girls in which
there has always been a relationship column
discussions guys this is american
books about fetishes that we secretly from
parents read after school with
girlfriends sex appeared but we no one
told how to use them correctly
that’s why when i talk to mom
about your work
we speak different languages she doesn’t
understands why so much time and effort
I spend to explain my obvious
work is related to sex and this is not something
you might think i am developing a project
Sex 18 + exactly 3 years ago
we have gathered teams of six
to understand that pile of different
contradictory and unstructured
information that we then offered
and now the post perestroika
true pseudoscience space
information stereotypes selling lies
marketers useful facts
it all mixed up on old-fashioned and
motley sites while in the community
it was still not customary to talk about
sex and all decent editions one by
one refused to cooperate with us
They say that about this they do not write, they
but we invited the most courageous doctors
scientists journalists sociologists are not
art historians so that they
shared their expert information
in our lectures and conferences daily
we collect reliable scientific
information trying to determine the list
topical issues find the root of the problem and
try to find her solution turned
that the secret of health is sexuality
just and it is just
three basic principles first principle
this is the principle of active consent all
members and participants of the process should be
agree with what is happening and actively
their willingness to be silent not
consent and refusal is not a flirt
silence can mean fear or
uncertainty and any lack of clear
to mean that we should all stop
the second principle is the principle of respect
alien boundaries close bodily contact
involves interaction and
interaction only then not
traumatic and safe when they
personal boundaries are violated no means no
and just up means up
know feel and take care of your
and also respect others fundamentally
important working with these principles
exploring why we are so often and we
neglect we come to the next
conclude everything that happens in our bedrooms
as well as the cars of their offices parks parks and
wherever you just want directly
depends on to what processes
currently developing in the society about
this in 1928
talked surrealists in his treatise
sexuality research
this fact is illustrated by the difference
generations of Soviet and Russian people
which we all observe in our families
and since we say society influences
on our sex, I say that only
equal and fair society
promote harmonious and healthy
sexual relations as it is related
in order to answer this question i
I suggest to observe how in history
mankind’s attitude towards
sexuality and the relationship between the sexes
first work of art
rock paintings and ancient monuments
show us that sexuality
especially feminine was perceived as
fertility symbol and like something something
life-giving therefore the goddesses praised
and sex was worshiped by the ancient Hindus believed
that sex is the sacred mystery between
man and woman
the ancient chinese said that
inexhaustible feminine energy and much
more powerful than male energy yang
many ancient religions converged on
that sexuality is very important and
very good but gradually hostility
after all, there is no learning
reliable historical sources and
when and how did it happen but since
antiquity we see you
chenii in relation to the powerful
unlimited feminine energy
turns into aversion to fornication foma
Aquinas in his book the sum of theology
writes a woman is not reasonable and bad
the teaching of Paul the apostle laid
the beginning of centuries of Christian
traditions assume that sexuality is
shame and wrong middle ages
these trends have only been exacerbated with
the development of medicine and women are still
had no rights no status but now
also subjected to punitive medicine
including the clitoris dick to me
This is a surgical head treatment.
victorian uk for example
there was a law on and functions from
infectious diseases thanks to him
it was possible to take absolutely any
woman on the street
put her in an institution resembling
imprisoned and subjected to violent
medical examination
can anyone object or that all this
information is no longer relevant because
we have been living in the 21st century for a long time
I will answer you that the same clitoris
Dicota sweet now today practice in
30 countries of the world including in Russia and
200 million modern women
survived this operation it is more than
population of our whole country is trying
something changed began to appear in
early 20th century but every new wave
feminism and passing laws equalizing
the right
accompanied by the emergence of trends
who are more and more sophisticated
enslaves the woman they got the right
on the globe the right to vote and with it
the duty to be beautiful thin
they got the right to dispose of their
life and faced with the heyday
supporting false facts about
the benefits of men they got the right
to work and glass ceiling
This is the phenomenon in which women
career promotion available
stairs but only on the first steps 84
percent of top managers of leading companies
Usa is a man
and in the already mentioned Soviet Union
female percentage of women in local
power accounted for 45 percent vck kpss
there were already 2 and 8 and in the politburo of women
was not at all we get less for that
same job and more often become
victims of violence against this female
sexuality we are bright and in all colors
see only in staged porn
rollers there all have unrealistic bodies
and the script is not taken from life but from
unhealthy fantasies and no wonder that
attractive healthy women consider
yourself frigid ugly and
because what they see is no way
relates to how they feel
and they have no other example besides
show your sexuality also
dangerous because there is always the risk of being
raped well or at least
run into insults which are now
called the buzzword from the neck ming
dry residue we have society
intimidated women and this experience was accumulated
for centuries each of us has been familiar with feeling
shame for your sexuality or
asexuality because society
simultaneously encourages attractiveness
but requires modesty and purity
woman if you can think about sex then
it is imperative to hide it well and
sure to be ashamed of the variety
own experience why not so feminine
what sexuality do these things lead to
double standards let’s start with the fact that she
practically unexplored
science bypasses this topic as
something unimportant
and insignificant structure of the clitoris
the main female sexual organ was
opened in the 90s
what do you think of a century i will give you
hint almost everything in this room
born earlier than published
this research it happened august 1
1998 in the magazine new sun test and 3d
model made 11 years later in 2009
only after being modeled already
all that could be modeled
including the complete human genome zone ji
still very little studied and shadow
numerous studies give us
very contradictory information
less surgeons are already practicing
operations to increase this zone
female ejaculation is not honored at all
attention of scientists
There is no research but it is no secret that
it exists therefore around the world
sex coach and on the fingers people explain
how does it work like and
neglect of female
to the body
this is the result of the attitude towards the woman in
society as a whole and not at all
it’s amazing that both the coach and the surgeon
managed to build a huge profitable
business on a sense of insecurity and
shame as a result some women
ready to exchange sex for stability
safety and comfort that their
which we lack so much men
must earn earn and earn
similar market relations contradict
all the basic principles of healthy
sexual relations and so we have
statistics on which as a minimum
half women
mimic orgasm without ever experiencing
his and men suffer from sexual
dysfunction under pressure stereotypes
macho and alpha male who should
earn earn get sex
but sex is not a commodity
sex is communication and only then
the conversation will be full of interesting
when all interlocutors and interlocutors
equally listen to each other
show mutual attention and interest
sex just can’t be good if
people are not equal and it is
this way from studying sex
I came to feminism I’m sure that
now everyone imagined something
his and everyone it will be absolutely
different vision because feminism
shrouded in maximum
stereotypes of myths of misunderstanding and
guesswork so I want to share with you
its crime base and what it means
for me personally, feminism is equalization
right considering the difference which of course
there is
a feminist is you this woman’s right in that
the same degree as men
chooses his own life such as
I want to give birth or not to give birth
build a career or not build a career
painted or not painted engage
having sex or not having sex
feminism is the right to be yourself without getting
under this condemnation censure or
there is a myth that all feminists
refuse flowers and always carry
gravity themselves say that all feminists
don’t take care of yourself and go with hairy
kicking some think everyone
feminists hate men and not
have sex I do not drag
gravity and even go in heels like you
see i love men and even do
appeal and you have to believe me on
the word i choose to be feminist and
defend the rights including women and in
including free choice because
healthy society healthy sex
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