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The Secret to Morning Victory | One Of The Best Motivational Compilation for 2018 |

I wanted to spell a myth for you it’s
the talent myth it’s the belief that
some people were just born with more
than others that some people are
naturally gifted in some art and that’s
just the way the cookie crumbles and
whatever you’re gonna be is essentially
determined by how you started that your
DNA is exactly your destiny I’m here to
tell you right now
that’s it’s just not true it’s
not the truth of the way that humans are
designed as a species were the ultimate
adaptation machine that the very thing
that puts us at the top of the pyramid
is our ability to adapt it is the fact
that the brain is plastic that it
responds to change it responds to
stressors it responds to repetition and
repetition is a slave to obsession as
Conor McGregor said there’s no talent
here this is hard work this is an
obsession you could be anyone if you put
in the time that’s one of the greatest
athletes of our time telling you that
he’s not the result of genetics he’s not
the result of natural gifts he hasn’t
been bestowed something by God he has
shown up day after day in the most
mundane of conditions on the cold days
on the hot days he put in the work
because he was obsessed with what he
could become and that repetition that
you need to actually gain a skill
follows that obsession so in you right
now right now today you want to start
building that obsession you want to look
at it like an ember that can become a
raging fire but it needs your time and
it needs your time and attention you’ve
got to take that interest you’ve got to
take that spark of desire and you’ve got
to fan the flame
you’ve got to turn it into that
obsession and from that obsession if you
put in the work if you do the things day
in and date out the back-breaking work
pushing through the pain
fighting through feeling like an idiot
fighting through embarrassment getting
up brushing yourself off doing it again
practicing putting yourself at
somebody’s feet and asking what could I
have done better not look at the things
you’re doing well but look at the things
you’re doing wrong look at the things
you’re doing poorly staring at your
inadequacies with no loss of pride
because the only thing you value in
yourself is your willingness to do that
your meaning is to work your ass off and
as Sylvester Stallone said I’m not the
richest smartest or most talented person
in the world but I succeed because I
keep going and going and going and
that’s the secret there’s nothing more
than that
the people that you see the win at the
highest level they were the ones that
didn’t give up they’re the survivors and
you’ve got to ask yourself am i a
survivor type am I the type of person
that continues to push through when it
gets hard when it gets boring when I
feel lost when I don’t know what I’m
doing when I have no faith in myself
even in that darkest hour can I push
forward can I accept that the human body
will respond to that stress it will
respond to that stimulus but I have to
show up and I have to do the work and so
that’s the beautiful thing you’re not
gonna separate yourself based on your
genetics you’re not gonna separate
yourself based on who your parents were
where you were born
you’re gonna separate yourself by
showing up and you don’t want to you’re
gonna separate yourself by pushing
forward when it hurts
you’re gonna separate yourself by always
moving forward even when the forward is
falling on your face so never lose sight
of that it’s the person that keeps going
your biggest fear is accomplishing your
dream your biggest fear is achieving
your goal being the hero that your true
being is all about you are afraid of the
power within yourself
maybe you had thoughts about it just for
a second but then found it scary but
ridiculous and decided to close your
eyes once again asleep
the truth can be disturbing at first and
it is easier to feel powerless than 90
it is easier to lie to yourself that to
be truly honest with yourself
do you believe in fate
or do you believe in many endings which
just defer depending on which door you
choose to walk through and which
decisions you take
the truth is that everything you are the
world is also everything that you are
not the world is not your mind dictates
what you see or how you see it your mind
can slow time down or can speed it up
depending on how much you want it you
are a creator and your resistance or
ignorance of this fact is what causes
you can create your own heaven on earth
through your mind but if you refuse to
do so you are like the lion who thinks
he’s one of the Sheep you are powerful
you are greatness you are fearless you
are everything you wish to be but you
have to choose to be so you have to
decide who you are going to be every
minute every second of your life for
fear is only in your mind you choose
fear so you can close your eyes and keep
on sleeping like a deep winter that
follows over the lands being in the now
of eternity is an intimidating and scary
thought which can humble any man but if
you look at it again you will realize
that you are something magnificent
something great
because every thought every movement of
yours is a part of this whole theater of
life part of this neverending story your
mind is more powerful than all the
computers in the world put together
there are thoughts your feelings and
your dreams are your tools for creating
in the first place everything that
exists in this world today is the
product of man’s thoughts feelings and
God became man so man could become God
through his feelings through his ideas
you can imagine your own life in you
but in the end it is all you so what are
you afraid of you must learn to control
your ideas and thoughts so you breathe
them into existence by mere thinking a
beautiful mind it is but you must let
the beauty become alive not withhold it
through fear ignorance or 8:4 you can
create darkness but also light and light
good is so much better than evil you are
good you are light you are brave you are
nothing can stop you but you nothing can
save you but you so stop searching
because all the answers you need are
and never lose your inner child for it
is the way you were meant to be the
child doesn’t know greed a child doesn’t
know fear a child doesn’t know hate it
is taught to these things but it’s never
born with them so never forget you are
always the idea about yourself which
you’re keeping your mind if you like a
champion and become a champion feel
loved and become loved feel successful
and become successful you are such a
beautiful being that you are ashamed of
your own beauty your heart can be filled
