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The Science of Achievement | Tonny Robbins Greatest Advice

do you have anything like is there
something like that that we can do for
ourselves you know for someone watching
if they find those elves Wow
I always seem to go into this funk or I
always seem to get myself into the state
is there way that we can break our own
patterns there is I think the first step
is the awareness that it is a pattern
that it is not you it’s really hard to
change yourself it’s easy to change
pattern but when you’ve lived a pattern
so often we get the illusion that that’s
me that I’m you know a person that puts
things off you know I’m a procrastinator
or I’m you know not aggressive or
whatever it is and we have all these
aspects of our life some of which are
more developed than others but they’re
in there so I think being aware of the
pattern it’s limited step one and that
step two is breaking it but people can
break their pattern easily they just
don’t not only because they’re in it but
because most people have never decided
to say I’m not going to tolerate this in
myself anymore so awareness is step one
step two is raising the standard and
going this just isn’t me this is not
what I stand for this is not good for my
kids this is not good for my husband or
wife this is not good for though it’s
not good for me and then putting line in
the sand that says this ends here now
and then how to break your pattern
there’s a million ways to break your
pattern I mean you know all lasting
change happens in an altered state see
most of us think of hypnosis like people
saying you can’t hypnotize me and
they’re usually in a trance when they’re
telling me that I don’t advertise any of
it I D hypnotize them we’ve been
hypnotized by our culture to settle for
this we’ve been hypnotized by our past
to think of ourselves as being limited
when we’re not and so what I really try
to do is i alter people’s stay cuz in an
altered state we’ll do it just knowing
most of us know what doesn’t work and
what works most of us know we’re
screwing that most of us know what we
should do but we don’t do it and the
reason is because in that state of mind
you’re not going to I mean if you want
I’m going to rant on what is my highest
level mission right now yes okay so for
decades my obsession has been you know
what makes the difference in people
right why it is some people you give
them everything love joy tremendous
education economic wealth well-being and
they end up going in and out of rehab
all day long how many actors actresses
wealthy people have you seen do this
it’s sad and then there are people that
life is just beat the hell out of
right it’s been people gone through
physical abuse sexual abuse emotional
spiritual abuse and many of those people
rather than being broken becomes so
hungry so driven because they don’t want
anybody else to experience that I’m an
example of that that they become
masterful in things right but along the
way it’s like okay so what am I really
about I said I’m really my real mission
is help people get what they really want
and help them have what I would call you
know you might say I want to lose weight
I want to make more money you know I
want have a better relationship but what
people really want is an extraordinary
life a magnificent life which to me is
life on your terms not Tony’s terms not
your friends terms not yours not even
your spouse’s terms like what is going
to light you up in this life and lets
people know what that is you need to
skills to get there what I’ve taught for
decades the science of achievement and
you know and you know me well enough and
I know you well enough that we both have
been obsessive about finding the
strategies that can help people get the
result they want faster than they ever
have and you’re brilliant at it I’m
really good at it and we have a lot of
friends that are really good at but most
people can figure that out we can open
to it faster and I and I think that’s a
great service and I love being able to
do that and I love knowing answers that
can help people so quickly but it’s a
science to achieve meaning if you’re if
you look around and you know I wrote a
book I think you know about a year ago I
spent four years on it and I want to
answer the question how do I help people
financially in the world or most people
are suffering especially with the
markets internal office and I thought I
don’t have those answers I have some
answers the people the best answers when
you should go go if you want to achieve
something find somebody didn’t the
result you want and model them success
leaves clues go find out write my
original teachers your name taught me
that I never forgotten so I went out and
interviewed 50 of the smartest financial
people in the world you know everybody
from Warren Buffett Carl Icahn and I
found the common patterns if you live by
these patterns you’ll have more than
enough money you may not be a
billionaire they are more than a funny
if you violate these rules the science
you’re gonna have too much month at the
end of the money you’re gonna be
stressed out same thing with your body
we’re all biochemically unique but there
are rules you and I both know
scientifically that we violate them our
energy drops if we align and we’re kind
of disease we align with them high
energy so that’s the science of
achievement get there quicker
how do you do
one obsess about what you want right
focus on it continuously have so much
emotion about it that you take massive
action keep changing your approach model
somebody really great and then with some
grace take some grace to some call it
luck and some call it God if you do the
first three steps that fourth step
usually kicks you over but the more
important lesson and the one that I’m
obsessed by getting to people’s minds so
I really appreciate me planting the seed
with everybody the one little change
your life more is the art of fulfillment
and I say the art of evelopment because
what will turn you on excites you
fulfill you is going to be different
than this man here who I know is your
friend behind the camera and this
beautiful lady here it doesn’t matter
how close we are or we all still are
fulfilled by slightly different things
and so you know what I really want is I
believe that success without fulfillment
is the ultimate failure and I really
want people to be fulfilled even more so
because billionaires that sounds
ridiculous but they’re a dime a dozen
that’s an exaggeration meaning lots of
you become billionaires what’s hell of
lot more rare or someone who loves life
every single day and stays happy when it
doesn’t go their way there’s nothing
worse than an angry rich man and angry
ritual you want to slap them you know
it’s like they have every benefit in
life but that’s what the human mind does
the human brain is two million years old
and this is not designed to make you
happy it’s designed to make you survive
and survival it does it by fear so what
the brain does is looks for what do I
need a fight-or-flight from and so it’s
always looking for what’s wrong and our
minds can take us over unless your heart
is what’s running you so what I try to
do is show people has shift that
Cheevers don’t think they have fear now
you know you know I’ve shared with you
before I like stress is the achiever
with fear I’m never fearful I’m just
stressed well if I follow your stress
it’ll take me to fear so what I found is
I suffered because suffering there’s
only two states you can live in two
types beautiful states of being
happiness would be one but if you just
try to be happy all the time it’s not
real I just you know some people smile
so much the face hurts it’s a beautiful
thing but I’m nervous a nice variety in
our nervous system so think of it this
way beautiful states could be aw
it could be love it could be passion it
could be a courageous moment it could be
being driven it could be happy but in
those states no one has to tell you what
to do and you always treat yourself and
others in the right way and no one has
to tell you to cuz in that state you
just do the right thing in those states
the other states we can live in our
suffering states and I’m a good friend
named Christian Angie I was in India
with him we’re having discussions you
talk about peak States and you know
lousy States because I look at those as
suffering and beautiful state sounds
like so suffering would be frustration
anger overwhelmed stress worry
loneliness depressing you there’s a
there’s a range of them and I wouldn’t I
wasn’t depressed but I’d be first best
off or frustrated overwhelmed at times
and I just that’s part of life here’s
what I believe today that’s not part of
life that’s the mind that if you don’t
manage it you can have everyone loving
you you can have those beautiful family
you can have twenty eight out of your
words you can have all the money you
could spend and you’re still going to be
in pain so my invitation that those
viewers that are watching us and to you
as a dear friend is to raise the bar on
what we call suffering so you see it for
what it is and to realize that you can
free yourself from it and it’s not some
ethereal spiritual thing from India to
do that it’s just I think life is too
short to suffer [Music]
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