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What do You Want to do in Your Life ? Define Your Purpose – Video Motivation

your obsession maybe it’s to be the best
athlete in your field maybe to be the
best manager in your marketplace maybe
it’s to be the best mother or father in
your community maybe it’s to be the best
student at your university I don’t know
what that fire within your heart is but
I am here to tell you with great love
and respect that fire is a message that
fire is your instinct that fire is your
cellular DNA telling you you have an
opportunity and a responsibility to get
it done you see every one of us has the
ability to create the life we want we
just need to learn how to do it now is
there an exact formula for this but not
exactly but there are certain principles
and disciplines and actions that anybody
can do and when they’re combined in the
right order they add up to a success
system that never fails what makes your
heart race right what things in your
life do you have that when you engage in
that activity your heart rate literally
elevates reflect on your own life what
sort of things do you have and again
start flipping you can write scary-movie
skydiving whatever it is but start to go
down that list and make a list of things
that actually genuinely excite you and
you know it because your body is
responding practice faithful persistence
means never ever ever give up and so
you’ve got to be willing to persevere
because we didn’t take no sea when the
world says no you say next I think we’ve
all observed a lot of people who they
love reading the books they love showing
up at the courses they do all the online
training and nothing ever changes and
they say well you know I don’t know why
it doesn’t change why my life doesn’t
change why my thinking doesn’t change
why my performance doesn’t change why my
relationships don’t change well it’s
because ideas don’t work if you don’t
execute on them so if you look at the
great business builders you look at any
great performer one
thing that makes them great is their
grit one thing that makes them great is
their hunger to practice one thing that
makes them great is they are willing to
sacrifice you’ve got to be willing to
suffer for your vision you’ve got to be
willing to suffer to reach BIW best in
the world you’ve got to be willing to
suffer their ridicule and laughter of
your critics and your cynics to get to a
place called world class the older I get
the more I recognize they’re happiest
people the most successful people just
have great attitudes they just get up in
the morning feeling good about life get
up in the morning singing praises that
they are alive that they can walk and
talk because they are professionally
engaged that they have friends and they
have a brain and they can apply all of
that for the common good there’s
actually data that shows that people
with passion and dreams live seven to
ten years longer you can add a decade of
years to your life and there’s a medical
term for this it’s called apoptosis
apoptosis is when your brain believes
you’ve outgrown your usefulness which
can happen at any age we see it most
often when people retire and get laid
off experiencing empty-nest and when you
stop dreaming the brain sends a message
to the body that it’s no longer needed
and people start to mentally or
physically self-destruct
investing in your personal development
makes you more positive it makes you
more fearless and makes you more
confident makes you more self-aware
investing in your personal development
is all about getting to know your true
nature your potential and when you
connect with who you truly are your
potential and your inner genius and your
creativity and your talents of course
that’s going to make you exponentially
more successful in the world you want to
go to a conference every three months
you want to have a circle of mentors you
want to be in the rooms with the eight
players why because when you know more
you can achieve more when you know more
about your work and your craft and your
skill then anyone else who has ever done
it you’re gonna be untouchable because
you’re gonna see things that most people
can’t see I mean it seems really obvious
but I see so many people you know they
come into work at 9:00 and they leave at
5:00 and they don’t invest in their
mindset they don’t invest in the wealth
of their learning and here’s the real
reason why you want to do that at work
and in your personal life as you know
more you become more valuable as you
become more valuable you can deliver
more value to your customers as you
become a walking talking value breathing
machine you become the most valuable
person in your industry you actually
start to develop your own personal
economy and the marketplace always
rewards the most valuable person in any
field you will get paid the most
you will be revered the most there will
be a path of customers and followers and
genuine personal power is the ability to
consciously choose one’s own aims one’s
own attitude one owns actions that’s
true power when I can choose and no
matter the chaos I can choose a positive
attitude no matter the cost I can choose
what I want the matter the situation I
can choose my next action that’s
personal power the ability to will
yourself into thinking feeling or doing
something that’s real personal power and
when you can do it with a positive bent
towards humans towards others then
you’re a leader the caliber of your
practice determines the quality of your
performance I mean if you look at any
championship team they will tell you
that the world championship was won
before they put even one foot on the
playing field you look at any great
athlete any great chess champion any
great chef any great entrepreneur any
great athlete any great mother any great
taxi driver the quality of the
performance that you experience when you
watch them is all about what they do
when no one’s watching
how much do you practice how much do you
read how much do you study
how much do you deconstruct your winning
formula in a journal so the next day you
can get even better [Music]
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