with only joy and happiness if you let
it and as soon as you start ignoring
fear and pain and stop paying attention
to it it will cease to exist as soon as
you concentrate and focus on that
you will think it into existence
bit by bit thought by thought the moment
by moment like a snowball rolling down a
but we’ll become bigger stronger and
mightier so that nothing can hold you
that is your true self
so what are you afraid of what is your
thanks for watching leave a comment and
tell us if you like this kind of video
and what video we should do next who do
you want to be what inspires you I want
you to listen to those thoughts I want
you to act with both your mind but also
your heart and no matter what path you
choose I want you to make sure it’s you
choosing it and not someone else life is
bad for a bunch of people good for a lot
of people and great for a few you guys
got to decide where it’s gonna be okay
like your potential is where you’ll
determine your greatness I challenge you
to only be focused on hey man what’s my
potential because if I’m operating in my
potential the next place no matter how
good you are I may agree there’s another
potential no matter how good you play
your video game no matter how good you
are in school no matter how you good you
are on the field there’s another place
where coaches trying to push you to that
next level and that’s where it gets
how do we get better than we are today
how do we get two more if you’re going
to reach your highest potential you have
to make up your mind that you are in it
for the long haul you’re not going to
let people talk you out of it
circumstances discourage you delays
caused you to give up critical people
caused you to get distracted you’re
going to stay focused on your call these
are words to remember when anyone tries
to tell you to give up tell you to give
in because whatever you’re trying to do
is impossible the champ said this
impossible is just a word thrown around
by a small men who find it easier to
live in the world they’ve been given
than to explore the power they have to
change it impossible is not a fact it’s
an opinion impossible this potential
impossible is temporary
impossible is nothing if you’re thinking
is stinking your dreams are shrinking
that is an absolute 100% fact your
thinking is the navigation system of
your destiny your life is aimed today at
your current most dominant thought who
do you listen to who do you associate
with it we all know what we have them in
all right my goal is down every morning
and every night okay every morning when
I wake up pull out a legal pad
hey where am I going in my life where am
I going what do I want to do what kind
of life do I want for my family what
kind of life how much money do I want do
I want to own a private jet would I like
to have a helicopter what I like to have
a big boat okay what do I want for my
kids every morning I wake up and the
first thing I do is I write down my
goals before I go to sleep at night
I write down my goals every time I lose
in life every time I lose every time I’m
defeated I write my goals down why do I
want to do that why would that be
beneficial to me it motivates me it puts
my attention on where I’m going not
where I’m at I want you to stop dreaming
and I want you to just start doing small
things I want you to go back to
curiosity and less into crushing your
vehicle to think about life and business
and success is that you have to be
willing to start and for people that
procrastinate starting is the hardest
part for people that worry for people
that think too big starting is the
the only way to get out of the mental
trap is to stop thinking and actually
start doing it and maybe thinking that
this is going to be your full-time
employment that’s the wrong way to go
about it I want you to literally just
commit to writing some sort of blog
about fashion every day for a
week that’s it don’t think about
full-time don’t think about the bigness
of it actually start doing it you may
discover you don’t like it for crying
out loud but you’re never ever ever
going to advance if you continue up here
get up in the morning and invite good
things into your life I am blessed I am
strong I am talented I am disciplined I
am focused I am prosperous when you talk
like that talent gets summoned by
Almighty God go find that person health
strength abundance discipline starts
heading your way but how many people
when they wake up in the morning look in
the mirror the first thing they say I am
so old I am so wrinkled I am so worn out
you are inviting oldest you’re inviting
fatigue but when you get up in the
morning don’t talk about how old you are
how bad you look dare to say I am young
I am energetic I am vibrant I am radiant
I am fresh some of you women have never
once said I am beautiful you’re so
focused on your flaws and what you don’t
like about yourself when you say I am
beautiful beauty comes looking for you
youth comes looking for you freshness
comes looking for you nobody can do this
for you it’s got to come out of your own
mouth you’ve got two choices in life
choice one you can become somebody else
choice – you can become yourself now I
really wish that there was only one
choice but in truth there’s not in most
people choose to try to become someone
else because it’s a road map its points
in a direction you see someone you
respond to something you admire them you
want to be like them and in that process
you’ve made your decision in that
process you’ve decided to become
somebody else you have mistaken the
finger for the moon instead you need to
understand the being inspired by
somebody does not mean to become that
person to become that which inspires you
it is to understand fundamentally what
is it about that thing that excites you
what is it what is its essence
and when you can find its essence then
you can find out how it would apply to
you becoming you and as then she says
flower does not think about competing
with the flower next to it it just
blooms and that’s really your job is to
see the outside world to see the flower
next to you to understand the amazing
things that are happening all around you
all of the incredible people and the
essence of what they have and what it is
that they’ve done to bring inside
yourself and find out what does that
look like when it’s me not what do I
look like when I’m them and once you
understand the difference between that
then you can really begin to be
something unique you can become that
thing that you were meant to be that
thing that makes you feel alive and
whole and that’s it that’s the secret
you’re just trying to be something not
that’s just inspiring to other people
but that you actually want to wake up
every day and be and that’s the
