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Dr. Steven Gundry Explains How Seemingly Healthy Foods Are Making Us Sick

the best way to think about your skin is
your the lining of your gut is actually
your skin turned inside-out and so you
have from your mouth all the way down to
your anus a tube that’s got the surface
area of a tennis court and everything
that you swallow is actually outside of
you as it’s moving through the inside
skin has to do the same functions as the
outside skin and that is keep things
away from us but it’s got a fatal flaw
it not only has to keep things out but
it has to let things in like the
proteins and the fats and the sugars
that we eat so that’s where the mischief
can happen but when I see someone with
an external skin problem it’s always a
reflection of what’s actually happening
what is that process what does it look
like how can people that are watching
this now if they’re struggling from
something how do they begin that process
of repair so that you know I think the
first thing you do is get major electon
containing foods out of your diet you
won’t like me for a couple of weeks but
most people even within a couple weeks
begin to notice a difference so these
are anti-nutrients grains and beans
that’s number one number two cheese’s
for instance are safe from France Italy
and Switzerland sheep goats and water
buffalo are all casein a two now the
newest addition to our diet is some of
our most precious foods are American
North American or South American foods
for instance in the nightshade family
potatoes eggplant peppers tomatoes and
goji berries so the nightshades
the peel and the and the seeds have the
lectins and native american indians in
the southwest always peel and de-seed
their peppers they char their peppers
they D seed them and then they either
rind it into chili or eat them that way
but they always do that
the Italians always peel and deseed
their tomatoes before they make sauce
and is this like a cultural intuition
kind of thing where they hate what I
what I like to do is I go around the
world studying cultures and figuring out
why did they do this how did they
detoxify electives for instance rice was
invented 8,000 years ago four billion
people use rice as their staple yet four
billion people take the haul off of rice
and eat it white and surely there can’t
be four billion dumb people who don’t
know any better that white rice is bad
for them and brown rice is good for them
in fact they’ve been taking the haul off
of rice for eight thousand years you
know you are what you eat but you are
what the thing you’re eating
if i had only heard some headlines about
you I would have thought Oh red meat
I’ll get after it because I eat a ton of
red meat and think I’m doing healthy
things so you don’t eat a lot of meat
why not so we found that there was a
molecule sugar molecule on the wall of
pig blood vessels that’s totally
different from the sugar molecule that’s
in ours but it differs by only one
actually atom and it’s new it’s called
neu5gc in pigs cows and lambs and we
carry what’s called new 5ac and I have
nothing against red meat but if you look
statistically the red meat eaters do
have significantly more coronary heart
disease and significantly more cancer
now why cancer well it turns out that
cancers tumors in humans use neu5gc to
shield themselves from detection by the
immune system the problem is we don’t
manufacture neu5gc nor can a cancer cell
which means they acquired it from
external sources namely beef lamb and
now fish doesn’t carry it they have the
same molecule that we do and chicken
have the same molecule that we do so I
urge people if they’re going to eat
animal protein and I I do to use wild
shellfish or wild fish as their main
source of animal protein do I eat me
yeah I mean do I eat beef I do but I get
grass fed and grass-finished beef and I
use it as as a treat not as a mainstay
of my diet but what’s the one big change
that people can make in their life that
would have the biggest impact on their
the biggest change that people can make
is just get these foods that you are not
designed eat out of your life for a
while watch what happens the grains and
the beans and the nightshades
and stop eating peanuts and cashews
they’re beans they’re not nuts and I
can’t tell you in the number of people
who have gut issues or even heart
disease issues the peanuts and cashews were one of the big mischief makers
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