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Develop Discipline and Build a Daily Routine – Jocko Willink Discipline Motivation

how do I get the desire to have
discipline I keep getting asked this
type of question how do I get discipline
or how do I want discipline or how do I
maintain discipline and the answer it’s
it’s a simple answer but obviously it’s
not easy and there’s all kinds of little
tricks and methods that people talk
about and you know they have some merit
you know maybe they do work these these
things you know do the little things
people say and wake up early I say that
and write things down and take cold
showers and tell everyone what you’re
going to do so broadcast it and make
promises or or make bets with with your
friends of something that you don’t want
to lose and those things those ideas
they’re cool I’m sure they’re gonna have
some impact and if they work for you
that’s that’s awesome but but the fact
of the matter is that the reason
discipline is hard to maintain is
because it is hard to maintain that’s
what makes discipline hard it’s hard and
if you hear me claim that discipline is
easy for me then straight up that’s just
my ego talking that’s what that is
unfortunately just as human as everyone
else and it is work to maintain the
discipline that’s what it is work
holding the line maintaining the
standard giving no slack none that’s the
discipline that’s the discipline and it
is hard and if there’s one thing I would
say that does make it easier it’s to
envision what it feels like when you’re
done what it feels like after you’ve
worked out or you’ve held the line on
your food intake or you’ve pushed
through some monotonous project that you
have to do in all those things when
contrary to that envision what you will
feel like later when you let the
feeling weak and defeated and you know
that you’re falling behind so get to
know those two different types of
feelings and ask yourself which one you
want to feel in ten minutes
or in a half an hour when when the thing
is done when the discipline has blim
implemented remember what that feels
like and then remember that those
minutes and those hours they turn into
weeks and months and years and holding
the line in those critical minutes will
put you in an infinitely better place
physically and mentally if you maintain
the discipline so work through the
weakness fight through the temptation
hold the line
hold the line
because yes because discipline equals freedom
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