thing about it
so escaping you whatever you become a
lie the truth somebody else yourself
whatever it is there’s been every day of
your life there and as Albert Einstein
said everybody’s a genius but if you
judge a fish by its ability to climb a
tree it will live it’s whole life
believing that it’s stupid
what confuses people people believe that
they’re done because they’re not finding
their path they’re not defining things
based on what excites them and what they
want to live with every day they’re just
looking to what the outside world says
is good and I think it’s incredible that
there are other people doing things that
are so extraordinary that we aspire to
be like that but you have to understand
the difference between being like
someone and trying to actually be them
so if what inspires you is that somebody
works hard work hard if what inspires
you is that somebody gets up every time
they fail to get up every time you fail
if what you like is that they’re
themselves with all their weird
eccentricities and quirks then be true
to your eccentricities and quirks but
don’t try to embody their eccentricities
and quirks that’s the surest way to
become the fish that thinks it’s stupid
because it’s being judged by trying to
climb a tree
so with Scott Belsky said when 99% of
the people doubt your idea you’re either
gravely wrong or about to make history
and that’s the terrifying part you’re
not gonna know you’re not gonna know the
difference but if you’re chasing
somebody else’s path if your whole game
is emulation if your whole game is to
mimic that which inspires you you will
never find the thing that’s real about
you and look I don’t know about you but
I can be wrong I can be gravely wrong I
can have people think me an idiot and
try something and fail as long as it was
true to me because then the lesson that
I’m gonna learn is going to apply it’s
gonna take me an ever step closer to
actually being the person that I want to
become that I want to live with every
I can’t be back if I don’t understand
who I want to be so look inward identify
your path identify what excites you and
go after it as if your life depends on
because in truth it does
every morning with your feet hit the
tell yourself today is today today is
the day I will be at my people today is
the day I will set my life up to win set
my future for success today is the day I
plant seeds that will grow into
greatness in my future today I will give
my all every minute every moment with
everyone I encounter to live a great
life you’re gonna get your morning’s
right don’t just wander out of bed and
throw yourself aimlessly into the drama
of this world set your foundation for a
strong day which will lead to better
habits and in time a better life get up
with purpose and develop a routine that
works for you work out get your body
moving create a habit that builds a
strong body and a strong mind be
grateful spend at least a few minutes
and appreciation for all the things you
do have and for other opportunities that
are coming your way too damn thank you
thank you for this day
thank you I’m alive thanks you are
thank you for my family thank you for my
drive my passion thank you for the
opportunities coming my way today I am
ready set your goals and intentions for
the day
no one will reach their most sought
after destination if they don’t know
where that place is
what are you going to accomplish today
what miracles are you going to create
today write them down
believe you can do it and get to work
start your day with power in intention
you live your life to spread the
direction this is my I control how I
react to everything today today I will
plant seeds for my future
today I am alive today I am grateful
I look for the good today I notice
opportunities today I execute this lies
what you want from mistake believe great
things are coming meditate could your
mind of all negativity this is your
thing that’s a life up to way how you
start your day often determines how you
live your day how you start your day
determines your future how you start
your days consistently determines the
quality of your life you must set up a
morning routine that gets you in a
strong positive mind frame ready for
anything this day will throw your way
ask yourself the most important
questions of all if today were my last
day on this how do I want to live it
what example will I set how will i treat
others do not let your dreams go up in
you have opportunity this day to make it
your greatest day ever
even if nothing comes this thing your
attitude will be better than any other
day and that alone will lead to great
things you just keep doing it every day
growing and evolving giving your all and
you will achieve great things I
guarantee you the
that day is today today is your chance
to become who you were designed to
become to do better to bring better
today gonna be the greatest day of my
life today I am on purpose show me a
successful person that aimlessly gets
out of bed wonders happen to the crazy
world and succeeds at a high level they
don’t exist
get yourself together in the morning get
up early does a reason why so many
people get up earlier than the rest
no why’d you bother them the early hours
of the morning are the best time to
think without distraction to create to
set goals and to clear your mind of any
doubt or negativity
do it worse for you just build a strong
foundation early in the morn a strong
foundation that will lead to a strong
life the first thing I do when I get up
each morning is saying thank you nothing
in this world will get you in a stronger
clearer state of mind than starting your
day with gratitude gratitude it’s not
fart every now and then it’s for every
single day
gratitude is not for weirdos it’s for
winners successful people are grateful
people stay away from social media and
news there’s plenty of time to fry your
brain for the rest of the day the
morning it’s time to clear your mind of
crap and power it up with positive
powerful box if it works for you get in
some information develop a mindset and
belief of a winner stand like you
already have it believe like you will
get it know that it will come if you
keep working toward it if you keep
finding out how you can get it prepare
your meals for the day your body is your
temple don’t get stuck and half defeated
garbage your temple deserves solid
foundations strong food strong pie
strong body just bromine strong wine
strong you
today will be the greatest day of my
today I am on purpose those who live
great lives know the power of the
morning the power of creating strong
habits in the moon a morning routine that will set you up for a breakable day
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