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there is a revolution going on a
revolution in our minds a revolution in
our lives everyone is talking about the
power of mind positive thinking the law
of attraction creative visualization
motivation and achieving success
everyone is looking for more info on how
to change the mind on how to change the
life on how to be motivated there is no
secret that your mind makes rules in
your life you knew this you have heard
this and perhaps you already have
started working on it you’re going
through a creative dry spell where your
mind is blank nothing’s coming to you
about your next move you feel
spiritually alone locked frustrated and
demoralized but there’s no need to worry
because this is the normal and necessary
first phase of the creative process
having a clear and specific idea of what
you want in life is all that’s necessary
to stimulate towards action so desires
comes first but let’s say you don’t even
know what you want that’s the perfect
beginning because starting with a blank
slate gives you unlimited possibilities
the next question becomes what can you
put on that slate to begin the
motivation process what’s the overall
thing that you want in life
what’s the topmost thing
how about happiness Aristotle said all
people want is to be happy happiness is
the perfect starting point because it’s
an essential and an all-encompassing
desire but at this stage of the creative
process happiness is just the word a
very abstract way now you want to put
some flesh on it by being more specific
as to the thing that makes you happy so
you ask yourself that is you ask your
mind what specific thing can I be do I
have that which will make me happy at
this point in my life then just calmly
and patiently listen for the answer
knowing that it must end will come
why must then will it come because your
mind is hardwired as a question and
answer computer the conscious mind asks
the questions the subconscious mind
answers the questions that’s how it
motive is the feature that arouses an
action toward a desired goal the reasons
for that action which give purpose and
direction to behavior again elaborating
behavior that is directly affected by an
attitude it is therefore becoming
obvious that attitude and behavior are
interlinked the attitude and behavior
stimulating thrusts becomes the
motivation learning how to overcome
procrastination can also help you get
motivated and stay motivated deep now
most people know what they’re supposed
to do to improve their lives but they
procrastinate doing that activity we
just don’t want to do it we don’t want
to take decisions most of us know
there’s something we need to do that
we’ve been procrastinating yet by not
taking the necessary decisions to move
away from all kinds of negativity we end
up cluttering our minds further
our thoughts manifest themselves in our
own circumstances look at a successful
person think about what kind of dominant
thoughts this person has this person has
positive and successful thoughts which
prevail over negative stuff and gets
them motivated are you thinking in the
right direction
are you not wasting time on things that
breed negativity change the way you
think change your negative thoughts into
positive ones find the positive side to
everything whenever you catch yourself
worrying about something blaming
somebody or some events realize that all
starts with your thoughts and then it
becomes your destiny switch your
thoughts to something else that you
really enjoy be motivated [Music]
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