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Learn How To Use Your Mind More Effectively | Marisa Peer

I don’t like wish wishing says to your
mind you haven’t got a prayer but you
might as well wish because wishing just
says you’re not gonna do there oh I wish
no one says I wish I could get up in the
morning and clean my teeth I wish I
could pick up that pencil and write a
note you don’t see we should go what I’m
doing it so when you say to the mind I
wish I could it says yeah me too get
over it
when you say to the mind I hope I hope I
get this right it goes yeah we’ll keep
hoping cuz you’re not gonna do that when
you go if only am I goes well you never
managed it before so keep on with you if
only why don’t you but when you do it
differently I go I will memorize this
it’s going in I have a phenomenal memory
my memory is awesome I’ve read things
and they empower mean they stick and I
remember everything it has a totally
different effect every thought you think
and every word you say forms a blueprint
and your mind must work to make that
blueprint real so when you say I can’t
remember anything I’d lose the eyes and
the back of my head if they weren’t
fixed in there because I just can’t
remember anything your mind cuz that’s a
blueprint let me take you to it if your
boss says to you can you do that you’ve
got oh my god I’m gonna have to race
through it and I’m gonna have to rush it
I’ve got enough time to prepare I know
I’m gonna get it wrong I’m gonna go
onstage over my mouth ago oh well when
you say that it tends to be realized in
powerful language you can never say
gonna fall you’re gonna mess that up
you’re gonna ruin everything that’s just
not going to work out you have to say
the opposite okay I’ve only got ten
minutes to prepare my speech only need
ten minutes
I’ve only got ten minutes to get there
that’s exactly how much time I need and
if I’m late I wasn’t supposed to be
there on time if I was recently going in
a cab across town to get a train to work
with a football team and we got stuck in
traffic and so I was playing a game with
it oh my god I’m gonna miss the train
this is terrible I’m gonna ruin my
reputation the team are gonna be so
upset and I thought really thick and
unless I say
the trains run every 20 minutes it
doesn’t matter what 20 minutes my
materials so great they have lots of
time off will they finish practicing at
three o’clock and and it was fine so all
the way there I was playing a game and I
actually got the train on time but they
really wouldn’t have minded but I could
have ruined my day made myself panicky
and sweaty but going oh my god I haven’t
got enough time and now it’s all ruined
and it’s never ruined you can come back
from anything because the mind believes
what you tell it you see you have a
choice every day you get to choose how
to speak to yourself you know what you
don’t get to choose what you do to your
body when you say I’m an idiot
I knew I’d mess that up I knew that
relationship wouldn’t work I’ve been
waiting for it to go wrong in fact the
day we got married
I stuck stickers on all my stuff so when
we got divorced there’d be no confusion
they plan it and you don’t want to plan
you’re a Banat well you can choose to be
negative or positive that’s your choice
but you cannot choose what you do to
yourself when you use negative language
to the first floor of the mind what you
expect is realized so here’s my advice
to you expect amazing things then if
what is expected tends to be realised
expect the best expect love
sass and an amazing life because you
know what it will probably be realized
really fast
if you expect it when I’m a client
really I love the words where did you
get those words unlike well I find the
most negative ones and I flipped them
over I’m useless I’m spectacular I’m
terrified I’m delighted and by the way
fear and an excitement are exactly the
same you can be on a funfair screaming
your head off again
oh look at that where are they scared or
excited I don’t know do you because it’s
the same when you’re excited you scream
and when you’re scared you scream so
whatever you’re doing so I’m excited and
you’ll feel excited I’ll go I’m
terrified and you’ll feel terrified
here’s your minds job it’s got a very
clear job I’m your mind and I’m gonna do
what I think you want who’s ever done
this what I would give for a week off
lying about your mind guys leave that
with me now you got the flu how cool am
i I listen to you you wanted a week off
lying around watching Netflix now you
got it that’s not what you wanted you
need to say I need some time and I’m
like a battery I need to recharge and
I’m okay at working full out all week
because at weekends I recharge like a
battery now your mind understands but
saying I’d give anything not to have to
chair that meeting mongers how about a
nice dose of diarrhea I can bring that
for you you don’t want to chair that
meeting you said I’d do anything not to
go I’d rather kill myself than give that
presentation to my boss I guess I don’t
kill yourself
I just give you a really upset stomach
now you can’t even leave the bathroom
there’s no chance you’re meeting your
boss done what you wanted I know I’m
making it funny but it is funny that so
many people don’t understand your Minds
job is to do what it thinks you want and
it bases that on one thing the words you
use why don’t you do your job and talk
to your mind better and here’s some
great news you can change those words
and change those pictures like that and
when you do that it changes
everything I’ve got to work on my
website all weekend and all my friends
are in the bar so I can link paint that
it’s not fair it’s not fair that I’ve
got to spend all weekend writing when I
could be in the pub now your minds gonna
go I think you should tidy up your sock
drawer make sure all your Forks face the
right way then plump up the cushions and
then go to the pub because it’s very
clear you do not want to work on your
website but oh boy getting those forks
and knives in line is really compelling
who’s done that most of us do that I
suddenly need to do the laundry which I
don’t even know I’m tidying up my house
because I think I don’t want to write
that bit of work how about saying it
thrills me to work on my website I’m
elated working on my web that there was
nowhere I’d rather be in the whole world
right now than sitting in my office
working on my website your mind because
I’m going to set you on fire now you’re
going to be doing this until 2:00 in the
morning you told me you loved it and it
throws you let me fill you up with
energy and passion I’m a writer I know
how this works
I never go oh my god I’ve got to write a
book it’s so lonely it’s isolating and
what if no one liked what if it goes on
am as they go I hate that book and it
gets no stars or I can go I love writing
how cool is it I get to write people pay
for my books and they like them and they
give me great reviews because here’s the
choice going on again so whatever you
want you must link massive pleasure to
what you want because what you want
wants you and what you are moving
towards is moving towards you don’t move
towards fear
don’t move towards fail
move towards it going wrong move towards
it going right [Music]
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