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you’ve got to ask yourself what do I
want out of life what do you want out of
life what do you want out of a job
what do you want out of career what do
you want out of a relationship what do
you want what gives you your life what
how will you know when you got it what
will make you happy you need to know you
need to a start asking yourself some
questions what do I really really truly
you envision something you got clear
about it and then you start thinking
about all the reasons why you wanted it
you got excited about it but this is
what’s next for me now
I want this you may have dreams about it
thought about and talked about it
so when you focus on something
continuously something magical happens
you get insights don’t you overhear a
conversation you hear something you
wouldn’t have heard if you didn’t have
that outcome or goal that you want so
that if you have a specific skill set of
talent that just immediately propels you
to stop yeah you want to follow that
when you find something you’re good at
that go for it and I also always say
it’s not about passion
everybody’s got passion for something
yeah right don’t follow your passions
follow your efforts because people say
you know I was passionate to play
baseball dashes play basketball that
doesn’t mean out all of a sudden I was
going to be good enough yeah but I found
myself spending being really curious
about business being really curious
about technology and that curiosity is
really with 12 me and I think clearly if
you’re young today curiosity is great
always learning and trying to find
anything to be curious about new things
because that’s what leads you to that
path trying to figure out in advance
yeah that’s hard because you don’t know
what you don’t know you have to have an
emotional investment in what you’re
if you don’t run what you’re doing
failure is pretty much guaranteed
success is not guaranteed by any means
but failure is much more likely if you
don’t love what you do your life would
feel better and richer if you had a goal
you chase that goal you accomplished
some things you would get this boost of
confidence you get this boost of
self-esteem whatever it is they’re going
to do and maybe you’re in a drawn comic
books maybe you’re into now by making
pottery or sculptures or Lewicki but
fine whatever that is and pursue that
instead of doing nothing now is the time
to take risk you don’t have kids as you
get older your obligations increase and
once you have a family you start taking
risks not just for yourself but for your
family as well it gets much harder to do
things that might not work out so now is
the time to do that before you before
you have those obligations so I would
encourage you to take risks now to do
if you want to control your own destiny
you work for yourself that’s how it
I try to inspire those of you are on the
tipping point take the chance you’re
young go for it
there’s nothing better than being able
to wake up in the morning 10 years or 20
so you want to work on yourself you want
to read books that inspire you and
motivate you you want to listen to tapes
over and over and over again and I
suggest that you listen to tapes when
you first get up in the morning you want
to control the spirit of your day when
you first wake up in the morning your
mind is operating at 10.5 wave cycles
per second that’s when the subconscious
mind is most impressionable whatever you
hear in the first 20 minutes when you
wake up that will affect the spirit of
your day you want to make your dream
come true you got to stay focused some
people rather get even than get ahead
stay focus on where you want to go the
one commodity that is most valuable on
this earth is time time to love time to
live from the moment the human body is
it begins dying of the cue you quite
called it let me say it again from the
moment the human body is born
it begins dying some happen faster some
happens slower
some of us help them have to go faster
some of them prevent it from happening
sooner than later how many seconds how
many minutes do we waste every day doing
things that are nowhere near the goal
and aspirations and passions that we
have inside how many times you go
through the course of a day and realize
did I do anything I set out to do today
write down those goals each and every
day no matter there’s two goals a day if
you can accomplish those then you’re
doing more than just making it through
the day you are living and achieving
your dream
find time to better yourself read
explore research live life do things
you’ve never thought of doing before
that’s what it’s all about
when you’re born that’s that date that
they put on the left side of the
tombstone when you die they put another
date on the right side of the tombstone
but that – in the middle is the most
important thing on that tombstone that
is a line that you out that entire time
frame you were able to impact and touch
mother’s life you were able to leave
your mark on this earth you were able to
feel the legacy that nobody could change
you were able to have it to where people
remember who you are
no matter what when you’re living for
that – in the middle you’re going to
remember your why because you’re why
while you’re here not not – why why did
you do something you’re why you’re your
reason for getting up in the morning
your reason for pushing yourself past
the brink of exertion and get it up your
reason for moving on and getting things
done in life that – in the middle that’s
how do you rate yourself on a scale of
one to ten in terms of your physical
appearance in terms of your health do
you take care of yourself are you
allowing yourself to get overweight and
out of shape are you conscious of your
health are you watching the food that
you take into your body do you make a
deliberate effort to exercise you know
it was George Burns is that we cannot
help getting older but we don’t have to
get old and many of us get old before
our time because we don’t take time to
take care of ourselves your environment
is a very good indicator on a scale of
one to ten isn’t what you want it to be
do you find it desirable are you
satisfied the job a career that you’re
involved in someone said that 85% of the
American public unhappy with their job
are you spending eight hours a day just
doing time doing something that you
don’t find challenging that does not
make you stretch mentally that does not
stimulate you that does not inspire you
something that you don’t find a sense of
fulfillment in it if you’re doing that
day in and day out it has to affect how
you feel about yourself your level of
motivation your relationships
what kind of impact is that having on
your life is it nourishing or is it a
toxic relationship does it drain you or
does it build you up ask yourself that
how motivated are you to do something
about it
your contribution your actions what are
you giving many people will leave the
universe without a trace no one will
know they were here and in fact under
their name we could put under their not
used up will anybody know that you came
this way what contribution are you
giving what will you leave what will be
different because you came this way just
just stop for a second
write down your why what are you doing
this for in life if your why doesn’t
make you cry that’s not your wife again
if your why doesn’t make you cry then
that’s not your why your why should be
something so big that it moves your
family tree your why should be something
so big that it changes the whole outlook
on how things are with you and your home
think about your passion
think about your opportunity and that’s
how you find your purpose OPP when that
why meets up with your passion your
opportunity your purpose then you’ll
find out the most important day in your
life is the day you remember why you were born
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